Dr Emma Stone's Exec Research Application

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Well-known Member
Jan 1, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:11623547

Discord name: mrav#1813

For how long have you played on CG SCP: 226.3 Hours

Age: 16

In what country are you located?: England

Time zone: GMT

Character name(s): Pandora "Night" (Main)

Civilian name: William Spears

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP RP UK

Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: MTF Nu-7 SPC
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have recieved a few warnings, 3 for FailRP I was new to the server and learning the Rules. I take full responsibility.
I have received I think 2 FearRP warnings, didn't really know what was going on and what FearRP was at the time.
Bans: I have received one ban for 6h: Was not my fault and you can see why here: https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/ban-appeal.11666/
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
- I want to be an executive researcher in the SCP Foundation because I am passionate about the concept of anomalous entities and the idea of containing and studying them for the betterment of humanity. I have a strong background in research and writing, and I believe that I can use my skills to create interesting and unique SCP entities that will contribute to the SCP Foundation's vast collection. Additionally, I am excited about the opportunity to collaborate with other members of the community and contribute to the ongoing development of the SCP Foundation's lore and narrative.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I believe that my strong background in research and writing makes me suitable for an executive researcher position in the SCP Foundation. I have a keen attention to detail and the ability to think critically and creatively, which are essential skills for researching and writing about anomalous entities. Additionally, I have experience working in a team-oriented environment and am comfortable collaborating with others to achieve a common goal. Furthermore, I have a good understanding of the SCP Foundation lore and have a good grip on the SCP format and structure, which will enable me to write and create SCP entities that are coherent and consistent with the existing SCP foundation's narrative. Furthermore, I am a dedicated and hardworking individual who is willing to put in the time and effort necessary to create high-quality SCP documents that will contribute to the SCP Foundation's collection.

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
- 0, but What makes a document excellent is at least 3-4 pages with more than the bare minimum.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
  1. Researching SCP entities: This would involve researching and creating new anomalous entities and phenomena to add to the SCP Foundation's collection.
  2. Approving / Disapproving documents, aswell as Giving a good or excellent grade to them.
  3. Collaborating with other researchers: This would involve working with other researchers to develop and improve SCP entities, as well as providing feedback and suggestions for other researcher's work.
  4. Assisting with community management: This would involve helping to manage the SCP Foundation community and ensuring that it runs smoothly.
  5. Participating in the SCP Foundation's internal communications and decision-making processes: This would involve being an active member of the SCP Foundation community, participating in discussions, and providing input on important decisions that affect the community.
  6. Keeping up with SCP Foundation's guidelines and rules.
Overall, an executive researcher in the SCP Foundation would be responsible for contributing to the development and growth of the SCP Foundation's collection, while also helping to maintain the integrity of the SCP Foundation's narrative and community.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
My executive researcher character is named Dr. Emma Stone. She has a Ph.D. in anomalous psychology and had worked as a researcher in a government organization before joining the SCP Foundation. She had always been fascinated with the unknown and the unexplainable, which led her to pursue a career in anomalous research.

As an executive researcher, Dr. Stone is responsible for researching, as well as reviewing existing ones. She is particularly interested in studying and understanding the psychological effects of anomalous entities on human subjects and the impact on society.

Dr. Stone's main storyline would involve her researching SCP entities that focus on the psychological effects of anomalous entities on human subjects. She would also be involved in experimenting and studying the effects of these entities on human subjects, in order to better understand the impact of anomalous entities on the human mind and society.

In addition to her research, Dr. Stone would also be involved in the SCP Foundation's internal decision-making process and would be an active member of the SCP community, providing input and suggestions for community management and other important decisions that affect the community.

She is also involved in several containment breaches, her expertise in anomalous psychology would be very helpful in preventing further breaches and neutralizing the SCP entities that caused the breaches.

Overall, Dr. Stone's storylines would involve her utilizing her expertise in anomalous psychology to create and study SCP entities that have a significant impact on the human mind, and her involvement in the internal decision-making process of the SCP Foundation to help the organization operate smoothly.


Active member
May 26, 2022
Dont even need to say much but
The documents is enough for no


Well-known Member
Sep 3, 2022
-Active on site

-Havent seen you on research.
-Doesn't fully know what responsibilities an executive must know (knows slight amount of responsibilities like testing CL4 SCPs and helping jr researchers)

-Application isn't bad

-No execellent documents when it's sort of required and explains very vaguely what an excellent requires.

Hello Pandora, from my experience with you on Nu-7 I can say that you are an overall kind individual and your pretty active on site which is good but I have yet to see you on research because I see you on Nu-7 all the time but not research and with the no excellent documents it gives me a bad read on you that you dont know how to make great documents.

Overall I'll be giving you Neutral leaning very lightly towards +support


Well-known Member
Jan 1, 2023
-Active on site

-Havent seen you on research.
-Doesn't fully know what responsibilities an executive must know (knows slight amount of responsibilities like testing CL4 SCPs and helping jr researchers)

-Application isn't bad

-No execellent documents when it's sort of required and explains very vaguely what an excellent requires.

Hello Pandora, from my experience with you on Nu-7 I can say that you are an overall kind individual and your pretty active on site which is good but I have yet to see you on research because I see you on Nu-7 all the time but not research and with the no excellent documents it gives me a bad read on you that you dont know how to make great documents.

Overall I'll be giving you Neutral leaning very lightly towards +support
Thank you Clumsy. With this comment I will try and be more active on research dept. I am usually on there for 2/3rds of my day. I am going to make more documents and hopefully have them good / excellent graded. Have a nice day / night -Pandora ?


Well-known Member
Dec 17, 2022
hello pandora i am going to give you neutral leaning to +support because of the following reasons

- I had interactions with you
- friendly and mature

- I never seen you as a researcher
- you have some knowledge of the executive researcher responsibilities but not all of them
- lack of excellent documents

I wish you good luck


Well-known Member
Jan 1, 2023
hello pandora i am going to give you neutral leaning to +support because of the following reasons

- I had interactions with you
- friendly and mature

- I never seen you as a researcher
- you have some knowledge of the executive researcher responsibilities but not all of them
- lack of excellent documents

I wish you good luck
Thank you very much ayano, I’m going to be doing my best to become more active throughout the research department. I hope you have a good day/night!

Deleted member 3942

-No excellent documents
-Average understanding of executive role
-Haven't seen you on research


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 25, 2021
Application Denied

Hi Pandora “Night”

Thanks for taking the time to make an application. Unfortunately we will have to be denying your application today solely due to the fact that Documentation and Being Attendant is Key to this Position, Truly Knowing the SCPs and the nature of SCPs is key for a position like this, We want truly real hard working individuals the chance to go up with there progression of work here at the foundation.

I hope you understand that this is not due to bad quality of work rather the type of people we are looking for which is a specific substrate of people.

If you have any questions you can contact me IG or in discord (Nattay2016#3899)

You May Reapply in 2 Weeks Time.
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