[UK] W. Licht's Intelligence Ambassador application

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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 15, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:86867019
Discord name: RedSpeeds#3958
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 4 months
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: Netherlands
Time zone: GMT+1
Character name(s): W. Licht
Civilian name: Walter Scott
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: E-11 CPL (Held), Nu7 SCP (Holding), RRT SGT, IA, Intel, Doctor
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Few warnings from some misunderstanding mainly accidental RDM's and the odd bodyblock warning
Why are you applying for Intelligence Ambassador?: Im applying for Ambassador as i see a lot of potential in the department to be used for lore and roleplay purposes however its currently very under used. My goals are to give leadership and guidance to the department in hopes to bring new life into the department by creating engaging projects and operations while also assisting in training new operatives
What makes you suitable for Intelligence Ambassador?: Im quite creatives in my ideas for projects and operations while also having a good grasp of both the surface operation guidelines, Code of ethics and code of conduct. Im quite strict on discipline for my agents while also maintaining a fair judgement and allowing them to explain themselves.
How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?: Ive written 2 Excellent Intelligence documents one of which was a surface operation report and the other that was a interview report. What makes a document good? Proper formatting, Images, No spelling errors, Decent subject and content
What are the responsibilities of the Intelligence Ambassador in RP?: My responsibilities is to act as a representative of the department and keeping other operatives in check while also providing guidance and opportunities for them to excel in their job.
Please give some lore about your Intelligence Ambassador character and what storylines they would be involved in:

W████ Licht used to be employed at the Dutch AIVD where he specialized in deep cover investigations one day hes asked to try and infiltrate a new gang thats been eluding the police named The ████. They been performing robberies throughout the country and have never been seen by the police as they always vanish before their arrival however they always leave their calling card with a ███████ Symbol on it. During the investigation Agent Licht got scooped up by the foundation after they also got interested into The ██████ gang due to them using anomalies to execute their crimes. After interrogation and confirming his identity as a AIVD agent he was offered a choice either have your memory erased of this investigation or to join the foundation and assist them with containing other dangerous individuals and joining them in their intelligence department.

Gregory McCain

Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 29, 2021
Harelbeke, Belgium
Hello, @RedSpeeds, I have a couple of questions before giving you my final verdict on this application:

  1. You describe you have a lot of ideas for operations and other surface stuff for intelligence to do. Could you please give more information on what exactly you are trying to set up?
  2. What are your main goals for the department? Since it is currently in a rather rough state.
  3. What will be your main goal as a starting-out ambassador?
  4. What improvements would you like to make to the current ambassadorial team?
  5. The section about the responsibilities is quite vague, could you elaborate more on that?
I'm looking forward you your answers, I wish you the best of day.


Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 15, 2022
Hello, @RedSpeeds, I have a couple of questions before giving you my final verdict on this application:

  1. You describe you have a lot of ideas for operations and other surface stuff for intelligence to do. Could you please give more information on what exactly you are trying to set up?
  2. What are your main goals for the department? Since it is currently in a rather rough state.
  3. What will be your main goal as a starting-out ambassador?
  4. What improvements would you like to make to the current ambassadorial team?
  5. The section about the responsibilities is quite vague, could you elaborate more on that?
I'm looking forward you your answers, I wish you the best of day.
Of course sir.
1. Due to the addition of the chemical system certain chemicals classified to the foundation have fallen in civilian hands one of the operations i wish to draft and execute would be a operation designed to locate and retrieve these chemicals.
Another idea would be to draft missions for the intel department similar to Nu7 and B1 but more focuses on RP aspects instead of combat (We have Nu7 and B1 already for that) one such example would be a mission to locate and tag a specific civilian or to take a civilian's disguise and return to base these are gonna be designed in case no ambassadors are on to do surface missions.
2. My main goals will be to recreate some of the training manuals and to add more content into the department and also to have a open discussion with GM's on how we can work together to make intel a interesting department once more.
3. My main goal as a starting ambassador would be to create and upkeep a roster for intel team to avoid inactive leadership and inactive agents. Another thing id like to do when starting up is to have a conversation with B1 regarding their expectation of intel since we and them share similar responsibilities.
4. The improvement id like to encourage would be for other ambassadors to increase their activity and to assist each other in reworking the intel department's documents and goal to make the department interesting once again
5. This was kept slightly vague on purpose of course the tasks of a ambassador is to train new agents and setup operation and read and approve documents however due to the state of the department i foresee me taking additional responsibilities what those responsibilities would I'm? I'm not sure but its bound to happen.


Active member
Jun 15, 2022
Got blacklisted from E-11 reactly

I'm sure at some point you could be good for a CL4 position but for the moment i just wouldn't trust you, regardless good luck.


Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 15, 2022
Poor application
Extremly inactive when he was a CO in MRP (Literally came on for 30 min every 5 days to reset your cooldown when i was COL)
Hey nirvan good seeing you again. Correct me if I'm mistaken but I resigned during the time sandwalker was COL and i had previously stated I was ROA due to education. So I'm a tad confused as i didn't serve you when you were COL you not getting confused with someone else perhaps?

Insurgent oreo

Active member
Sep 29, 2022
-/+ Support
+ Good guy has brain cells
- Got blacklisted from e-11
+ lot of interactions
- I have never seen you on the IA team only like for 10 minutes a week or less i actually don't know
-/+ not the best application but can be better


Well-known Member
Nov 7, 2022
- Never interacted
- Poor application, no point in saying anything more than that.


The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello, @RedSpeeds . Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required. You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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