[UK] 'Otters' Ethics Committee Member Application [#5]

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Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:78123616
Discord name: Otters#0070
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Been a member for roughly a year, have over 1600 hours on the SCP server.
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Netherlands
Time zone: CET (+01:00)
Character name(s): CI-B Otters [TEU-LCPL] | MTF Nu-7 SGT 'Otters' [HH-S]
Civilian name: “Otters”
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?:
Yes, I do.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Whitelisted Roles:
Ethics Committee Member [Held]
Ethics Committee Assistant [Held and Holding]
Site Advisor [Held]
Security Captain [Held]
SCP-096 [Holding]

MTF Positions:
MTF Omega-1 CPL [Held 2x]
MTF Alpha-1 PVT [Held]
MTF Epsilon-11 SPC [Held]
MTF Epsilon-11 PVT [Held 2x]

MTF Nu-7 SGT [Holding]

Misc Positions:
CI-Gamma [Held]
CI-Beta [Holding]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
I have received 3 warnings in total.

I received a warning on August 17, 2022 for FearRP [A]. This was due to me pulling out a weapon as a disguised D-Class whilst being held under gunpoint. I was in a rush and did not think twice about my actions. I have not done it since.

I received a warning on March 5, 2023 for RDM. Whilst on the Alpha-1 Operative job, I terminated a chef for disrespecting me IC. Reflecting on this, I should not have done this and this warn was justified.

I received a warning on May 9, 2023 for FailRP. This warn has been removed due to it being invalid, but I still wish to explain it. I was called over to Interrogation Room whilst on Nu-7 and was met with a Parawatch holding a Thaumatologist under gunpoint. I ordered the Parawatch to put his gun down, when he refused to I killed him. After receiving the warn, I was informed that it would be removed due to the circumstances of the event taking place.

What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why:
I am applying for the position of Ethics Committee Member.

Personally, I am applying for this position, because I seek to improve myself and I believe this position will assist me with that. Ever since I left the Committee back in November of 2022, I have had regret of leaving the position. Reflecting on that, I could have prevented it by simply requesting a LOA, but instead I resigned. To look at the present, I am currently extremely motivated to assist both the Committee and the site in any way I can. Personally, I believe together with the rest of Site Command and Site Administration that we could deliver quality RP scenarios to the server and make it a better place for all involved. For the past 2 months, I have shown incredible activity on site and I believe this could greatly help the committee by ensuring that there is always a member online to deal with any situations which require the presence of an Ethics Member.

What makes you the best candidate for the Ethics Committee?:


During my time on the server, I have shown great maturity and professionalism at all times. I always ensure that I treat people with respect and be a role-model for other people to look up to. Even in heated situations, I know how to remain calm and polite at all times. I have been denied twice for ECM in the past month. Despite this, I have not lashed out at anyone, not been rude to anyone who could make a change on these verdicts but instead I kept my head up and continued forward. I have had countless situations on the server where someone could break under pressure, but instead I remained calm and tried to resolve it whilst remaining professional at all times.


Whilst I am on the server, I try my absolute best to be active all around the site. I tend to be AFK only during certain occasions and whilst I do this, I ensure that I do not go AFK in critical moments or on a job which actively requires you to be active on. For the past 3 months or so, I have been online almost everyday. Whilst I am on site, I try to interact with everyone and try to show my presence around the site. Whilst I do this, I ensure that I stay polite to everyone to show respect.


I have held many positions around the site, ranging from NCO positions inside of an MTF or holding a higher clearance position, such as Site Advisor. I have shown that I have the required knowledge and experience to obtain these roles and whilst I remained in these positions, I have shown that I am more than capable of performing the duties which are expected from these positions. I have great knowledge regarding both the in game Foundation Legal Codex and department policies and the server rules.

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee in RP?:
In roleplay, The Ethics Committee ensure the safety of the site. They are to ensure that the site is operating smoothly and that the FLC is being followed. Ofcourse, Site Administration is to primarily focus on this, however in certain emergencies, Site Command may have to take certain actions. In the event of mass SCP breach, Together with the O5 Council, the Ethics Committee could evaluate if Advanced Armory authorization is required, possibly even Mass Termination of D-Class outside airlock and evaluate if a Code Black is to be called. Whilst these policies and emergency protocols are put in place, not everything could be solved this way and in rare circumstances where either a breach has gotten out of hand and Emergency Response Team has failed OR a severe SCP-008 breach has occurred and they reached the surface area, Site Command may have to resort to detonating the Alpha Warhead.
These are not only their duties and/or responsibilities, they may also have to do some of the following tasks:
Authorise testing on SCP-008 or Organic testing on SCP-914.
Authorise Keter - Keter crosstests.
Perform surprise audits on Departments and/or MTF’s.
In the absence of Site Administration, take lead in emergency situations and/or communications between GOI’s
Make adjustments to the Foundation Legal Codex regarding Ethics codes when needed

What are the responsibilities of the Ethics Committee out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
The Ethics Committee handle the following applications:
Director of Internal Affairs
Ethics Committee Assistant
Ethics Committee Member

They also act as a Liaison to other departments and assist them if needed.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee character and what storylines they would be involved in:

An encounter with Site-65-A (R-37)

The sound of an alarm could be heard, people yelling through Core Sector, gunshots in the distance. Yup, this sounded like a morning at Site-65. Site Advisor 'Otters' steps out of his office, looking around to see what he could do today. However, he wasn't greeted with an Nu-7 escort, but instead saw the Site Director in a slight panic. 'Otters' walks over to the Director and asks him: "What is going on?". "Otters, be carefull, recently we have seen sightings of the Serpants Hand around" Answers Broda. Whilst looks around, a Hume Field appears below the Core Sector bridge. This catches the eye of both Otters and Broda. After starting at for a while, the field suddenly dissapears. After turning around, a member of the Serpents Hand appears for a brief moment. Broda and Otters both jump, not expecting someone to be standing behind them. In a rush of panic, they request an escort from MTF Nu-7 LTCOM Goondra. The 3 walk to Floor 2, on their way to grab a coffe from SCP-294. However, on floor 2 they get confronted by 2 members of the Serpents Hand. The members request to have a word with Broda, but offer to bring both Otters and Goondra with them. Broda accepts the request and the 3 of them get teleported somewhere else. When they arrive, they get shoved into a Cross-Testing chamber. In this chamber, a destroyed portal remains. It appears this area has been abandoned for a long time. After looking around for a while and examining the equipment, they get confronted by the 2 members. They inform them that outside of this room, there is nothing. A baron wasteland, the war we fought was lost. Broda, Otters and Goondra all wonder why this has occured. The 2 members explain how this is the extinction of the human race, that the test that was conducted using this machine was what caused all of this. Whilst Broda talks to the Serpents Hand member, Goondra attempts to reboot the computer system. It is at this point that they notice a camera in the corner. The tape inside of it reads that the time period is 1988. The Serpents Hand member warns Broda, informing him that at one point, all realities will end, that is is a never ending cycle of death and destruction. At this point they notice that the ground begins to shake, they are told they have 60 seconds to grab whatever they want, before the reality collapses. They grab most of the items in the room, including a Laptop, a Keycard, the video tape and a bible. Upon returning to floor 2, they are greeted by a dozen of Alpha-1 members. They are forced into a storage room and had to explain everything they saw and heard. Broda was forced to give up the video tape. After the questioning, they were send on their way. The 3 meet up in Broda's office, talking about the events that just occured. It is at this point that Otters gets the idea to turn on the laptop, trying to find answers to his many questions. Upon opening the laptop, they received a prompt which showed *INVALID ACCESS*. After sliding in the keycard, they gained access to the system. After browsing the files to gather more information on the project and what occured. They stumbled upon alot of information which they never knew. About that the project was voted on by the entire Overseer council or that the project had 3 tests before the final one. After roughly 15 minutes of browsing, the laptop shuts down the power. It is at this point that they realize what they just have done. After a while, Goondra and Broda resume their duties, however Otters still remains in the office, having alot of unanswered questions. It is at this point that roughly 10 Alpha-1 operatives barge into the office, taking the laptop and keycard with them and abruptly leaving. After a short while, Broda was requested on Floor 3. Not too long after, Otters was called up aswell. Upon entering floor 3, Otters felt a shiver going down his spine, walking through the hallway. After told to go into an office, he was greeted by the Alpha-1 Commander and O5-1. Whilst being questioned, Otters was hesitant to tell the full truth, however hearing a shotgun being loaded next to him changed his name. Otters told everything that was asked, regarding what he learned from the laptop, to what he looked up. After questioning, both Broda and Otters were administered Class-E amnestics. After being administered Class-E amnestics, Otters was escorted out of floor 3 and resumed his normal duties as a Site Advisor.

Good afternoon, Assistant. Take a seat. Your schedule has been cleared for the upcoming week. You are not permitted to leave this orientation until I say so.

The Committee has seen both great and horrible things from you, however we have agreed that it is for the better of humanity.

Before we proceed, I instruct you to look at this incident report. You may be familiar with it.

We understand that after this incident, you receive a psychological evaluation, correct?

Interesting, well I am happy to inform you that we believe you will make a great addition to our roster of members.

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Reactions: Corz "Crusader"
Although I play on the USA server, I’ve had a friendly conversation with this individual in the mess hall about otters. Otters seem like someone that is easy to talk to and get along with and was already an ECM in the past. They seem overqualified for this position and would most likely be a great addition to the Ethics Committee. Good luck Otters!
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Reactions: Otters
Otters has a lot of previous CL4 and CL5 experience, with his most recent being SA. During his time in Nu-7 he has shown a lot of dedication and leadership abilities, and he has obtained a lot of respect from the regiment. Outside of Nu-7, Otters is an active ECA and has shown a lot of roleplaying capabilities. Overall, Otters is a capable leader and I am sure he will be a great addition to the Ethics Committee.
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