Site-65 "Paranormal Nexus" [Universe Lore]

This submission will be in the form of a document. This lore aims to set the tone of the SCP universe that the server takes place in. This lore was made in an effort to explain why everything is the way it is-- What is ERT and why do they exist? Why are E11 and Nu7 on-site all the time? Why are Ethics and O5 constantly on such a dangerous site with A1 and O1? Why does the site contain so many of these animate, lethal SCPs in one place when it should be illogical to do so normally?

This document aims to answer all of that and opens the door for the gamemaster team to make main storylines, such as what caused the black december incident (explained in the document) and such. There is a story underlying the document and a reason for why everything happened, and gamemasters can make something of it for events.

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There isn't much covering why Epsilon-11 and Nu-7 were specifically chosen out of all the other MTFs to stay there.

Maybe the E-11 and Nu-7 are actually some super secret project omega related STF (Stationary Task Force) who are unknowingly given much more intensive and elite training and equipment than the actual Nu-7 and E-11 Task Forces, which also explains why there are so many being trained at the site to be deployed only to Site-65, just an idea of mine though.

Neutral / +Support


Senior Game Master
Senior Game Master
Mar 21, 2022
I personally do not think every detail and inconsistency within the server needs to be, or even should be, explained. This nebulous vague area of "Why did they build this horribly unsafe site" leaves lots of open room as to potential answers "Its not real" or "Site-19 exploded" etc are all interesting ways of answering it, but nailing any one as "true" instantly destroys all others.

The proposal is competently written, though it does not do anything particularilly interesting with its idea. A Foundation after a catastrophic breach, consolidating power into one single site is an interesting conept, and its potential is largely untapped within this proposal.

I would oppose this becoming canon purely on practical reasons, as it would prevent players and gamemasters alike from coming up with their own ideas.

The nebulous unexplained "whys" and "hows" are a hallmark of SCP writing, and i dont think explaining them in a definitive way is a good thing.

Otherwise, i enjoyed reading this and the formatting is very nice, which is an element most proposals dont do so well in.
I enjoyed reading this, but i think canonising it would limit creative space, instead of opening up more, which i think would not be beneficial.

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