[UK] Ray 'Silent' R. GSD Captain

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Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 22, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:635846343
Discord name: cursedlostsoul
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 2w 1d 8h 1m 15s Age: 20
In what country are you located?: Germany
Time zone: GMT +1
Character name(s): Ray 'Silent' R. , George Redition
Civilian name: Teddy Bonkers
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes *(got it work finally)*
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: E-11 PVT, GSD Sergeant, SCP-22415, SCP-096, GOC PVT
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: 3d Ban & warn for Severe Toxicitity
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
I would love to lead the new Security Cadets so they can learn a bunch. I have seen a bunch of Cadets do alot of bad stuff or stuff incorrectly. I have told them what not to do or what to do especially during C1 and C5. I have seen other Captains in action and love the Idea of rallying the GSD in for a Sweep!
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:
I have hours and hours of experience as Sergeant and have helped with a lot of Sweeps and C1s. I've been there for countless breaches, prevent breaches from even happening, and also lead a small group consisting of Guards and Cadets to a victory against CI inside D-Block. I have attended both HWL and RRT Tryouts, resulting in me having both licenses. Since my active hours of duty are different from others, I would also help out as best I can. I will also be able to host Tryouts and/or Trainings in later hours due to that fact. I am also an Ex-Captain from a year ago now. I only resigned since i had a personal matter to attend to.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
1. Organize the Guards inside D-Block so that they aren't running around aimlessly
2. Host a sweep if D-Class have guns/keycards, if they have a Type-Blue or if CI are inside distributing Weaponry
3. Punish any Guards that are not doing their job or that are refusing to do so
4. Assist E-11 in breaches andNu-7 during C1 by giving Guards their positions and sending some on patrol in LCZ/HCZ
5. Host Tryouts for HWL and RRT Licenses, host trainings to get the Guards a sharp edge once more
6. Reward the Guards that have been doing especially well in their active hours by crediting them
7. Assist ISD in arrests if they are happening inside D-Block
8. Make sure no CI get into D-Block in the first place
9. And last but not least, make sure GSD looks presentable and professional as a Security Detail should be!
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

-Interview- (This is the Lore btw)
Mr M: Hello Ray.
Ray: Hello! Great to be here and finally talk about stuff!
Mr M: Yes, It's been quite sometime since we last talked, hasn't it?
Ray: Indeed! What was it, 7, 8 years ?
Mr M: I believe its been 11 years. Your sense of time is still the same I see.
Ray: 11 years already? That sure is wild. Anyways, I heard you had some questions about me?
Mr M: Yes, only a couple to finish up the files. Let's start with the first one, shall we?
Ray: Sure!
Mr M: When did you first join the MSPD?
Ray: Oh god that is a hell of a question, because quite frankly I don't remember it anymore... Maybe 20, 30 years ago ? Again my sense of time is very off nowadays.
Mr M: We'll just go with 25 years ago. Next Question. What made you join the MSPD?
Ray: Since my dad was a Lieutenant about to get promoted to Captain, he asked me what I was going to do in the future. I simply answered "The same as my great dad!" Children have a lot of wild dreams but in my case it actually came true. Now I'm here as Sergeant! Though that's not the entire story of it. The town that I grew up in had a decent amount of criminals and missing persons reports popping up. I, as the naïve child that I was, decided that I wanted to make that be the end of it. Even to this day I am in the process of solving a missing persons case.
Mr M: Interesting. How very noble of you. Onto the next question. When Mr G first reached out to you about joining us in the Foundation as Security Guard, what did you have in mind? What did you imagine how the foundation would look like?
Ray: Hmmm. I honestly just thought that it was some sort of Correction Centre. Though now that you mention it, I did question the fact that I never heard of it before joining. A bit foolish of me to be honest...
Mr M: Quite foolish indeed, but you have been a great help with our... Inmates. Of course you also were involved in countless Riots after joining us. So we thank you for that. Next Question. Did you ever interact with any unexplainable or anomalous Objects or Entities before joining the Foundation?
Ray: I was waiting for you to ask me that. I have, actually. Twice. - Once it was in a missing persons case, that has been unsolved for quite some time. It involved a House with a weird rumour. The rumour said, that anyone entering that house would get lost in it and die of starvation. After we received a couple reports, we started investigating. Our first PI that was my senior, went missing the second he entered the house. Officers outside said, that he just vanished after stepping through the front door. The same happened to the next two PIs. After the third one, we just stopped all together and made it a prohibited area, so no one else can enter.
Mr M: You mentioned that you came across anomalous objects and entities. What happened with the second?
Ray: I personally do not want to talk about it.
Mr M: Very well. Last question. What do you have in mind of doing in the future in our Foundation?
Ray: Isn't that obvious? I'm going to make it to C.o.S. of course! A lot of the new Cadets don't know a think about how to properly sweep or where to be when there is a breach! I'm honestly a bit perplexed on how they get picked. But of course I do need to become Captain first to even have the smallest chance of becoming Chief of Security. Someone has to teach these new Cadets on way or another... And then there is the D-Class. These ruthless ████████ don't know how to behave! I have had it with those ███ ████ ██████ ██ ████! ... I apologize for getting this heated...
Mr M: It's quite alright. Have you forgotten to take your medication today?
Ray: Yes... I ran out of medication 2 days ago, but I haven't lashed out like that in a while.
Mr M: Well you answered all the questions we had remaining. I believe this is it with our interview. Do you have anything to add?
Ray: No.
Mr M: Then I believe that we are done here. You may leave.

This interview was instigated by Mr G from Iota-10 "Damn Feds" after picking up Ray ███████, Codename 'Silent' from MSPD. He has earned that Codename by saying nothing during his CIA-Level Interrogation from CI and surviving the whole ordeal. He only speaks unless spoken to... Thus he earned the Codename 'Silent'.

Yes, I'm aware its basically copy and paste but the only thing that changed really is my name and Codename for RP purposes.
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Well-known Member
May 11, 2024

After careful consideration of your application, as well of your qualifications, we have come forward to inform you that you have been accepted for the position of Security Captain.

Please message either me or @AstroZorbas to begin with the on-boarding process. This process will include an Interview as well as a trial phase in order to let us finalise the decision that will possibly let you take on the duties of a Security Captain. Once again, we congratulate you on passing your application in becoming a Captain, and we hope to see you as a fully-pledged member of our team.


- Vetkoek

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