Danins Security Captain Application [UK]

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Jul 24, 2022
Steam ID: 76561198197542067

Discord name: Danin Brooks

For how long have you played on CG SCP: A month and a half maybe 2 months (i got 92 hours on the server)

Age: 14 (Gonna be 15 in 3 months)

In what country are you located?: Bosnia and Herzegovina

Time zone: GMT+2

Character name(s): Danin Brooks

Civilian name: N/A

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK

Do you have a mic?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

-Heavy Weapons license RRT license and Medical license.

Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:


Why are you applying for Security Captain?

-I am applying for the position of Security Captain because I want to set an example for the new cadets and officers, other than that I just want to make GENSEC more enjoyable, ethical, and a good example for everyone. Another reason why I am applying is that I know that I am a perfect fit for this position, as I have a lot of free time which I do plan fully using onto being active as a Security Captain, I as well have a lot of experience as an RRT SGT and I am very respectable. I have learned a lot from the Chiefs/Captains.

What makes you suitable for Security Captain?:

-I have led a lot of shakedowns as an RRT SGT and a lot of them were flawlessly executed and in my opinion, most of them were really good leads. I made sure that GENSEC and CDC were in good condition. I helped out a lot of Cadets and Officers. Escorted and protected a lot of Cl4 personnel. Helped in CI raids with my shield and most importantly made a lot of good examples for GENSEC.

What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:

-To lead sweeps/shakedowns, tryout GENSEC, help them get more respectable to others and teach them how to be a good example to everyone and other GENSEC. More responsibilities are Posting GENSEC, making sure that GENSEC is known to CoE and CoC, Briefing them when there are sweeps, and overall making sure they understand how to properly execute their job and become better than ever at it.

Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Danin was a part of an Army MTF Stationed in Iraq. When he was patrolling around the area he saw something he never would have known existed SCP-001 AKA The Gate Guardian. The Security quickly came and kidnapped him but instead of amnesticading him, they invited him to be their RRT Officer in Site 19. It was just another night at Site 19 but this week was different than others, there were no SCP breaches that week. He felt something was off but he could figure out what it was, all of a sudden the alarms go off "But these aren't the normal alarms" He thinks to himself. That's when the foundation intercom went off "Chaos Insurgency teams are entering the facility MTF Nu-7 and Security Respond NOW" He look at the wall and dosed off for a second before a Security Captain Told him to "Secure the facility while I and the others protect D block God speed fella " So that's what he did. He ran as fast as he could when he came to the Entrance Zone Blast Doors and saw the dead bodies of Nu-7 and CI only one CI survived. He and the CI were Staring at each other for 15 seconds before he took out his M9 from the Pistol holder and shot him in the chest but the CI shot him in the leg so he went to a wall and sat there waiting for something Someone. He opened his eyes to see him laying in a bed with pure white sheets with the Captain sitting beside him, The Captain notices him and says to him in a happy tone "Welcome back bud, good to see you again" Danin smiles "Good to see you too sir".

That's all :>
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Feb 27, 2022
From what I've seen, you can hold yourself to a mature enough standard and obey protocol, however to be Captain I believe you should show more leadership in D-Block as a Sergeant, organising Officers and Cadets, and leading sweeps when authed by SA in absence of a GENSEC Senior.

After authorising you to conduct a sweep in the absence of a Captain- and seeing you organise and supervise the sweep. I am confident in your leadership ability. Keep it up!
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Jul 24, 2022
From what I've seen, you can hold yourself to a mature enough standard and obey protocol, however to be Captain I believe you should show more leadership in D-Block as a Sergeant, organising Officers and Cadets, and leading sweeps when authed by SA in absence of a GENSEC Senior.
I agree with you CoS Shino said this to me as well ill keep trying to be more leadership-like.

I'll still keep up the good work. Thank you. :D
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Shino Aeschylion

Well-known Member
Jun 2, 2022
South England

Application Accepted

Hello @Danin Brooks
Thank you for your application for Captain of Security, Your application has been accepted.
You have improved drastically and I am impressed by your swift response on improving your application.
You will be put on a 2-week trial as standard.

Please come to my office at your earliest convenience. Congratulations!​

Signed by:
Chief of Security Shino Aeschylion
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