Recent content by Giudon

  1. Giudon

    Thaum Power Slight Change

    I doubt this will be accepted, take away 22441's gimmick. + would be overpowered as a run away tool. Good chance that they have already thought of it, and decided to not do it for server balance.
  2. Giudon

    Bigger surface

    I doubt helicopters would be added, since that is MRP's selling point, but I do like more surface area, maybe would also give mc&d a place to settle.
  3. Giudon

    SCP's should be able to breach when their doors are opened

    what's the point of hacking their containment box then?
  4. Giudon

    Removing the nobility system and forced RP on surface

    I agree, I liked the old system where rangers and mayors were independent.
  5. Giudon

    [UK] Giudon's Executive Application

    This is my legacy isn't it?
  6. Giudon

    Biscuits' USSR High Command Application

    Not in mrp, but I vouch Biscuit's leadership as UNGOC GEN. +Support
  7. Giudon

    [UK] Giudon's Executive Application

    Why are you applying for Executive Researcher? Currently UK's Research branch is heavily understaffed, There are only 3 Executives, 1 of them are inactive. so in reality the department is being carried by 4 people, The two DoRs and the 2 active Executives. I'm applying to help carry the...
  8. Giudon

    Denied Revert Parawatch Slot back to 3.

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: It increases the slots of the parawatch job by 1. Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: No, But the feature was there for a long time, then it got reverted back to 2 slots. The Reasoning behind this...
  9. Giudon

    Partially Accepted GSD Stun Baton Changes

    Maybe give it the 682 stun effect, not the dark RP epilepsy
  10. Giudon

    Site-65 "Paranormal Nexus" [Universe Lore]

    You forgot about Beta-1. (and why they got disbanded)
  11. Giudon

    PAC Request [UK] A1 Officer Pac

    The brown vest and the head model of an E-11 LT makes it look like an E-11.
  12. Giudon

    [UK] Jimmy Swan's Director of Research Application

    Ok, so when I go to your lore, you're already a Director, but when I click your foundation dossier, its the same exact biography as the one you had as executive, same thing with the additional notes. Where's the lore of you getting promoted to director? your biography doesn't even mention that...
  13. Giudon

    [UK] DoR Application Niko murk

    As a Sr. researcher, Niko was very open in approving very questionable tests, he doesn't like reading too much, he hates people who put 20+ pages on their research study, he shot me 3 times in the chest and he will DEAL with you if you snitch on his unethical tests. 10/10 he is the Defacto...
  14. Giudon

    [UK] SCP-22415 Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:176488082 Discord name: giudon For how long have you played on CN SCP: Played since late 2022 Age: 22 In what country are you located?: UAE Time zone: GMT+4 Character name(s): Foundation: Anthony 'Giudon' UNGOC: Wade 'Wumpus' Civilian name: Reporter Kyle S. What...
  15. Giudon

    Accepted Give Parawatch Binoculars

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: It gives parawatch binoculars Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: Nope Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): -Parawatch won't have to go to gas station to get the binoculars every time...