*Worth noting that I was an Executive researcher previously. The only reason I lost my position is because I stopped playing for a while*
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
-Since 2022 - 654 Hours on the server according to GameTracker
In what country are you located?:
-N. Wales
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Civilian name:
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
(All except for SCP-096 are no longer held due to me leaving the server for several months)
Site Advisor
Accepted for Site Director but never interviewed
Ethics Committee Assistant
Executive Researcher
Nu-7 MAJ (And head of Nu-7 RAISA Dpt.)
And I was also Head Moderator/Content Team
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
All warns:
Minor Glitching - May 11 2022
RDM x2 - May 11 2022
Pac Abuse - Jun 15 2022
RDM x2 - Dec 9 2023
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?:
-I have a lot of fun when it comes to RPing as a researcher. I like interacting with the D-Class and the guards, and I enjoy coming up with new and interesting ways to perform tests on both inanimate and player-controlled SCPs. When I’m not busy with other duties, Researcher is my go-to RP job.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
-I am very capable of performing interesting and informative tests. I also have good knowledge about anything research and SCP related so I would be able to assist with pretty much any questions and give advice on how to write excellent documents. I also have what I think to be pretty decent standards when it comes to writing documents, so I would be able to grade other people's documents appropriately and give feedback on improvements if needed/asked for. I tend to get along well with other researchers and often find myself being asked to assist with tests by Junior Researchers, and (regular) Researchers.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?:
-No idea, but I think my all documents are excellent
For real though I think I have 7-8 documents graded as excellent? I don't know how to check.
What makes an excellent document is a) following the approved format and b) making your information clear and concise.
Having at least a few pages of information detailing the experiment itself and the reason for it, and then a few pages detailing the results and outcome of the experiment in a nicely formatted way makes it more interesting for anybody to read. Its also a good idea to proof read (preferably several times) to catch any mistakes and to spell check. All of these put together is a sure-fire way to get your document graded as 'excellent'.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
-The responsibilities of an Executive researcher include watching over other researchers' experiments making sure everything is being done in an appropriate manner, as well as guiding and helping other researchers with any questions or inquiries they may have. Executive researchers are also responsible for encouraging submissions of research documents as well as responsible for grading said documents after tests are done.
Executive researchers may also conduct experiments and tests on CL4 SCPs to gain data and results on otherwise restricted SCPs to gain further knowledge to assist with future breaches and potential tests.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Born into a Catholic family, [Name redacted] was never really into science as a young boy until one Christmas SCP-4666 killed all his family and tried to kidnap him. [Name redacted] escaped and since then has been studying scientific anomalies to understand just what killed his family. Due to his skill in finding these anomalies he was picked up by the foundation at the age of 19 as a researcher and has quickly excelled in the field of Anomalous Studies and become an esteemed Biological Analyst. [Name redacted] was present during the mass breach at Site-19 as well as the breach at Site-02. Despite going through so much trauma, Dr.[Name redacted] still maintains a happy demeanour and professional attitude during his work at Site-65.
Due to the heavy redaction of his past- He has since taken up the code-name ‘Deacon’ due to his religious beliefs despite his scientific occupation. This also especially draws him towards SCP-073 and SCP-076 also know as Cain and Able respectfully.
[I hate writing backstories.]
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
-Since 2022 - 654 Hours on the server according to GameTracker
In what country are you located?:
-N. Wales
Time zone:
Character name(s):
Civilian name:
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
(All except for SCP-096 are no longer held due to me leaving the server for several months)
Site Advisor
Accepted for Site Director but never interviewed
Ethics Committee Assistant
Executive Researcher
Nu-7 MAJ (And head of Nu-7 RAISA Dpt.)
And I was also Head Moderator/Content Team
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
All warns:
Minor Glitching - May 11 2022
RDM x2 - May 11 2022
Pac Abuse - Jun 15 2022
RDM x2 - Dec 9 2023
Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?:
-I have a lot of fun when it comes to RPing as a researcher. I like interacting with the D-Class and the guards, and I enjoy coming up with new and interesting ways to perform tests on both inanimate and player-controlled SCPs. When I’m not busy with other duties, Researcher is my go-to RP job.
What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
-I am very capable of performing interesting and informative tests. I also have good knowledge about anything research and SCP related so I would be able to assist with pretty much any questions and give advice on how to write excellent documents. I also have what I think to be pretty decent standards when it comes to writing documents, so I would be able to grade other people's documents appropriately and give feedback on improvements if needed/asked for. I tend to get along well with other researchers and often find myself being asked to assist with tests by Junior Researchers, and (regular) Researchers.
How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?:
-No idea, but I think my all documents are excellent

What makes an excellent document is a) following the approved format and b) making your information clear and concise.
Having at least a few pages of information detailing the experiment itself and the reason for it, and then a few pages detailing the results and outcome of the experiment in a nicely formatted way makes it more interesting for anybody to read. Its also a good idea to proof read (preferably several times) to catch any mistakes and to spell check. All of these put together is a sure-fire way to get your document graded as 'excellent'.
What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
-The responsibilities of an Executive researcher include watching over other researchers' experiments making sure everything is being done in an appropriate manner, as well as guiding and helping other researchers with any questions or inquiries they may have. Executive researchers are also responsible for encouraging submissions of research documents as well as responsible for grading said documents after tests are done.
Executive researchers may also conduct experiments and tests on CL4 SCPs to gain data and results on otherwise restricted SCPs to gain further knowledge to assist with future breaches and potential tests.
Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Born into a Catholic family, [Name redacted] was never really into science as a young boy until one Christmas SCP-4666 killed all his family and tried to kidnap him. [Name redacted] escaped and since then has been studying scientific anomalies to understand just what killed his family. Due to his skill in finding these anomalies he was picked up by the foundation at the age of 19 as a researcher and has quickly excelled in the field of Anomalous Studies and become an esteemed Biological Analyst. [Name redacted] was present during the mass breach at Site-19 as well as the breach at Site-02. Despite going through so much trauma, Dr.[Name redacted] still maintains a happy demeanour and professional attitude during his work at Site-65.
Due to the heavy redaction of his past- He has since taken up the code-name ‘Deacon’ due to his religious beliefs despite his scientific occupation. This also especially draws him towards SCP-073 and SCP-076 also know as Cain and Able respectfully.
[I hate writing backstories.]
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