[UK] O5-7 "The war criminal"

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Jul 19, 2022
Steam ID:


Discord name:


For how long have you played on CG SCP:

-Since the open beta release.



In what country are you located?:


Time zone:


Character name(s):

-Jerry "The war criminal"

Civilian name:

-Milan Huasn

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):


Do you have a mic?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

-E-11 LT [Held]
-A-1 CSG [Held]
-Overseer Assistant [Holding]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

-- NRPx6,RDMx2,RDAx1,FailRP,NitRP,Banx3

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):

- O5-7

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:

- Being put in highly trusted positions with highly trusted responsabilities i know it is crucial to complete tasks swiftly and correctly to assure the smooth flow of the site at all times and managing its sectors.

- I have acknowleged how people operate around the site and have taken into account how to manage them properly and make sure their activities and duties are not disturbed and are given my full attention in helping them achieve their goals.

-I am very passionate about leading people and helping them grow inside the foundation as well as teaching them new things.

-My experiance's with being a Commanding Officer as well as with my time in site administration helping the O5 and A1, l have lead squads, conducted raids and been trough too many containment breaches making me versatile in all areas.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:

- The O5 council has the most important responsibilities in the facility-

-They run the site and decide the most important decisions and what happens in it.

-They make sure to find competant and good leaders for departements and site administration, Those are crucial roles within the facility and they need to be thorougly examined by someone before taking on the role.

-The O5 council has the responsability to set rules and boundaries of what is accaptable on the site and show personeel that they are always being watched so they can't fuck around.

-They need to be aware of any major issues within the site (Typically site command) and try to resolve them to the best of their ability.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):

- Writing up documents, and setting policies for the entire foundation.

-The O5 council gets to decide if applications/promotions for Department Directors, MTF COM,LTCOM, Site Administration and overseer Assistants will be approved or denied.

-They manage all the most important documents such as Code of conduct.

-As the O5 council has to take into account everything on the site they may talk with server leadership about improving aspects of things.

-Making sure people in the foundation are always in line and within good hands and leadership.

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:

-Jerry with his time in the spanish armed forces has amounted a vast amount of skill and experiance leading his squad against armed insurgencies as a marine captain who's efforts have not gone unnoticed and soon he was transferred into and elite training program in the UK.

Becoming a member of the countries best units SAS he was soon visited by a hooded man at his home as he was invited into "The foundation" as a security Sergeant.

Troughout his time in the security sector he later joined E-11 eventually becoming a commanding officer.
After countless succsessful recontained breaches and countered CI raids he was invited into a secrative regiment known as A-1 by their commander.

After reaching the rank of command sergeant he applied to become one of the O5's assistants in which he was for a while, helping managing the site in combative and none combative roles he has earned himself a plethera of experiance and respect.

As time passed his efforts were duely noted and he went furthur to becoming the thing he served for so long.

As O5-7 he has achieved everything he ever wanted, he has been with the foundation trough its darkest and its brightest days and he wishes to continue on serving it for as long as he can.

Although his questionable past and actions in the military still haunt him he has decided to put it all behind and focus on future.
Jul 19, 2022
- Support
- No interactions, as I've never seen you online
- I don't think you really understand how big of a responsibility the O5 council is in SCP-RP
- Poor application
- Too many warnings/kicks/bans
- Storyline quite dry
Could you please elaborate on "I don't think you really understand how big of a responsibility the O5 council is in SCP-RP" and "Poor application"
if you could.
I will give you a Neutral support due to the following reasons:

+ CL.4 experience
+ A-1 CSG
+ Overseer Assistant

- Cant remember any interactions
- 6 NITRP warnings + more, but applying for a heavy RP role.
- Lore is pretty blend and just seems like a "Everything went well, climbed ladder through the foundation" storyline.
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Well-known Member
Jul 19, 2022

Unfortunately this application lacks a large amount of required detailed in most sections, therefore i will have to leave a -Support, best of luck to you anyways.
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Reactions: Jerry2
Jul 19, 2022

Unfortunately this application lacks a large amount of required detailed in most sections, therefore i will have to leave a -Support, best of luck to you anyways.

Application lacks detail, like a lot. Bigger font doesn't make it any better.
You're a reasonably active and friendly assistant, but to be frank Jerry, this application is rather lackluster.

For a Site Command position, you really need to go into more detail and depth. The answers are about the amount of detail that would be expected for a junior clearance 4 position, not an O5 app.

I think that i have gone into enough depth into the major topics such as "examening new SA and other CL4 personeel making sure they are fit for the role that includes (giving them a trial, making them complete fundemental roles of their job's and helping peoeple below them) as is standard in "examination" and i don't think i needed to write that much as that is a standard of their "trial" period.

Same with the other things i wrote such as managing the foundation aka. (managing sector leadership, conducting inspections or letting assistants do it on my behalf if im busy with something else... and so on)

I do not think i needed to write down every single minute detail in the context of a very presentable word such as "management" as it is the definition. And counting all the "major issues" down as "responsabilities" is not the answer to the question as i may never have to deal with very specific ones so then it would not be my "responsability" so going into detail makes no sense

Hello @Jerry2, I will be leaving a - Support for the following reasons,

- Your overall activity has dropped significantly in the recent months.
- Extreme warn and ban history including multiple NITRP Bans and you are applying for an extremely RP Heavy role leading me to believe you are not capable of the RP expected as a council member.
- Your application lacks detail and has little effort put into it in almost all areas with questions having a singular sentence answer. I cannot help but feel you made the font extremely large to make your application look greater in detail and effort.

- Responsibilities of the council whilst not wrong are missing some aspects such as overseeing and running the site alongside Site Administration, Holding meetings with MTF's and departments and even GOC when needed, General duties during a Code 5 such as a code black and possible nuking.
- Grammar throughout your applications lacks and your application is somewhat hard to read.
- You claim to have had Site Administration experience but do not mention this nor do I believe this is the case.

Whilst I understand your past and experience in regiments such as A-1 being an NCO and a current Overseer Assistant I do not believe you are ready to join the Council as -7. Your activity and overall reputation has decreased in the recent months alongside your extensive ban history leaving me to believe you are not a fit candidate for the council.
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