Denied [SCP-RP Suggestion] Increase slots for Junior CL4 Positions (Executive, Ambassador etc)

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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DarkRP Staff
Event Team
Dec 25, 2020
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

- It changes Junior CL4 slots in the F4 menu from 4 to at least 6.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

- Efficiency. Departments with an active JCL4 team with at least 6+ people can play as their role without being limited due to slots
- Motivation. When the slots are filled, it will demotivate other people who wants to be their role.
- More the better. People like active leads in a department... "5 Intel Ambassadors on? Maybe i should try Intel and rise through the Intel ranks*

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

To be completely honest, i see nothing wrong with this suggestion. I don't think there are any negatives.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

Because, just the other day i had 6 Ambassadors on but due to the slot limits 2 of them couldn't hop on to their role and carry on their duties as the Ambassadors of Intel. When they approached me with this issue and i told them "i can't really help you with this situation, only thing you can do is change to Agent and carry on" but, they told me "It's fine, i'll just hop on to Senior Researcher till someone hops off Intel Ambassador".

I do have 11 Ambassadors in my department and they are quite fairly active, of course this suggestion might only benefit me and the Intel Department at the moment but i still see no wrong with this suggestion.
Mar 21, 2022
In a meeting with NL, the current slot limits for junior Cl4 were agreed upon, with no intent for them to be changed any further.
This is to maintain the balance of clearance 4 cards and not having the server be too top heavy.

I for one do not really see the need for a slot limit extension, and it could serve to motivate people to try out other departments when their usual whitelist is full.


Well-known Member
Jan 3, 2023

Agreed with darren and MrSiens. Clerance level 4 personnel are trusted and highly skilled personnel of the foundation. And if Jr. CL4 slots were raised up to 6, It would mean that there could be a time where there are 36 players with a Clearance Level 4 card (Assistants, Execs, Ambassadors etc), and if we were to add Site Administration which there can be a maximum of 7 on at a time, and Dpt. Leaders which there can be 8.. i think? And MTF commanders which there can be 10 of, that would amount up to 61 (if my calculations are correct) CL4 personnel that can be on-site at the same time.

Now I understand that all of the CL4 slots full will likely never happen, but it just gives you an idea on how stupid it would be that half of the entire site consists of Clearance Level 4 personnel, who are considered to be extremely few and have reached that position due to their uniqueness and rare level of skills.

Honestly in my opinion there are way too much CL4 personnel even now, and this suggestion would not do that any good.
Mar 19, 2022


Agreed with darren and MrSiens. Clerance level 4 personnel are trusted and highly skilled personnel of the foundation. And if Jr. CL4 slots were raised up to 6, It would mean that there could be a time where there are 36 players with a Clearance Level 4 card (Assistants, Execs, Ambassadors etc), and if we were to add Site Administration which there can be a maximum of 7 on at a time, and Dpt. Leaders which there can be 8.. i think? And MTF commanders which there can be 10 of, that would amount up to 61 (if my calculations are correct) CL4 personnel that can be on-site at the same time.

Now I understand that all of the CL4 slots full will likely never happen, but it just gives you an idea on how stupid it would be that half of the entire site consists of Clearance Level 4 personnel, who are considered to be extremely few and have reached that position due to their uniqueness and rare level of skills.

Honestly in my opinion there are way too much CL4 personnel even now, and this suggestion would not do that any good.


MRP War Criminal
Oct 10, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Zwacky,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. We do not currently plan on raising the slots for junior cl4 personnel.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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