[UK] Kaz's Executive application

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Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
28/07/2022 1550 Hours
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
GMT +1
Character name(s):
Kaz O'Leary
Civilian name:
Kaz Kelleher
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF Nu7 CPL // MTF O-1 LT // MTF A-1 LCPL // MTF E-11 CPL // ECA X2 // GSD CPT X2
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
RDM x 10 // ERP // AFK Kick // 3x ARDM // NLR // FailRP // RDM // RDM // RDM // FailRP
Last warn was 26/02/2023
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I am applying for executive researcher because during my time as a Sr.Researcher I have enjoyed coming up with new test ideas and learning how to create and format documents I would like to move upwards within the research department since I started research i’ve become significantly better at document making trying my hardest to get an excellent on every document which i’ve done so far recently.​

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I believe I am suitable for executive researcher as I have plenty of CL4 experience combative and non combative. I enjoy helping other members of the department or even other departments with whatever I can. I am very active on-site so i’ll be able to assist anyone whenever they may need it. I understand most if not all aspects of the research department so I will be able to work quickly and efficiently. I try even as Sr. Researcher to make sure other researchers are acting appropriately and do my best to set an example while on site.​

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I have written around 7 excellent graded documents 3 of my favourite to make being SCP-682 "The easy to kill reptile" // SCP-939 "Putting the dogs to sleep" // SCP-106 "The old mans interview"
An excellent document is made up of several factors, including a useful and detailed aim of a test, a descriptive method and conclusion. A minimum of 4 pages although to make an excellent, comprehensive document I personally would suggest more. The findings of the test should be either put to use or ideas should be created trying to find viable methods to put those findings to use. Excellent documents should have good grammar making sure all sections are readable and laid out nicely.​

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
As an executive your responsibilities are to make sure all researchers are following the Legal Codes and the research departments policies. They are to maintain and help the department wherever they can. They are to hold researchers to a professional standard making sure minges and those who have no interest in research are dealt with. They are to guide and assist low ranking members of the department so they can become better and improve the department.​

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
File Creation: 13/04/██
Name: O'Leary, Kaz
Clearance Level Required: 4
Date of Birth: 19/2/██
Place of Birth: Ireland, Cork

Kaz O'Leary was born on February 19, 19██, in Cork, Ireland.
He was raised in a lower-class family, and his parents worked long hours just to put food on the table. As a result, Kaz was often left alone during his young life. However, he developed a passion for different sciences, particularly biology and chemistry, during this time. He read many books on biology, with his favorite being "Biology: A Functional Approach" by M.B.V. Roberts. As Kaz got older, his love for these subjects grew, and he excelled in them in school. After finishing secondary school, he enrolled at Cork University College to study biology and chemical sciences.

At UCC, Kaz was an incredibly dedicated student, working tirelessly to achieve top marks. After graduating with honors, he was recruited into the SCP Foundation, starting as a junior researcher within Site-17. For the first few months of his stay at Site-17, he was assigned to SCP-073, conducting hundreds of interviews, some documented and some for his own pleasure. He was fascinated with its artificial body parts and its highly detailed knowledge of ancient and recent events in history. After 11 months, Kaz was transferred to Site-19 to study and further research 049-2 instances. During his time researching SCP-049-2 instances, he made notable discoveries, earning him the rank of Senior Researcher. On November 12, 20██, at 1653 hours, several containment breaches within Site-19 were recorded alongside a large-scale Chaos Insurgency attack. Kaz managed to flee Site-19 and found shelter in Holt, Michigan. He was later picked up by the SCP Foundation and retransferred to Site-65, where he will continue his career as a Senior Researcher in this remote site.


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
28/07/2022 1550 Hours
In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
GMT +1
Character name(s):
Kaz O'Leary
Civilian name:
Kaz Kelleher
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF Nu7 CPL // MTF O-1 LT // MTF A-1 LCPL // MTF E-11 CPL // ECA X2 // GSD CPT X2
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
RDM x 10 // ERP // AFK Kick // 3x ARDM // NLR // FailRP // RDM // RDM // RDM // FailRP
Last warn was 26/02/2023
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
I am applying for executive researcher because during my time as a Sr.Researcher I have enjoyed coming up with new test ideas and learning how to create and format documents I would like to move upwards within the research department since I started research i’ve become significantly better at document making trying my hardest to get an excellent on every document which i’ve done so far recently.​

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
I believe I am suitable for executive researcher as I have plenty of CL4 experience combative and non combative. I enjoy helping other members of the department or even other departments with whatever I can. I am very active on-site so i’ll be able to assist anyone whenever they may need it. I understand most if not all aspects of the research department so I will be able to work quickly and efficiently. I try even as Sr. Researcher to make sure other researchers are acting appropriately and do my best to set an example while on site.​

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
I have written around 7 excellent graded documents 3 of my favourite to make being SCP-682 "The easy to kill reptile" // SCP-939 "Putting the dogs to sleep" // SCP-106 "The old mans interview"
An excellent document is made up of several factors, including a useful and detailed aim of a test, a descriptive method and conclusion. A minimum of 4 pages although to make an excellent, comprehensive document I personally would suggest more. The findings of the test should be either put to use or ideas should be created trying to find viable methods to put those findings to use. Excellent documents should have good grammar making sure all sections are readable and laid out nicely.​

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
As an executive your responsibilities are to make sure all researchers are following the Legal Codes and the research departments policies. They are to maintain and help the department wherever they can. They are to hold researchers to a professional standard making sure minges and those who have no interest in research are dealt with. They are to guide and assist low ranking members of the department so they can become better and improve the department.​

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
File Creation: 13/04/██
Name: O'Leary, Kaz
Clearance Level Required: 4
Date of Birth: 19/2/██
Place of Birth: Ireland, Cork

Kaz O'Leary was born on February 19, 19██, in Cork, Ireland.
He was raised in a lower-class family, and his parents worked long hours just to put food on the table. As a result, Kaz was often left alone during his young life. However, he developed a passion for different sciences, particularly biology and chemistry, during this time. He read many books on biology, with his favorite being "Biology: A Functional Approach" by M.B.V. Roberts. As Kaz got older, his love for these subjects grew, and he excelled in them in school. After finishing secondary school, he enrolled at Cork University College to study biology and chemical sciences.

At UCC, Kaz was an incredibly dedicated student, working tirelessly to achieve top marks. After graduating with honors, he was recruited into the SCP Foundation, starting as a junior researcher within Site-17. For the first few months of his stay at Site-17, he was assigned to SCP-073, conducting hundreds of interviews, some documented and some for his own pleasure. He was fascinated with its artificial body parts and its highly detailed knowledge of ancient and recent events in history. After 11 months, Kaz was transferred to Site-19 to study and further research 049-2 instances. During his time researching SCP-049-2 instances, he made notable discoveries, earning him the rank of Senior Researcher. On November 12, 20██, at 1653 hours, several containment breaches within Site-19 were recorded alongside a large-scale Chaos Insurgency attack. Kaz managed to flee Site-19 and found shelter in Holt, Michigan. He was later picked up by the SCP Foundation and retransferred to Site-65, where he will continue his career as a Senior Researcher in this remote site.
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Well-known Member
Dec 17, 2022


The following message is composed via consensus of research department Leadership.

Hello, @'Kaz'

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Director of research

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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