[UK] Archangel's SA App #2

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:164211367
Discord name: Sethy#5657

For how long have you played on CG SCP:

At this current time, atleast 2 months/1 Month and a half

Age: 21
In what country are you located?: I Wish not to disclose publicly here
Time zone: UTC +2

Character name(s):

Seth "Archangel" Krueger

James "Royal" Archer


Civilian name:

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
Yes and i use it all the time

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF NU7 SGT LDR (Former)
MTF O1 CPL (Former)
MTF A1 CPL (Former)
Overseer Assistant (Former)
MTF NU7 SPC (Circa May 2023, Currently holding)

Chaos Insurgency:
CI-A (Former)

Global Occult Coalition:
1st Sergeant (Holding)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
None! Clean record!

Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
I Am applying for Site Advisor for numerous reasons, One i have been in the combative spotlight for too long and it has gotten abit too quite repetitive so i wanted to change it, and i personally believe SA Can do that for me and additionally, it has been somewhat of a dream for me to become a member of Site Administration

Secondly, i believe i can advance my career and gain more experience, and knowledge, This will be my first and meaningful Senior Position, to help lead the Foundation into a better place within the server, and to also educate and learn more about the duties and goings of the Site Administration, i also believe that my skillset and RP Talent could prove worthwhile and below you will see what i mean.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

I Am On the site for most days of the week, on for many hours at a time! and additionally, i am always striving to complete tasks and to keep going on my duties no matter what and additionally I Am Always willing to do anything and everything, any and all task i will take on.

I Believe that i am a natural born leader who is destined to take charge and initiative of those below and around me, i always try to keep things as best as they could for those i lead and also to make sure i leave a lasting impact that'll motivate and inspire.

Resilence & Patience
I Am also willing to learn and adapt, and no matter any hardship i will keep going to achieve the goal for my end goal is to always see the task through and get it done no matter the issue.

RP Skill & Talent
I always try to have a unique style in RP And to always improve my skill in it, additionally i Would also say that my RP Talent is unique and stands out from the others around me

I was previously a member of the Overseer Assistant Cabinet, in which i was able to do paperwork for the Overseers, During my time within the OAS my work revolved around Documentation and Paperwork, aswell as Working with O5/ECM/ECA/MTF's and Departments On Site and CL4 Matters!

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
Site Administration are responsible for the following tasks:

The Leadership and Guidance of the Site
The Enforcement of the Legal Codex, CoC, And CoE
The Cooperation and Oversight between multiple branches and departments to ensure full autonomy of the site
Issuing Orders to subordinates and Executing orders from Higher Ranks
The work of Dealing with External Affairs regarding other GOI's
Authorization of AA Under Extreme Circumstances

Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

"Here you go create another fable, you wanted to! Grab a brush and put a little make-up, you wanted to! Hide the scars to fade away the shake-up, you wanted to! Why'd you leave the keys upon the table? You wanted to"

The Headphones Krueger's ears sang to him as he sat alone within AMTF-NU7's bunks.. It was 3:23 AM And the Site was quiet as everyone now went to sleep, Operatives of NU7 still roamed the halls patrolling it, Down below in D Block, GenSec exchanged shifts to maintain eye on the D Class, In HCZ, Epsilon-11 Patrolled the Sector 24/7, weapons always raised..

Krueger looked at the GRY SBR Rifle in his lap as he reloaded a fresh magazine, round by round.. As he sat there in his chair to look at the wall thinking back to his past, It all happened so quickly... 2001.. The Army and then the Rangers, and then the Foundation, he chuckled still proud of himself for going so far..

"I don't think you trust In my self-righteous █████ I cry when Angels deserve to die In my self-righteous █████ I cry when Angels deserve to die!"

Krueger got up from his chair and put the rifle next to his bunk bed, he'd do some exercise in the morning before they , he was tired and wanted to sleep, so he was going to head to sleep and wake up at 11 AM, he turned off the music of System of a Down within his ears and went for the bed, and as soon as he tried to lay down on it, The door's keypad let out a "Access Confirmed" sound and it flung open, light coming in and blinding him..

When his vision came to, He was greeted by 3 Individuals, their silhouettes obsecured from the Lamp in the hall, but he knew who they were.. An O5 And Two Alpha 1..

"Mr Krueger, Come with me please."

The O5 Ordered, He obeyed, He was escorted from the NU7 Bunks to the Meeting Room in Floor 3, each step was a struggle, a heavy step.. he was tired and wanted to sleep but orders were orders and so he obeyed without question, He entered the room and sat down on the opposite side of the conference table, on the other side sat the Four O5, Alpha One joined in and guarded the room.


"Yeah, please."

Krueger received a hot cup of coffee from the coffee machine within the room, he took a sip as caffeine began entering his system, he was slowly regaining energy but for now, he was still somewhat tired nonetheless! He looked at his Superiors and sat upright.. What Was this about? He hoped he wasn't in any trouble but then, the Man spoke.

"Mr Krueger, You of course know who we are, we know who you are, Me and my colleagues have been discussing this since... 11 PM From yesterday, we were discussing a new advancement in your career for you see, Overseer Assistant was still relatively a junior position, you held no power unless we gave it to you, but now tell me.. How familiar are you with the Site Administration?"

"Quite familiar sir, i have worked with them on multiple occasions for previous missions, talked to many and hung out with more, so i would say pretty experienced.. why?"

"Well you see, The Administration is always recruiting for fresh talents, new faces and so on, We think that it is in your best interests that you join them, We know what your ambitions are and besides.. We could always use more loyalists within the Department, What do you say sir?"

Krueger sipped from his coffee again.. the words of the Overseer entered his mind and he thought about it, Well yes he was ambitious and he wanted to advance more and the Administration team looked like the best option, so.. after a few more sips of the brew, he placed it down on the table and gulped it down.. he looked at them, and Nodded.

"When do i begin?..."
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Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Group Moderator
Apr 11, 2022


The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, @Archangel

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request.

This request has been put on hold. There are currently no available positions pertaining to this role available.
We will review this request as soon as a position has been opened.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

To repeat the same point I made on the last app:
Hardly fit for staff, much less Site Administration. Has received staff infractions for poor behavior and generally seems immature.
While he was in Omega-1, he leaked a codeword over open comms and was striked. When he was skipped up for promotion the next week, he immediately reg hopped to Alpha-1 because he wasn't promoted.

In my experiences with him while he was in other MTFs (Nu-7), he was very resistant to joining external communications and regularly complained and got mad whenever he was asked to (even after an announcement was made that not being in TS was strikeable). Because of this, he was consistently uncoordinated with all other Nu-7 online and his performance greatly lacked. He does not effectively work as a team with other people.

It is my opinion that Archangel only seeks power/rank over other people, and would be seriously damaging if accepted into the Site Administration team. Roleplay I have seen from Archangel tends to severely lack in quality, though this may have improved since his time as an OSA.
To repeat the same point I made on the last app:
Hardly fit for staff, much less Site Administration. Has received staff infractions for poor behavior and generally seems immature.
While he was in Omega-1, he leaked a codeword over open comms and was striked. When he was skipped up for promotion the next week, he immediately reg hopped to Alpha-1 because he wasn't promoted.

In my experiences with him while he was in other MTFs (Nu-7), he was very resistant to joining external communications and regularly complained and got mad whenever he was asked to (even after an announcement was made that not being in TS was strikeable). Because of this, he was consistently uncoordinated with all other Nu-7 online and his performance greatly lacked. He does not effectively work as a team with other people.

It is my opinion that Archangel only seeks power/rank over other people, and would be seriously damaging if accepted into the Site Administration team. Roleplay I have seen from Archangel tends to severely lack in quality, though this may have improved since his time as an OSA.
Hello checkers, i thank you for leaving feedback and criticism on my app though i wish to address your concerns, so if i may.

-Staff Infractions

I Admit i was careless and i have been the subject of such infractions, i have regretted what i have done and sought to improve myself to no longer commit such careless acts and recieve another infraction, i have tried to and actually began a road of improvement long before, and if you were to ask any SL or my Handler/Supervisor, he would back up my claims.

-Omega 1

Contrary to popular belief, i did not seek promotion rather i sought Alpha 1, ever since i joined the server, A1 Was a dream MTF, I Always wanted to join it and i infact recieved 3 tryouts, 2 failed 1 succeeded, i have informed a CO Within Omega 1, Whom would be Anthony Pilot that i wished to transfer/join A1, I Made it clear though it was my mistake that i had not informed a CO of me joining, so i admit to that geninue mistake, additionally the part regarding the codeword, I Was NOT Aware or was informed that the word should've been leaked, i heard a presumed order from someone higher than me and i executed it so again i was unaware and i made it clear to the CO's then.

NU-7 And TS

Regarding TS Usage within NU7, I Admit i was resistant to the idea of joining TS Though, i did join it in the end and frequently began to join it more and more, automatically, on my own, You know it and i know it too checkers, Though regarding your performance and uncoordination, I Wish to remind you i achieved SGT LDR And i always tried to coordinate and bring people together, even after NU7 And in Omega 1 and Alpha 1, including GOC, I Always try to work with others, always.

I Thank you for your feedback and thoughts about me though i cannot stress this enough, Please seek out the bigger picture and acquire all the facts before you accuse someone of such traits and wrongdoings additonally, leaving important facts out of the conversation is not a good look neither for you.

There will be no further communication from me on this app, Good Day, God Bless.
Hello checkers, i thank you for leaving feedback and criticism on my app though i wish to address your concerns, so if i may....
As a small response for my thoughts on this -
I have not seen or noted any improvement in your behavior over time.

It is weird to use O1 as a reg-hopping stepping stone to get into your "dream MTF", that being A1 - suspiciously right after not being promoted for receiving a strike.

Your failure to join TS and work as a team persisted even into joining O1, after you left Nu-7. I have still observed no change in this behavior.

"Please seek out the bigger picture and acquire all the facts before you accuse someone of such traits and wrongdoings additonally, leaving important facts out of the conversation is not a good look neither for you."
My opinion on this application was made through observation of how you act given both context and the bigger picture. The context you have provided only reinforces my negative opinion given you used O1 to reg-hop into A1 by your own admission.


Active member
Nov 12, 2022
- Support
- Got a warning on OSA
- Quite power hungry

- Helpful etc
Good luck on your verdict, Tarz.
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The following message is composed via consensus of the site administration team of site-65.

Hello, @Archangel

Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be denied. The reasons for this denial may be elaborated on should you decide to get in contact with us. No further action is required.

You may re-apply in two weeks' time.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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