Recent content by harvey

  1. harvey

    Content Suggestion Nerf LMGs

    Just make the fire rate slower simple
  2. harvey

    Erwin Smith's returnee app

    +Support If you need someone to revive NATO I think you've found the right guy in Erwin top grafter
  3. harvey

    Denied Realistic Food dynamics

  4. harvey

    Restricted wars no B2s or airstrikes etc

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Makes it so you cant B2 or use tac tablet in a restricted war Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): More of a fair war if one side doesn't have CPT+ or High command Possible Negatives of the suggestion: cant use air support tab on the...
  5. harvey

    Oceanus' Returnee Application

    -Support Think you should come back and prove you won't do things like you've done in the past
  6. harvey


    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:580742932 Discord name: Harvey9684 For how long have you played on MRP: 4 years Are you a returning player?: Been back for around 3 weeks now If yes to the above, when did you last play MRP actively?: NATO name (regiment and rank):Harvey ISAF SGM USSR name (regiment...
  7. harvey

    Wondys Application

    +support this guy is a goat
  8. harvey

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - atli05

    -support bro is the most toxic kid ive seen and only come back today only seen him once and had bad experience with him already literally lying on your application is crazy huge minge to.
  9. harvey

    Kenan's HC Application

    +SUPP W mans used to be HC good leader get this man HC
  10. harvey

    Llexan's UHC Application

    Neutral Barely seen lead only seen you try lead when it was a 6v8 war Dont know about if youd have good war strategy etc
  11. harvey

    Denied No teamspeak during war

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove:[/ Somehow make it so teamspeak goes off during work time so during war enhances roleplay and use of radio voice amp etc Has something similar been suggested before?: No. Not what I know of Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): Make the...
  12. harvey

    Denied Give SC and NHC combat score sniper job

    We don't have any snipers now
  13. harvey

    Denied Give SC and NHC combat score sniper job

    we legit have a job with stinger and AT4 like IVG and ISAF do the thing they have that we dont is a sniper
  14. harvey

    Denied Give SC and NHC combat score sniper job

    Heavy field operative isnt even good bro all it is, is a shotgun and extra health. Thats the only combat score job we have and no ones uses it
  15. harvey

    Denied Give SC and NHC combat score sniper job

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Makes it so SC get a sniper back. Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): Gives SC and NHC more fun also gives us something to work towards like combat score. Possible Negatives of the suggestion: More snipers which is worse but is...