Recent content by Holland

  1. Holland

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - Fanta

    +Support leaning towards neutral, Application is good. You are a kind person. Valuable member of the community. Showed he wants to improve. I did notice some "weird" behaviour during one of our TeamSpeak talks, and for some reason, I can't have a good feeling around you. Please don't take...
  2. Holland

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - GBDUB09

    Hey @Joshua Evans , im giving your applications a +Support But I'm leaning towards neutral I find the application a little bit on the low effort side. Improved a lot, Interactions were all positive. best of luck, Holland
  3. Holland

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - Saturn 'Yoyo'

    hey @Yoyo Im giving your applications a neutral leaning towards + support for the following reasons. 1. active warnings 2. Great application 3. Little staff experience 4. mixed interactions, but not negative in any way Best of luck, Holland
  4. Holland

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - First

    Neutral leading towards + support Seeing your position and having no warnings shows that you are mostly aware of the rules, You have experience. I cant recall any interactions between us so that why I gave a neutral. best of luck, Holland
  5. Holland

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - Swap

    Hey @Swap , i read over you application and saw that you broke a application rule. Please edit the application, otherwise it may get denied. for the application itself i will give a Neutral i would like to see more vtime within the server to assure you know the rules and are known by the...
  6. Holland

    SCP-RP (USA) - Staff Application - 'Baha' Blast

    +/- neutral would like to see some more Vtime to assure you are aware of the rules, Cant recall any interactions so there for a neutral.
  7. Holland

    Network Leadership required Create an Event Server to be used for Major Events.

    Just as a perspective from a content member, there would be almost no use for an event server - for Content purposes as we have the Dev-server where we already test New or existing content/bugs, if we talk about map changes or custom content for a certain event, that would mostly be event...
  8. Holland

    It's the end of the road for me.

    o7 Harvey we didnt play cod yett 😭 ❤️
  9. Holland

    Content Suggestion Current state of SOP

    Hey @Simon "Kitton" A. , With all respect, what you typed here isn't a suggestion it is a collective opinion and complaint towards the content team and the "disbalance" of Nu-7 and DEA. I suggest making either a server Content complaint for the balance of Nu7 or a complaint towards the whole...
  10. Holland

    Denied Burnout no more. Simple solution to relapses.

    im 50/50 on it, but let me not state my reasonings as many of you won't like it. I can't think of a serious game/server that allows you to ban yourself. You are responsible for your own health. We will try our best to help you with it, but it is you who is addicted in the end. Smoking is...
  11. Holland

    CI Pac3 Approval

    Format please. what jobs within CI and your steamid thank you in advance @CI Lawliet Marauder
  12. Holland

    Getting Exception/Reword/Something on Discord Rules

    Can confirm i can see threads that "arent" meant for me like sub divisions CO threads etc
  13. Holland

    Denied No Faction Restrictions for Flagging Onto D-Class

    A few issued that are currently preventing us from doing this: 1. Faction code rewrite ( CI character killing foundation gets x money vise versa also XP) 2. (Not 100% sure) Current AFK system rewrite 3. crediting system A lot more. to sum it up, many things need to be edited on the Vjob...
  14. Holland

    Zen's Permanent Staff Blacklist Appeal

    Where did i accuse you of leaking? read the sentence " How can we trust that you are not going to leak or going around the backs of other staff members ( untrustworthy)?" do I say you did leak something no I'm just asking about how trustworthy you are and how we as a team can assure you wont...
  15. Holland

    Zen's Permanent Staff Blacklist Appeal

    Same points as my last post, You haven't improved 1.5 weeks ago you were still bashing the staff team, 2 weeks ago you were insulting the staff team. if you had improved sure let the BL...