MilitaryRP Rules

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Civil Networks World War 3 Rules

All decisions made in game by staff are to be respected. If you disagree with the decision, or believe that the situation was handled incorrectly, then you must make a forum complaint or a ban appeal. Being rude or disrespectful about it may result in a ban.

When appealing a decision you must have reasonable justification, such as incorrect handling or unwarranted punishment. Rules are a general guidelines for the server and should not be used for your own beneficial gain and/or loop holed.

Links: Discord - Teamspeak - Staff Rulings
Last Update: 05/09/2024

MRP Statement

MilitaryRP is a Semi-SeriousRP server which means we aim for a good balance between a serious regimental structure, combined with having fun with your team and squad mates. This doesn't mean "no fun allowed", but people are expected to roleplay seriously when asked to by their COs or High Command. Semi-SeriousRP means you are expected to act in a way that reflects a real soldier, only breaking character in limited scenarios and never in a serious situation like a team debrief. Claims of "others don't take it seriously" or "I don't care enough" are not valid reasons to break this rule.

Section 1: Basic Rules

1.01 - Don't RDM/VDM - Do not kill another player without a valid roleplay reason to do so.

1.02 - Don't FailRP - You must roleplay in a realistic manner, acting in a way the character you are playing as would. For instance, you cannot commit suicide except to escape the enemy team, if you are stripped of weapons and comms you cannot use any item other than Cyanide Pills. In general, don't break character, including if a rule -break occurs - call a staff member and continue roleplaying as you normally would. Only staff members may pause. Shooting Whilst Parachuting - Shooting whilst parachuting is considered FailRP and is against the rules. People caught doing this are liable for punishment. You can't shoot an emplacement when crouched.

1.03 - Don't Break NLR - New Life Rule. Once you die, you cannot use any information from your previous life. RMP/KGB may ignore NLR to carry out an AOS issued by their team.

1.04 - Don't Job/Character Abuse - Do not swap characters/jobs in order to gain an unfair advantage or to avoid punishment. If you have been arrested (with a timer on your screen) you may disconnect/change characters if you are no longer in RP, the timer will continue on rejoin.

1.05 - Don't Randomly Arrest - You must have a valid roleplay reason to arrest someone. An AOS cannot be carried out when a player is AFK, as arrests are in character it doesn't make sense to be arrested while away.

1.06 - Don't Metagame - Do not use info obtained out of character. TS3 regimental comms channels count as in character.

1.07 - Powergaming - Using /me to gain an unfair advantage. KGB/RMP search: KGB/RMP do not have to roll when doing a search. It is also failRP to trade with people outside of your reach. EG if you are right next to someone you CAN pass items to them but you CAN'T pass items to someone more than an arm's length away. It's also not allowed to pass items if the RMP/KGB is right in front of you.

1.08 - Toxicity - Toxicity, harassment, discrimination or generally being offensive or rude to other players is not tolerated.

1.09 - Discrimination - Discrimination is not permitted - This refers to unfair treatment, unfair opportunities or offensive behaviour towards someone based on their appearance, sexuality, gender, religion, nationality and so on.

1.10 - Harassment - Repeated harassment or targeted bullying towards anyone is not permitted. If you are told that your behaviour is uncomfortable or disturbing to an individual, you should cease that behaviour. We are here to have fun, we won't tolerate anyone who attempts to ruin the server for others and foster toxicity. Staff will deal with these situations on a case-by-case basis.

1.11 - Don't Hitbox Abuse - Abusing game mechanics to make yourself harder to hit is not allowed. Examples of this are: spamming crouch, spamming jump, bunnyhopping or crouch jumping. You are allowed to jump and crouch once during a firefight to cover accidental stance changes. However, you should make a reasonable attempt to act realistically whilst in combat. Knowingly using terrain, props or other objects to prevent incoming damage whilst able to do outgoing damage (for example, 'head glitching') is strictly not allowed.

1.12 - Don't Break FearRP - FearRP applies if: the armed aggressors outnumber you in a 2:1 ratio and pose a threat to your life OR you are unarmed and the aggressor is armed. Those who are threatening a hostage on the aggressor's team, or those outside of the enemy base in an unstripped team of 4+ people. When under FearRP you must comply with the aggressor's orders (within the server rules), except for OOC actions (e.g. using an NPC). In a 2:1 situation, even if one player is trying to put someone under FearRP and is out of voice range, if they are clearly visible alongside the other person then this is fine.Jugs need double the amount of people to be under FearRP if they are armed so 4 people not 2. If a Jug is unarmed, they follow the same rules as anyone else.

MBT can be put under FearRP by 2 other MBT any other armoured vehicle can be put under FearRP by 1 MBT

1.13- Don't Farm Money/Combat Score - Killing or repeatedly downing another player to gain combat score/money outside of normal gameplay is not allowed.

1.14 - Don't Base Camp - You must give enemy players a chance to leave their base. If fighting in a war is nowhere near the enemy base, engaging "at the signs" will not be considered far enough, while if you own all points it may be considered fair.

1.15 - Don't Bait - Baiting in order to allow you/someone else to break a server rule is not allowed. (i.e. purposefully getting yourself kidnapped or walking into the enemy base in order to allow your teammates to open fire on the enemy).

1.16 - Don't Exploit/Use External Assistance - Using external software/scripts to gain an advantage or exploiting bugs/glitches is not allowed.

1.17 - Don’t ERP - We have a zero-tolerance policy on Erotic Roleplay. Going out of your way to ERP is unacceptable and will be met with serious consequences.

1.18 Realistic Driving - The server contains a wide variety of vehicles that have unique capabilities, but players should use common sense when operating vehicles. For example; the AA-Arti has an exceptional ability to drive up near vertical inclines, in real life this could never be done and players should not do this. If it doesn't make sense in real life, don't do it here.

1.19 Inventory - Your inventory is IC and players should only trade items when in front of each other.

Section 2: PAC3 Rules

2.1 - You are not allowed to gain any RP/in-combat advantage from your PAC3 creation.

2.2 - The PAC3 rules can be voided by a Game Master if you are helping in an event and using PAC3 for an event character.

2.3 - All PAC3 creations must be realistic and not break the FailRP rule. (For example: Military personnel are only allowed to wear military clothes/equipment) Loud & annoying sound effects are not allowed.Oversized and massive props are prohibited.Changing the core features of your job is prohibited. (For example, as a medic don't place an emblem in front of your uniform's red cross)

Section 3: War / Combat Rules

3.1 - Base Raid Clarifications - When a base raid is active, many things are going on, which can cause confusion and mistakes. All rules must be followed by everyone and this is noted in the Rules section. Common mistakes are:
- Friendly and Enemy Helis cannot use their cannon on anything in the base.
- Mortaring the base is allowed, but you cannot actively target spawn areas (e.g Bunks).
- Using Tac/Rallys is allowed but intentionally placing them near a wall to "glitch into buildings" is not and will be removed by staff.
- Intentionally targeting spawn areas is not allowed and is blatantly not fun for the victim.

3.2 - Base Raid Conditions - When it comes to raiding the enemy base there are 2 ways. First, if a side wins the campaign they can raid the enemy base once the war starts. Second, to raid the enemy base during a Conquest War the following conditions must be met:
-The side being raided cannot be outnumbered by more than 2:1.
- If a side captures all points during a war, they may raid after defending all points for 10 minutes, with at least 10 minutes left on the war timer afterwards.
- If a side starts a war with all points, they may raid after defending all points for 10 minutes.
- The raiding side must have a member of High Command online.
- The war must be 3 lanes for a Base Raid to be viable.

3.3 Use of Rocket Launchers - Only militia may use RPGs against infantry against a group of 3 or more. You should be taking care using explosives if there is even a small chance of killing infantry. Use your best judgement and have evidence at the ready if you appear to break this rule in any capacity.

3.5 Number of KWKs - You may only place a MAX of 3 KWKs (In total) on a FOB

3.6 FOB Assaults - Using the emplacements on an Enemy FOB for the purpose to waste the ammo falls under the umbrella of a FOB assault and shall be treated as one. If you are defending against a FOB assault, it is job abuse if you knowingly change jobs for the purpose of intending to kill the aggressors on said FOB. You CAN NOT spawn on a FOB when a FOB assault is ongoing. (You also only get 1 life during the assault)

3.7 - Handheld Rocket Launchers - Matadors/AT4's/RPG's cannot be used against infantry unless you are Militia: in which case you may use RPG's on a group of 3 or more people: If you hit less than 3 people you must yourself provide evidence of you clearly trying to hit a group of 3 or more people. Stingers can only be used against air targets.

3.8 - FOB Structures/Emplacements - KWK's cannot be used on infantry. Flak Cannons & A-A Cannons cannot be used on ground targets.

3.9 - Anti-Air Vehicles - An anti-air vehicle's explosives cannot be used on any ground target; Anti-Air vehicles cannot be shot from inside a base.

3.10 - Helicopters - During peacetime and pre-war helicopters cannot engage any ground targets unless the helicopter is fired upon first by a vehicle or explosives.

3.11 - Helicopters and Bases - Helicopters cannot be engaged while in / over base, however if they engage from their base they're considered a hostile target until they have landed on a helipad. If a helicopter is not actively being used it must be landed on a helipad. Helicopters cannot target anything but hostile helicopters in the Bases regardless if they're a threat or not.

3.12 - Armoured Vehicles - During peacetime and pre-war, armoured vehicles may only enter the enemy-controlled area (See 4.00) for the purposes of training, and if they have no suitable owned territories with which they can train in. This will also require approval from their respective High Command.

3.13 - Deploying Vehicles - A Maximum of 3 Armoured Vehicles can be deployed by either 17thAR or 10th SD. All other regiments may have a max 2 armoured vehicles. A maximum of 2 armed helicopters can be in the sky per team at one time, if a team owns 2 or fewer territories, the opposing team may only have 1 armed helicopter in the sky. NATO/USSR may have at most 4 helicopters deployed at once. If only 1 Lane is activated then only 1 Heli deployment, per side, is allowed at any given time.

3.14 - SCUD & HIMARS/HQs - The SCUD & HIMARS vehicle missiles cannot be fired from inside either team's base, they must be fired from outside the perimeter signs of either team. The HIMARS/SCUD & HQs vehicles do not count towards 10th SD's/17thAR's/NHCs/UHCs armoured vehicle limit.

3.14.1 - AA - AA can only be used outside of the base past signs.

3.15 - Tactical Assets - Tactical tablet assets which kill or damage players or vehicles cannot be used on either base.

3.16 - Base Radio Access - A vehicle, weapon, emplacement or structure cannot be used to block access to either base's territory radio(s).

3.17 - Use of Explosives to Attack FOBs - Explosives cannot be used on FOB Structures during Peacetime or Pre-War if it endangers the life of an infantry (With the exception of the Militia 3.01 rule). You may, however, engage vehicles which are around FOB structures as you would normally. If you damage or kill infantry in this way you must provide evidence showing that it was not your intention to do so.

3.18 - Unrealistic use of equipment - Equipment must be used realistically. Common unrealistic use includes, but not limited to; throwing a grenade at a heli rotor to destroy it, using grappling hooks on vehicles, grav-gunning stinger missiles as well as using KWKs on helicopters. Use common sense.

3.19 - Helicopter Piloting/Co-Piloting - Only JAF/ABT and HC may Pilot helicopters. Spec-Ops regimental command may only pilot unarmed helicopters. JAF/ABT and HC may Co-Pilot for a pilot outlined prior. In the event there is no-one outlined prior available to Co-Pilot, the pilot may call upon the RC of another regiment to do so.

3.19.1 - MBT crew - Only people with a armoured vehicle licence may drive a MBT anyone with an armoured vehicle or Infantry vehicle licence may gun a MBT.

3.20 - Personal drones (f4 menu) are not allowed to be used on helis.

3.21 - Fair Placement of Equipment - You can't place tactical inserts or rally markers in places not reachable by foot. You can't use deployable shields in doorways to block objectives, e.g. blocking a cap radio. You may only place emplacements realistically, this means they may not clip through surroundings and structures. They must be placed on an even, flat surface.

3.22 - Strategic Assets and Mobile Launchers - No one is allowed to fire a SCUD/HIMARS or any other strategic asset which may damage the enemy team, structures or vehicles with 30 seconds or less remaining in war.

3.23 - ER Claim - Eastern Resistance at any point may lay claim to the town in open comms (/oc). You may KOS any USSR/NATO that are within the town after giving them 5 minutes to leave the town. You must specify what teams you are hostile to in /oc. You may claim the town for a maximum of 20 minutes after which you can no longer KOS any armed USSR/NATO. You must wait 30 minutes before you lay claim to the town again.
On Backwater, Eastern Resistance may claim Town or any one of the Factories. ER exemptions for town will also apply for the point they claim for the duration that the point is claimed for. The cooldown before claiming again applies to all points so ER cannot, for example, claim Factory Alpha and then Immediately claim Factory Beta.
On Highlands, Eastern Resistance may claim Town as its entirety.

Civil police are KOS during a claim.

3.24 - ER Swap - To player ER during a war you must be on ER when war starts and stay on it. You may not join ER in the middle of a war or swap from ER to NATO/USSR and swap back

Section 4: FOB Rules

4.00 - FOB Areas (Clarification) - The enemy or friendly "area" is all land behind the furthest point of the furthest territory controlled by that team in that direction: in the case of a territory directly next to the map border the enemy "area" also extends to include the map's border. The area between the two team's areas is considered neutral. If a FOB's maximum build distance (shown in green on the F4 map while looking at a nearby FOB Radio with a shovel) touches:
- Only Friendly Territory = Friendly
- Only Enemy Territory = Enemy
- Only Neutral Territory = Neutral
- Friendly + Enemy Territory = Neutral
- Friendly + Neutral Territory = Friendly
- Enemy + Neutral Territory = Enemy

4.01 - FOB Placement - You may not place FOB's in an enemy Area, within either base's signs or directly on an enemy-controlled territory. You may not place FOB structures behind base signs. Similarly, all FOB Radios must be able to be shovelled and have C4 placed on them without requiring an enemy to crouch-walk under an object or crouch-jump over map objects to access the radio

4.02 - FOB Destruction - You may destroy an enemy FOB in neutral area's at any time; however you may only destroy enemy FOB in an enemy area during war, unless otherwise allowed in the rules.

4.03 - FOB Realism - FOB's must be realistic. This list is not exhaustive, however, are simply examples: no floating structures and structures cannot be unrealistically clipping into each other. Sandbags cannot be piled unrealistically high.

4.04 - Minimum Entrances - A FOB must have one unobstructed Perimeter entrance, and two unobstructed entrances to the building/housing the FOB radio itself is in. In the case that a Territory Radio is in the building radius of a FOB Radio, the Territory Radio must always have two unobstructed entrances.

4.05 - FOB Assaults during Peacetime & Pre-War - An FOB in a Neutral Territory may only be assaulted in order to be destroyed once during Peacetime and once during Pre-War; this is not an exemption to any other rule. Once someone involved in the attempt has died, they may not return to the assault.

4.06 - FOBs during missions - You may place a FOB near an objective for your dispatched mission which ignores the status of the territory you are in, but the FOB radio may not be in direct line of sight of the objective. After the mission ends, if you would not normally be allowed to place the FOB down in that location, you must destroy it within 5 minutes.

Section 5: Rules of engagement

Other sides are KOS if they fire upon, attack, or threaten(Must be threatening in person) to kill a friendly infantry, vehicle, or structure.
Other sides are AOS if they are spying into the base, on the walls, pressing the gate button, or within the friendly Base. They may be killed if they have a weapon out within the friendly base.
Other sides can be warned to walk away from the base wall, and are AOS if ignoring the demand.
You may arrest civilians if they have a weapon out, KOS them if they are a threat(Must be threatening in person) e.g. Pointing a gun at you. KOS if they have an RPG out.
You may KOS any non-friendly Helicopter flying over the friendly base.
ER are AOS to civil police at all times

During Pre-War you warn other sides to leave a controlled territory(Must say full name “Airfield not AF”) they have 10 seconds to begin to comply with your demands before they are KOS.
Other sides helicopters are KOS if flying over a controlled territory.

You may KOS the enemy faction.
You may KOS civilians if they have a weapon out. If Eastern Resistance engages friendly forces they are KOS for the rest of the war.

Base raids
Only during base raids may you mortar the other slides base. (Can’t target spawns)

Section 6: Price guidelines

Rank of targetMinimum price
Enlisted (PVT+)£500
Non Commissioned Officer (CPL+)£1,000
Senior Non Commissioned Officer (MSGT+)£5,000
Commissioned Officer (2LT/SLT+)£7,000
Senior Commissioned Officer (CPT+)£10,000
Regimental Command (LTCOL+)£15,000
High Command (BGEN/LGEN+)£30,000 (+£10k for each additional star)


A team can keep a member of a different faction as a prisoner for a maximum of 20 minutes, the timer begins once the POW is taken. A faction may not attempt to wait out this timer to avoid negotiating/paying for their prisoner. The same team must wait 20 minutes before kidnapping the same person again. Any team may kidnap with the intent to ransom or sell the prisoner. USSR/NATO may additionally kidnap in order to interrogate or disguise as the prisoner.
Anyone being taken hostage or being stored by the enemy cannot be held in an area where there are spawn points.

Suggested prices should be thought of as a starting point for negotiations. Players may negotiate for 10% more or less from these prices, however vehicle options are static.
Rank of targetSuggested priceVehicle Option(s)
Enlisted (PVT+)N/AN/A
Non Commissioned Officer (CPL+)£5,000
(SAS/AG £7,500)
Any Vehicle
Senior Non Commissioned Officer (MSGT+)£15,000
(SAS/AG £20,000)
Any armed ground vehicle OR any helicopter
Commissioned Officer (2LT/JLT+)£25,000
(SAS/AG £35,000)
Any armoured vehicle OR Any armed helicopter
Regimental Command (LTCOL+)£35,000
(SAS/AG £45,000)
Any Main Battle Tank OR Any CAS Helicopter (Armed Co-Pilot & Pilot seats)
1-3 Star High Command£60,000 (+£10k for each additional star)Any Main Battle Tank AND Any CAS Helicopter
4-Star High Command£100,000THREE: Main Battle Tanks/CAS Helicopters: must contain at least one of each type of vehicle. EXAMPLE: 2x M1A2 Abrams, 1x Apache

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