Recent content by Cary “Raven”

  1. Cary “Raven”

    [UK] Jax's GSD captain application

    + support Good officer, did a great sweep with you.
  2. Cary “Raven”

    [UK] Dmitry's SA Application

    Bro is just bullying SA at this point, stop applying and get the same position + support
  3. Cary “Raven”

    Denied Remove Sniper jobs

    Nerf but not remove
  4. Cary “Raven”

    They got my ass

    Hippity hoppity get the hell off my property o7
  5. Cary “Raven”

    Dalton's Goodbye

  6. Cary “Raven”

    Ciao for now goobers

  7. Cary “Raven”


    Who dis?
  8. Cary “Raven”

    Denied Speed up chemical analysis

    + support this ridiculously long timer on the analysis does not add anything to the current gameplay loop and I don't see why this has to take so long tbh
  9. Cary “Raven”

    Denied Bring Site-9 Clearance Zones to Site-65

    just update site 65 instead of making another server
  10. Cary “Raven”

    [UK] The Pennington's SD App

    + support "I will never go for SA again"
  11. Cary “Raven”

    [UK] O5-4 "The Puppeteer" rises

    + support W promo?