What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I have since found some models that I would suggest as replacements if only to show the general idea behind this suggestion. I will link 3 of them, but there is a host of others by the same author. These would also fit in with the Strike Team mode, allowing it to be kept. Please suggest other models in comments if you feel some others would fit better
- Either fully rework the GOC models to be a set theme if easier, or at least update the models to be more varied/match a set theme. The current GOC has one model shared by 3 roles, Recruit, Thaum, and Field Op. This model itself looks pretty good, and it's clear it sets a system for how the models should look. This is continued with the Engineer and Jugg models. Where things break down is with a few set models that look so bad that it genuinely disincentives play on that role. These models are:
- 1) UNGOC Soldier, both parts. The first model looks like a man wearing a top hat, and while it is similar to the Jug model, it just looks so much worse. The second option is similarly cluttered and looks like a model from Metal Gear Solid. These two models appear to be intended for use as one of the suit types that GOC deploys, with the second possibly being a grey suit. In practice, a regular soldier wearing these would look very out of place when the other similar roles, such as Medic and Field Op, look so similar and usual

- 2) UNGOC Officer. This is in my opinion the worst model, and is a displeasure to behold every morning logging on. The back view, attached below, speaks for itself in my opinion, with numerous clipping issues and the weirdly fitting coat, however, the front also makes no sense. All other GOC models but this and the assessment team (which isn't great looking itself in my opinion)have concealed faces, but the officer simply has cheap orange sunglasses. I would suggest having the coat removed in favor of a more armored body similar to other MTFs and CI.

- 3) UNGOC Marksman. For a similar reason as the soldier, this model is supposed to be a power armored suit, instead of a marksman. Even if it is supposed to be a marksman, it just looks tacky and cluttered compared to other models on the server and sticks out like a sore thumb in a lineup of GOC.

- I believe that these models take away from the attractiveness of being in the GOC, as nobody wants to look bad standing next to the rest of the regiments in the server. Many of the other models have issues like this but are more popular with the rest of the GOC, so I can't say they are as bad as these. The above models however are explicitly against the reasonable lore of the roles they are attached to, and as such should be changed or at least edited to look better
- There is also the issue of several models having full on info breaches on them, such as Chemist having a GOC logo, and Medic having the 4th of the fivefold missions printed on it
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- More interest in joining the GOC. While GOC is already a relatively attractive faction to join, if they had much more popular models, such as Strike Teams (which I know is just a COD operator but it is our best-looking one) would likely get players more interested in joining, it as opposed to seeing a group of tackily dressed people march into site
- Would improve RP in the GOC, as the only models that looked like the power armor would possess improved survivability (Jug and Orange Suit)
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- In the event of a full model rework to look more in line with other Regiments such as O-1, E-11, and CI, people may lose models they already really like. This would be true for the strike team, which is well-loved, but many others also enjoy the mundane models such as Thaum or Engineer. This can be mitigated by either keeping some of the more popular models as long as they fit in with the new ones or by taking the more well-liked elements of the old models and merging them with new ones
- Could be very difficult to find enough models to easily fit in one group. There are several good models on the workshop however, that are very similar to existing ones, that could be used to diversify the GOC model roster

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
- Would make GOC look more intimidating and imposing, as opposed to the plastic soldier effect we currently have. It would also make more RP sense with no random power armor suits that don't provide actual benefits
I have since found some models that I would suggest as replacements if only to show the general idea behind this suggestion. I will link 3 of them, but there is a host of others by the same author. These would also fit in with the Strike Team mode, allowing it to be kept. Please suggest other models in comments if you feel some others would fit better
Steam Workshop::CoD: MWII - Shadow Company Elites [PM/NPC]
Steam Workshop::CoD: MWII - Shadow Company Juggernaut [PM/NPC]
Steam Workshop::CoD: Modern Warfare - Shadow Company Mil-Sim (V2) [PM/NPC]
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