Recent content by AverseRabbit530

  1. AverseRabbit530

    Dr Drews SC Application

    +Support +Experienced (Held the rank of "General of the Army") +Long standing Member I Haven't Spoken with you in a long time, but I believe you would fit right in with SC. Good Luck!
  2. AverseRabbit530

    Beef Wellington's Game Master Application

    +Support +Different & Original Missions/Operations +Alright Detail +No Warnings -/+ Not a lot of Interaction
  3. AverseRabbit530

    guys its me again

    damn that's crazy ?
  4. AverseRabbit530

    Add back cheese voice line

    +Support Sometimes I Dream about cheese.
  5. AverseRabbit530

    [UK] Thomas Melton's Moderator Application

    +Support -Good Application -Active -experienced
  6. AverseRabbit530

    [UK] Irish's Overseer assistant application

    +Support hello Irish After reading your Application I know we have never met but I have heard some Great and Positive things about you around the site and personally from what I've heard and seen all of the Detail you put into your application I have to give you not Only support but -Good...
  7. AverseRabbit530

    Sandwalkers NHC application

    +Support +Great Tactics Advisor +Alot of Experience of Commanding Troops =Has Experience from Regiment Command in JAF/SAS +Best Man for the Job! Hey there Sandwalker! I know that it's been quite a while since we last spoke but I am giving you support because I know what you would make a Great...
  8. AverseRabbit530

    RMP CPT Athena NHC Application

    +Massive Support +Leads Wars to Victory (Most of the Time) +True Leader +Pretty Mature +Commands Troops very well Athena, I know you get a lot of stuff from JAF and They Are mostly Negative but Personally, Besides Dukem and Lyra I think you would be a great brigadier general -2nd LT John Rambo
  9. AverseRabbit530

    John Rambo's Game Master Application

    Original Steam login name (your accounts first ever name): FelixPlayz For how long have you played on CG MRP: 11 Months Age: 14 (Authorization From Falcon) In what country are you located?: Ireland Time zone: GMT NATO name (regiment and rank): JAF CSM John Rambo USSR name (regiment and...
  10. AverseRabbit530

    SCP Stuff

  11. AverseRabbit530

    SCP Stuff

    OH this servers gonna be fun as long as it goes like MRP :)
  12. AverseRabbit530

    Just had a Pint with the Lads ?? ?

    Just had a Pint with the Lads ?? ?
  13. AverseRabbit530

    Mate Blackwood Demotion Appeal

    +Support -Pretty Good Guy -Has some very High and Dedicated Ranks (MRP) -Had some Run-ins And has been a pretty good guy -Best of luck John Rambo