Recent content by Huff

  1. Huff

    [UK] The Pennington's SD App

    +Massive Support +He's been at this nearly as long as I have and has proven his capabilities each time +Also he's based
  2. Huff

    Hello, I'm returning!

  3. Huff

    [UK] Staff Application

    +Support +Nice person +Good interactions Good lad, though I'm just worried that the harassment some minges give moderators will get to him, good luck though.
  4. Huff

    [UK] Dennid's Staff Blacklist appeal (demoted by SSL)

    +Support I've had limited interactions with him, but I can tell he's a genuinely nice guy and I highly doubt he had any ill will in what he did.
  5. Huff

    Broda Bouncing Out o/

    One of, if not the best Research Directors, and OGs, I'll see you on Ashes of Creation o7
  6. Huff

    Calling it a day.

    we've spoken like once, over a year ago, but it was a good talk. o7
  7. Huff

    putting this all to rest finally

  8. Huff

    [UK] Cece - Ethics Committee Member

    +Support Chill person from my experience
  9. Huff

    [UK] 'Napoléon": Ethics Committee Member Application

    +Support I'm pretty sure the one time we spoke, you said you were from the north, whereas I'm from the south, so by all means we should be enemies, that being said, you are French, and I suppose since we are the only two known French people on the server it'd be wrong to not +support you. That...
  10. Huff

    [UK] Biscuit's Special Agent Application

    +Support Codename is Cat apparently
  11. Huff

    Huff's Medical Consultant Application |UK|

    (sorry if the lore seems low effort, it was late when I wrote it, and I kinda rushed it)
  12. Huff

    Saint's MRP GM application

    +Support we've had many a interesting conversations on Japanese cultural pieces in the past
  13. Huff

    John Price NHC application

    +Support +Great war leading +great soldier on ground, so he knows the situation and how to help in it +Scottish temper typically helps in motivating people to do what he says I was reloading ofc i couldn't shoot you not to mention i didn't even see you coming from behind me axel, also if u do...