Recent content by "ALFA"

  1. "ALFA"

    [UK] O5-1 "The Chimera"

    +Support Good luck Chad.
  2. "ALFA"

    Phill Dee's 2nd SCP-UK ECM APP

    +Support -Good luck
  3. "ALFA"

    [UK] Casper Kowalski's Consultant Application

    +Support - Good lucky
  4. "ALFA"

    [UK] DrTaboo's 2nd Internal Affairs Ambassador Application

    +Support -i mean Why not he can be Good IA Ambassador -Good luck Man
  5. "ALFA"

    see you later alligator

    o7, Good luck man
  6. "ALFA"

    [UK] Jimmy Swan's Exec. Researcher application

  7. "ALFA"

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - ALFA_yd

    What server are you applying for: SCP-RP (UK) Your Username: ALFA_yd Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:698053360 Discord Username: alfa_yd Age: 18 What's your current playtime: Do you have a mic: Yes Your characters name: CI: Mahdi 'ALFA' Foundation: 'ALFA' Civ: Mahdi Is this the first...
  8. "ALFA"

    [UK] Mark 'Dutch' Belgrum OSA

    +Support -let him cook again