[USA] Morgan's Overseer Assistant Application

Jun 12, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:596613212
Discord name: NeoAltra
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Since at least May 29th, 2022.
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: MST
Character name(s): Morgan "Locust" Rentas
Civilian name: Reporter Morgan (Something like that)
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Do you have a mic?:

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-All MTF's except O1, CI BCOM, GOC 1SGT, Executive Researcher twice now, Overseer Assistant, Site Advisor, IA Director

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 1 for FailRP as 860-2 my first week of the server.

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
- Getting out of the way, I was one in the past. I have also had extensive time in many areas on the server, as my whitelisted roles shows. I helped to create the system of two department directors, showing I am capable of adding to the server in extremely meaningful ways. My document writing skills are excellent, and every test I've uploaded so far since my return to the server has been excellent, albeit that is only two documents currently. I am decently familiar with the CoE and CoC, although I do need to give them another read through as it has been a while. My rp is also good, as evidenced by the recent situation with the VHS player, involving -2 and Ethics.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
-OSA's are the more visible piece of the Council, their proxy to those who do not know their existence. You authorize tests, enforce the Code of Conduct when necessary, fulfill O5 orders (typically interviews and department reviews but more unique ones happen every so often.). As you rank somewhat high on the chain of command, you have the ability to call a Code Black, authorize AA, KOS past airlock, and I'm assuming a few more I cannot currently remember, but it is only when necessary. As an OSA, you need to be respectful and considerate of the privileges you have, and abuse of said privileges will not just reflect poorly on you, but on the Council as well.

Why do you wish to become an Overseer Assistant?:
-I used to be one and enjoyed it heavily, but I began to get burn out around the time I was one so I don't think I stayed for a long time. I've also been told by an A1 from that time that I was one of the few Assistants he thought was good at their job and I believe I can be good at it again. I also know that hard working people on the server are sadly hard to come by, and even less active who have the experience I have or more, so I believe I would be a good fit for the job.
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in: (I'm having some writing block so this won't be great, but my executive application has context for this if anyone reading this wants any, and I am more than ok to answer questions in replies.)

The nightmares were getting worse. Morgan used to be getting 4 hours of sleep every night, but now they were lucky to get two. Ever since that first meeting with the Council after becoming an Executive, the strangely familiar person in Morgan's dreams had changed. Their clothing wasn't that of a researcher, but more similar to the assistants the Council employs. Morgan spent months like this, trying to ignore their nightmares as they had found no ways to get answers in their current position, none of their tests that were all for their benefit showing any promise of aid. They almost gave up looking for answers, hell they were about to go get themselves a psych evaluation at this point, until a letter appeared in their filing cabinet one evening. At first they were confused, wondering who had gotten access to their office, let alone put something in their filing cabinet. Thinking on it for a few minutes, Morgan decided to open the letter, expecting some sort of threat, only to be greeted with an invitation to a position that may finally give them the answers they had spent a year working towards...