Partially Accepted Type-Blue/Thaumaturge Changes.

Content that has been partially accepted
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Apr 6, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion is asking for the removal of All TB insta-kill abilities & the replacement of others with more Thaumaturge aligned abilities. I will put a list of potential abilities here;

  • Fireball ( Which replaces Ignite ), would be an AOE fire attack. Kinda like the Cosmic Blast in deployment but instead of hard damage it ignites you & does extra damage to SCPs.
  • Healing Spell ( Which replaces Dissolve ), It would activate a 60 second ability for 50 energy that heals everyone around the Type-Blue by 2 - 4 HP every tick.
  • Banishment ( Which replaces Headpop ), It would put someone into the "Edge" dimension for 20 - 40 seconds. It also sets the person to 50 HP so that it isn't use to constantly send dimensioning people.
  • " Through the muck " ( Which replaces Detain ), It would be an AOE attack that slows down everyone in the area for a period of 10 - 15 seconds.
  • Vampirism ( Added ), Which would be a single person used against ability for people that are below 30 HP. If they use this ability on someone with 30 HP they get 20 Energy added back into their Energy pool.
  • Necromancy ( Added ), It would allow you revive someone no matter their state ( Head pop or not ) it would require all your energy and can only be used once if someone has already been revived before. ( It has a 10% chance to turn that person into a 049-2 Instance )

Additionally. I would like to have a few different changes to TB to make it more dynamic for players. ( Essentially meaning that fighting a Type-Blue isn't a death sentence )

Add a mechanic where if too many abilities are used in a short span ( 30 Seconds ) or large abilities ( Abilities above 40 Energy ) are used, a random effect will be made similar to the ADB but with negative affects that scale with how much energy you used in a short span.

Additionally; Remove the Ability for Scranton Reality Anchors to supress Type-Blues as Type-Blues are not Reality Benders.

Examples of these affects could be as follows;

Lowered HP, Ignited for 10 seconds, Slowed ( Similar to Orange Suit speed ) for 30 seconds, Chaotic Teleportation, Being thrown into other dimensions & etc.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my memory, this could be considered a Type-Blue Buff/Nerf.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

  • More Dynamic use of TBs.
  • Less CI Raids interrupting with RP.
  • More use of TBs against SCPs.
  • Makes it so that playing TB isn't an instant win card & actually requires a bit more though that left click, run around a corner & right click.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

  • TB gets indirectly nerfed.
  • More barriers for SCPs to fight against.
  • Dev-Time.
  • Issues with balancing it out.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Through my time as playing as Nu-7, O-1, GOC & CI. I have come to the idea that Type-Blues were not implemented the best & are just reskinned Type-Greens. I would prefer if there was more content that focused on the fact that Type-Blues use magic. You have a wizard but all you do it with it is make it an assault troop. I'd prefer if that was not the case.

And I think I speak for most the server when I say that Insta-Kill abilities are really infuriating and annoying.
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Apr 26, 2024
+ Support Creative change

I'm mildly worried about this nerfing TB too much, but I think its a positive change that makes TB less of a killing machine and a more manageable (and less frustrating) anomaly to deal with. Keeping one or two insta-kill abilities with higher cooldowns may keep it balanced.
CI TB and D-Class TB literally just get nerfed to all hell, healing ability would heal enemies too thus making it useless. Whats the point in that ignite ability, guns exist. Banishment is just kinda ass, for example during a 079 siege somone would be forced to do literally nothing for 40 seconds, then come back, this would confuse tf out of CI and would cause chaos amongst CI, this would also lead to the inevitable death of the person banished. Think about it
>Gets banished for 40 seconds in 079 siege or in EZ
>Waits 40 long ass seconds
>gets unbanished
Realistically, if there in EZ they get unbanished next to their spawn which is arguably worse then dying, or they get unbainshed in 079 and come back just to die. Honestly just use a scranton reality anchor smh
Apr 6, 2023
CI TB and D-Class TB literally just get nerfed to all hell, healing ability would heal enemies too thus making it useless. Whats the point in that ignite ability, guns exist. Banishment is just kinda ass, for example during a 079 siege somone would be forced to do literally nothing for 40 seconds, then come back, this would confuse tf out of CI and would cause chaos amongst CI, this would also lead to the inevitable death of the person banished. Think about it
>Gets banished for 40 seconds in 079 siege or in EZ
>Waits 40 long ass seconds
>gets unbanished
Realistically, if there in EZ they get unbanished next to their spawn which is arguably worse then dying, or they get unbainshed in 079 and come back just to die. Honestly just use a scranton reality anchor smh

Then don't use it while holding? It's like how you wouldn't use destabilise if there isn't a scranton.

Banishment is not really a defensive spell.
-Having discussed the suggestion with Cheesy, and all the changes, I feel like the changes made are good and appropriate. They stop TB from having Insta-Kills and Detain (Stupidly unfair), but still keep Inversion, allowing it to still perform well.
The only one I am quite mixed on is Banishment, as although it still deals damage, the trade of an extremely aggressive ability like Head-Pop, into something that only deals 50HP and allows those in the dimension to still follow and track, while deal some chip damage to CI after leaving is quite a large nerf and trade off. I'm unsure of what would be more appropriate, but it is still a fine ability, especially compared to Head-Pop.

And hell if you think it's bad to use it in a situation, just don't.

healing ability would heal enemies too thus making it useless.
The field would be quite small, about the size of a Hume Bubble, so unless your enemies are stabbing you with a knife during bullet freeze, or in your face (Where it wouldn't be the best, I mean would you use dissolve instead if there were 5 people in your face?), it wouldn't affect them.

Whats the point in that ignite ability, guns exist
It's easy AOE chip damage that can burn, and cause a distraction. It's a lot better than current ignite, so I don't even know why you're opposing this, but it would be quite an aggressive upgrade that would assist in holds, and hold up well against large groups.
And I also have to ask - What's the point in Dissolve, guns exist. What's the point in normal Ignite, guns exist.

And since Cheesy didn't mention because he's a silly lore nerd, these changes would affect both Type Blue's, and Thaums.

Overall mostly good and balanced changes in my opinion.
Jul 21, 2023
+support I don't totally agree with the suggested replacement abilities, but I fully support removing all insta kill abilities. They are broken, unfun, and not enjoyable for anyone other than the person using them.
Jun 24, 2022

-TB isn't a medic, its a operative that was given training by CI special forces and has powers

-Its unrealistic because he was trained since he was an infant so he was most definitely trained by CI best of the best and CI high command don't care weather someone in the team dies they only care if they complete the mission or not.

-One of CI goals is to weaponize scp TB is a SCP you think delta command wants it to heal people and save people no they wants tb to kill people for them its CI not fucking nato or GOC.

Apr 6, 2023

-TB isn't a medic, its a operative that was given training by CI special forces and has powers

-Its unrealistic because he was trained since he was an infant so he was most definitely trained by CI best of the best and CI high command don't care weather someone in the team dies they only care if they complete the mission or not.

-One of CI goals is to weaponize scp TB is a SCP you think delta command wants it to heal people and save people no they wants tb to kill people for them its CI not fucking nato or GOC.

View attachment 18866
1. " Lore " isn't a valid reason to dismiss a complaint about balance.

2. No where in it's description does it mention it being trained by the best of the best.

3. Type-Blues for one aren't SCPs & have much more practical use out of combat.

4. If you want the server to be completely lore accurate the CI TB would have to make full rituals & collect bodily fluids/other EVE rich items to do any abilities. Forget even ignite if you don't want to do a 30 minute spell & incantation.

5. Only one of the suggested abilities involve actual healing so that's half your arguement.

6. Nobody likes Insta-Kill abilities other than CI Players.


Game Master
Game Master
Sep 24, 2024

-TB isn't a medic, its a operative that was given training by CI special forces and has powers

-Its unrealistic because he was trained since he was an infant so he was most definitely trained by CI best of the best and CI high command don't care weather someone in the team dies they only care if they complete the mission or not.

-One of CI goals is to weaponize scp TB is a SCP you think delta command wants it to heal people and save people no they wants tb to kill people for them its CI not fucking nato or GOC.

Erm... Not sure where you got half the information about CI Type Blues, But anyway


Honestly, this is a well-thought-out suggestion that will bring needed change to TBs. It's currently broken and not fun to play against, to the point that if a TB is holding a spot like D-block, people just won't respond myself included.

Jeffrey Nut

Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 6, 2023
This Suggestion is actully based af, While pretty much all Abilties are removed that can kill, thoese ones that Support the Raid (bullet freeze etc) stays, what i mean by that is that type blue wouldt be much of an "combative" type of Job it more likey would be used as an "Support" what actully makes it benefit an raid more then it being an killing maschine aka. You got a lot of Ci wounded/Low HP and you can Heal the entire Team instead of 1 or 2 Medics needing to heal a lot of people in maybe an short amount of time till more push in. The only thing that TB doesnt benefit from is that if hes the only one alive he cant really do much with the abilties.
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