Recent content by Elpatroon

  1. Elpatroon

    Returnee Application - Gela

    +Support Sad to see you go bro.
  2. Elpatroon

    Accepted add vehicle damage/death logs

    +Support Vehicle Damage/Death logs would help alot for the staff team.
  3. Elpatroon

    Partially Accepted Bring back NWO skin for USSR Blackfoot.

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: - Changes the current USSR Blackfoot skin to have a red tail. This is what NATO/USSR Blackfoot will look like: Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: - I dont think so. Possible Positives of the...
  4. Elpatroon

    Accepted [SHA/ISAF] Class Distribution

    +Support Makes these jobs evenly distributed.
  5. Elpatroon

    Rainbow Dash's SGM Demotion Appeal

    +Support Everyone deserves a second chance. And this man is a changed man.
  6. Elpatroon

    Accepted Outnumbered war balancing / job buff

    +Support Seems like a great idea. This would reduce a lot of complaints when a team is outnumbered
  7. Elpatroon

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - Elpatroon

    Your Username: Elpatroon Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:555147854 Discord Username: .elpatroon Age: 16 What's your current playtime: 4d 2h according to !time Do you have a mic: Yes. Your characters name: USSR - Elpatroon NATO - Elpatroon 'Baby Oil' Civilian - 'Elpatroon' Is this the first...
  8. Elpatroon

    bye bye

    o7 lil jigga
  9. Elpatroon

    Accepted Huge changes to peacetime

    +Support Great ideas this would reduce a lot metagaming
  10. Elpatroon

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - Christian MacTavish / BabooMan

    +Support +Active in-game & Teamspeak +Experienced +Great guy good luck
  11. Elpatroon

    Denied Discord rank Icons

    +Support would look a lot better