Partially Accepted Type-Blue/Thaumaturge Changes.

Content that has been partially accepted
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Apr 6, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion is asking for the removal of All TB insta-kill abilities & the replacement of others with more Thaumaturge aligned abilities. I will put a list of potential abilities here;

  • Fireball ( Which replaces Ignite ), would be an AOE fire attack. Kinda like the Cosmic Blast in deployment but instead of hard damage it ignites you & does extra damage to SCPs.
  • Healing Spell ( Which replaces Dissolve ), It would activate a 60 second ability for 50 energy that heals everyone around the Type-Blue by 2 - 4 HP every tick.
  • Banishment ( Which replaces Headpop ), It would put someone into the "Edge" dimension for 20 - 40 seconds. It also sets the person to 50 HP so that it isn't use to constantly send dimensioning people.
  • " Through the muck " ( Which replaces Detain ), It would be an AOE attack that slows down everyone in the area for a period of 10 - 15 seconds.
  • Vampirism ( Added ), Which would be a single person used against ability for people that are below 30 HP. If they use this ability on someone with 30 HP they get 20 Energy added back into their Energy pool.
  • Necromancy ( Added ), It would allow you revive someone no matter their state ( Head pop or not ) it would require all your energy and can only be used once if someone has already been revived before. ( It has a 10% chance to turn that person into a 049-2 Instance )

Additionally. I would like to have a few different changes to TB to make it more dynamic for players. ( Essentially meaning that fighting a Type-Blue isn't a death sentence )

Add a mechanic where if too many abilities are used in a short span ( 30 Seconds ) or large abilities ( Abilities above 40 Energy ) are used, a random effect will be made similar to the ADB but with negative affects that scale with how much energy you used in a short span.

Additionally; Remove the Ability for Scranton Reality Anchors to supress Type-Blues as Type-Blues are not Reality Benders.

Examples of these affects could be as follows;

Lowered HP, Ignited for 10 seconds, Slowed ( Similar to Orange Suit speed ) for 30 seconds, Chaotic Teleportation, Being thrown into other dimensions & etc.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my memory, this could be considered a Type-Blue Buff/Nerf.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

  • More Dynamic use of TBs.
  • Less CI Raids interrupting with RP.
  • More use of TBs against SCPs.
  • Makes it so that playing TB isn't an instant win card & actually requires a bit more though that left click, run around a corner & right click.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

  • TB gets indirectly nerfed.
  • More barriers for SCPs to fight against.
  • Dev-Time.
  • Issues with balancing it out.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Through my time as playing as Nu-7, O-1, GOC & CI. I have come to the idea that Type-Blues were not implemented the best & are just reskinned Type-Greens. I would prefer if there was more content that focused on the fact that Type-Blues use magic. You have a wizard but all you do it with it is make it an assault troop. I'd prefer if that was not the case.

And I think I speak for most the server when I say that Insta-Kill abilities are really infuriating and annoying.
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SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Aug 5, 2024
Suggestion Partially Approved

Hi Ronin,Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.

The Content Team has chosen to partially accept your suggestion for the following reasons.

We have decided to move forwards (after much deliberation) with changing the abilities available to the Thaumatologist jobs to better suit their roles and differentiate them from the Type Blue jobs. The abilities described in the suggestion will be used as a basis for these changes, though it will not be an exact copy. This will primarily consist of the removal of the instakill abilities and the introduction of other useful spells.

We will not be moving forwards with the additional suggested changes to the Type Blue roles.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as partially accepted.​
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