[UK] Ashton's Gamemaster Application

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Jun 3, 2022
Wales, United Kingdom
Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): Ashton
For how long have you played on CG SCP-RP: On and Off for a while but been playing daily for the past weeks and plan on making this my main server.
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: UK
Time zone: GMT
Foundation Name (include your regiment and rank if applicable): Ashton "Tiger" Jamson
Chaos name (include your rank): CI-A Alex "Gunner" James
Civilian name: Jeffery Meyers
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:196798861
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What server are you applying for?: SCP-RP UK
Is this the first application you made? If no, link all previous applications:

- This is my first GM application

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

- Yes alot but I have recently been dedicated to having as less encounters with staff as I possibly because I would like to progress further in the server and since I came back to the server I have only gotten 1.

Do you have any previous experience as a Gamemaster/Event Manager in a community?:

- Yes but the server closed around a year ago due to the population of it slowly decreasing.

Do you have any previous experience with serious roleplay?:

- Yes A couple

How many hours can you be on everyday?:

- Around 6-8 Hours A day I have no life

Why do you want to become a Gamemaster on our server?:

- I would like to become Gamemaster On the SCPRP UK server, I would like to take on the role of Gamemaster because I really enjoy the server and any events that are currently taking place on it. I would also like to help other players have more fun by making the server more enjoyable for them by creating and assisting in creating new amazing events. Lastly I would like to show people that at times you can have fun and that we want them to enjoy their time with us.

What do you think you would be able to help us with on the server? Why are you special over the other applicants?:

I believe I could contribute to the development of events and event ideas because I have had prior experience as a Gamemaster on a server and have produced a number of fun events. I also like being able to demonstrate to others that it's possible to be both serious and fun at the same time. I'm not particularly exceptional, and I believe that everyone should have an opportunity to hold this position, but I believe that because of my background, I stand out a little more than others.

Please List 3 small event ideas (Which would involve at least one side of the server):

1. Players may be given a list of specific SCP artifacts to hunt and collect throughout the server in a "SCP Item Scavenger Hunt" activity. A player can earn points by returning an item they've found to a specific location. At the end of the competition, the player with the most points wins a reward such as money or a in game item.

2. Players can display their skills in an event that is like a Talent Show that has a SCP twist. Players can produce SCP-themed actions, such as a song about a SCP creature or a containment breach reenactment. The winner may get a gift or something else along the lines.

3. In a specific area of the server, players can collaborate as Foundation agents to look into reports of sightings of a SCP creature. The SCP must be found and contained before it can do any damage. A prize or points are awarded to the team that successfully contains the SCP.

Please List an Map change event idea (Involving both sides and the entire server)

The Olympics is a series of tests and contests that put participants' control over SCP objects and anomalies to the test. Puzzles, physical exercises, and obstacle courses with a SCP theme are all examples of challenges. Teams or individuals may participate, with the victorious player or team receiving a prize. The competition can be a nice way to assess players' abilities and understanding of SCP containment procedures.

List an example mission for each of the following:
Anyone who has interacted with a man the site refers to only as the "Poisoned Touch" has abruptly passed away. A few GENSEC employees, a D-Class, and two medical students have succumbed to his touch and perished shortly after doing so. The objective of O-1 will be to learn as much information as they can about this man using any means necessary. They will then follow him, kidnap him when he is by himself, and imprison him in a room with no way out. When questioned, he will admit that there are two of him and that one is going to work in site administration. You will send some O-1 members to visit all the site administrators to protect them till the threats have been dealt with effectively (Terminated) and you will question the site administrators if they have communicated with someone who seemed suspicions you will then call doctors to come check out them to ensure they are safe.

The goal of A-1 will be to track down the disguised CI who are posing as Site Administration and make them vanish without a trace before they get to the 05 Council and cause havoc by killing everyone and leaking documents, as two high ranking CI members have gained access to the facility and have been evading capture for the past two days using their new found disguise.

The Nu-7 will be instructed to locate the high-ranking civilian who has gained access to the facility and get them out without anyone realising they were there in the first place. They will also be informed that the civilian doesn't possess any footage, photos, or documents that could endanger the facility. The Nu-7 will then escort the civilian out and instruct them never to return to the facility or they will be shot. The Nu-7 will also be given the exact way and information the civilian used to gain access to the site so they can prevent this from happening again.

After a SCP has breached and then been contained, E-11 checks to make sure everything is as it should be and nothing is out of the ordinary. When they enter one of the SCP chambers or areas and notice that the SCP is acting strangely or otherwise off, they will likely find something on the floor, such as a note with a syringe, on which it will say something to the effect of "we are the ones who control the world, we have injected this SCP." MTF E-11 will be tasked with assembling some researchers to come up with a cure to restore the SCP to its regular state. This SCP has been injected with something that you could not possibly fathom it will now act differently and will be like this unless you find anything to cure it with.

I'm thinking for the Chaos Insurgency we could have a mission where they will have to extract a very specific DCLASS who holds some of the most valuable knowledge and paperwork about the Facility and SCP's that live within the perimeter of the Facility further they will have to operate without being noticed or discovered and the DCLASS must be extracted to the CI base upon witch he will hand over the information and the CI will help him sneak back in to the site so he can go and cause trouble.

Foundation Staff:
A whistleblower informs the GENSEC that the Class D have been holding a member of the Foundation Staff in D Block and that they want something in the form of a reward in exchange for the member of the Foundation. The whistleblower also warns that any attempts to enter and free the member of the Foundation will result in his death or torture. The Class D have been acquiring weapons and other tools for a few days without being noticed and are heavily armed and are willing to risk their life.
-are your warns expired? you just say you've recently been getting less
-map change event is undetailed and isn't an event we could really change the entire map for
-a treasure hunt event might be cool but i could see it devolving into people killing anybody holding an artifact so they can hand it in for themselves
-not seen you ingame before

-only god knows what horrors will be exhibited in an SCPRP talent show pe_today3.png
-a few of the named events (mainly the Nu7 and A1 events) are just things that sometimes happen normally, eg an infobreaching parawatch or a deepcover with a good disguise
-the rest of the event ideas sound alright
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Jun 3, 2022
Wales, United Kingdom
-are your warns expired? you just say you've recently been getting less
-map change event is undetailed and isn't an event we could really change the entire map for
-a treasure hunt event might be cool but i could see it devolving into people killing anybody holding an artifact so they can hand it in for themselves
-not seen you ingame before

-only god knows what horrors will be exhibited in an SCPRP talent show View attachment 6527
-a few of the named events (mainly the Nu7 and A1 events) are just things that sometimes happen normally, eg an infobreaching parawatch or a deepcover with a good disguise
-the rest of the event ideas sound alright
-you don't seem to even be part of CI: Three different people have checked for your name and/or steam profile in the regiment tab and couldn't find it, and we can't find your steamID on our roster either; you're either really unlucky and not on the regiment tab (which can happen sometimes & would explain why you're seemingly a ghost), or three people all didn't see your name or steam profile (which could be possible)
if you send proof of being in CI i'll change to +-neutral
Mar 15, 2022


- Investing a bit of formatting would help your app would help with readability. Something like the example below.

Name: Avery Winters

- As Bill Nye does touch upon your event ideas, Which a majority of your ideas are focused on mini stories/challenges. GMs are expected to attempt to innovate in someway. (Cuz thats how we make better events)

For example, a structural collapse occurs in various hallways. Resulting in a cave-ins that blocks a majority of a doorway. Players are able to climb through the doorway. However, this stalls the time it takes for Players to return to a breach. Therefore, it requires a Site-wide initiative to clear these obstructions. But in the midst of all this, all hell is breaking loose on the Site.

Now understandably this isn't a thing with the current state of breaches. However, if we ever reach a point where the playerbase think Breaches are too easy. This can be thrown in.

For course, don't get me wrong. Some basic and simple events such as simply a Goat appearing on the site are still needed to just create some RP scenarios. I do feel the current GM team (for the UK Side) is focused primarily with Story Events.

- I do see an attempt create some minor stories. However, your app only describes the basic outline. I would like to see some attempt at writing a small character.

Closing Statement

Understandably, stuff such as Game Design, Lore Knowledge and Storywriting aren't readily apparent. But I like to give chances to people whom are willing to learn and at the very minimum give their full effort.

If you are willing to revise your app or even just DM me personally. An event idea that modifies the current gameplay loop or showcase an interest in lore/storywriting that is outside the Foundation. I would be willing modify my opinion.
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Active member
Apr 18, 2022
- support

First off I have never seen you on the server before, you mention you’re planning to make this your main server but I’d suggest doing that before you apply.

With the events - they’re all competitions with rewards that seem very ooc. The first small one seems incredibly disruptive to rp, it would be better off done on the gm plane with a group of players who have shown interest in taking part: for example you could play an anomalous character that appears throughout the map with a clipboard, advertising a scavenger hunt with great rewards for the winner. People could sign the document if they wish to participate - then tp them to the arena after 10mins or so. Saves having people running into areas they’re not meant to be. The 2nd one is fine alone, but again it’s a competition and could easily be a pme. The 3rd one is the most like an event but there’s 0 planning; what is the specific area? What is the creature? Where does it appear? What does it do? How is it contained? And why does there have to be a prize, it completely takes away from any seriousness of the event.

The map change isnt a map change, it could work as a spin on SCP-024 but there needs to be a story and different things going on. Map changes are for the entire server therefore there needs to be something for every type of player to do (combat, research, exploration etc).

The missions are what your 3 event examples should be like, they’re serious and show good creativity. However, they are structured wayy too rigidly. You assume what certain factions will do, like in the O1 one - you say O1 will follow and kidnap the man then imprison him in a room with no way out. How do you know they’re going to do this? People have free will, the point of events is for people to make their own choices and react to new situations in their own way, you can give the illusion of choice but you can't plan your events by saying what will happen, chances are it wont go that way. You have to plan for what you can influence, if you want O1 to capture the man, you have to give them a reason to do it - make the man surrender to them is one way of doing this, O1 may just still straight up shoot him so always ensure you have all your bases covered.

With some revisions I believe you have good potential, best of luck.
Application Denied

Hi @Ashton,

Thanks for taking the time to make a gamemaster application.

The reason for the denial of this application is due to the lack of thought and community support, some of your events have little to no thought behind them although some are good and very creative. I recommend rethinking some of the events and enhancing your reputation within the community.

You may re-apply in 2 weeks

Kind regards,
Alex Bones​
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