Recent content by Cheddar

  1. Cheddar

    Denied Director of Engineering

    I wonder if this means I gotta go in the archives and get the chief engineer model again
  2. Cheddar

    [Artist Application] Wotinkermnation

    +Support Me and Kermit have worked on a few things in the past, our main work together being a few models for SWRP, he's definitely got his uses and besides, it would be nice to have someone else who knows how to rig.
  3. Cheddar

    Denied Merge the DEA into MTF Nu-7

    Beta-1 models crying softly in the corner
  4. Cheddar

    Denied Combine Identical Playermodels by Using Bodygroups - Make Content Pack Smaller

    There's a reason why these models are not combined, the first reason being source engine limits, the bodygroup limit for base compilers is 32 for bodygroups and 32 for skin groups, though with hacked compilers these limits can be broken but it's not advised. Models that use flexes such as the...
  5. Cheddar

    Accepted NVG Viewmodel Change

    Sad day for 966 mains
  6. Cheddar


    It's over
  7. Cheddar

    Cheddar's 2nd Developer Application

    In-game name: Johnny Cheddar Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:66963276 Age: 22 For how long have you played on our servers?: Since server release. What country are you from?: England Time Zone: GMT Do you have a mic?: Yes Is this your first application for Developer? If not, link previous ones: Here...
  8. Cheddar

    Accepted New Epsilon-11 Models

    Current ones, they replaced the OG ones that were here and I'll be honest E-11 must have been on crack because I prefer the OG ones.
  9. Cheddar

    Accepted New Epsilon-11 Models

    Why the hell are E-11 so obsessed with their current dogshit models I did for them back at the start of the server, those are outdated as fuck and I'm baffled you MFs still wanna keep them.
  10. Cheddar

    tropical summer

    What a great photo! Thanks for sharing!
  11. Cheddar

    Denied GOC Full/Partial Model Rework

    They would need to reduce texture size as a start, but even if all were compressed, there's still a chance that the model size itself would be quite large due to them being from MW3, high poly count models tend to tank performance, especially when there's a lot of them.
  12. Cheddar

    Denied GOC Full/Partial Model Rework

    Unless you can get those file sizes down, they won't get accepted, the total size being around 1.7GB, but if you can get those down to around the same or below as the current models you'd have a better chance.
  13. Cheddar

    Concerns with SCPs Gameplay - Breach Cooldown and GENSEC Response

    The longer breach times are a necessary system as breaches happened way WAY too much, giving a lot of non-combat jobs bugger-all to do other than sit and wait. The original fix for this IIRC was to allow researchers to do testing during said breaches and other codes, though 9/10 times the...
  14. Cheddar

    Bye-bye, thank you for everything!

    Ruined my day