Denied Epsilon-11 PlayerModel Change

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Jul 27, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion changes the Epsilon-11 PlayerModels. It changes them from the current blue to a more MTF E-11 realistic model. These Models have been made by [Chedder] [ ]. This change will also make the biohazard E-11 job look more like the other members, instead of a random hazmat suit.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • It is lore friendly to SCP in general
  • More realistic to MTF
    • The current Epsilon-11 PlayerModels look flashy, and don’t really fit in with the aesthetic of the other MTF. They are all darker, and more mysterious (Even Nu-7 wears black) and Epsilon-11 is wearing blue combat equipment.
  • Likeability
    • there was a miss communication so I do apologize for the statement

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
  • File size
    • The File Size for the Model Pack is 55mb.
  • No new BioHazard Model
    • The Model Pack doesn’t come with a new biohazard model, but this change would make the current biohazard model fit in better.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Although the model(s) have a decent File Size, I think it would be worth it. We have put in hard work on both ends to get these models made and prepped to be used. The Positives outweigh the Negatives and it would be a good addition to the server.
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Well-known Member
Jul 12, 2022
don't like how they look, the officer and commanders have no berets, look very chunky and clunky. not sure what you meant by "Both UK and US side Epsilon-11 like the model."
Jul 27, 2022
don't like how they look, the officer and commanders have no berets, look very chunky and clunky. not sure what you meant by "Both UK and US side Epsilon-11 like the model."
Your COM agreed these models the thing I recall him saying is make sure to keep the blue
Aswell a couple of other E-11 members don't remember their names

John Nuts

Active member
Jan 12, 2023
Doesn't look that good and UK side never agreed to it, our COM wanted to see the blue models first before deciding it with the rest of CO team.
  • Haha
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