Content Suggestion New scp that could be easy to code

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New Member
Mar 10, 2025
Item #: SCP-431
Object Class:

Containment Procedures:

  • Backup copies of all documents are stored at Site-██. Any files or photos showing SCP-431 are replaced with backups.
  • Staff who remember SCP-431 are to be questioned immediately.
  • Office ██-25 is checked daily for new objects.
  • Archives are monitored for any new or changed documents mentioning SCP-431.

SCP-431 is a man known as Dr. Gideon, who appears to have been a Foundation researcher — though no proof of his employment exists. His real name is unknown.

He was first discovered when Foundation documents were mysteriously altered to include him as a scientist working on several SCPs, even though the files weren’t being accessed when they changed. Since then, more documents mentioning him have appeared, including ones about SCPs the Foundation doesn’t own — one of which is confirmed to be with Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd.

A vacant office (██-25) started filling with objects linked to him, discovered after a "Dr. Gideon" nameplate appeared on the door. Security footage shows him talking to Foundation researchers, but none of them remember him and show no signs of having their memories wiped.

There’s no record of his hiring, firing, or resignation. One document found has fingerprints that match no known records. No government data on him exists — no birth, death, or tax records, nothing.

The last known document says Dr. Gideon was supposed to oversee the neutralization of SCP-███ — but that SCP number isn’t in use, and no files explain what it is.
Aside from formatting issues,
SCP Suggestions: We will not be accepting SCP suggestions if the SCP or suggestion falls into the current category;
  • SCP is controversial - i.e SCP-963 Dr Bright
  • SCP is a "meme" i.e SCP-420-J
  • Suggestion is not thought out i.e Suggestion is short and lacks substance, or there is no thought into the gameplay / rp loop of the SCP
This will most likely be denied for this reason. The FAQ & format posts are not optional reading material.