Recent content by Hydro

  1. Hydro

    Valk's Leaving Post

    Cya Valk, I don't play anymore but your name stands out and your point resonates with me. I was saying this exact same thing for years, and it sucks because you can't please everyone, but a vocal minority shouting at you really just messes you up. Sad that there's another loss to this...
  2. Hydro


    I just wanted to thank everyone for 2 months. Here's to another 2 months!
  3. Hydro

    Jacub's Developer Application

    Wow, it's not often I say this but your application is stellar. The videos showing off what you've made shows a really good level of understanding and firmly makes you a prime candidate. It's a shame you've not shared anything on GitHub - it'd be nice to know whether these are cowboy jobs or...
  4. Hydro

    Goodbye from Athena

    o7 We didn't speak much but my DMs are open if you need them
  5. Hydro

    The Ongoing Harassment and Discrimination Problem

    My views are my own (And I'd like to express them before mine get lumped in with somebody else's) I don't really understand what the problem is here, correct me if I'm wrong but somebody got doxxed and the person who did the doxxing was subsequently blacklisted (to the best of my knowledge)...
  6. Hydro

    Teamspeak is too loud!

    If you're using Teamspeak3 you can right-click the bar at the top and get the master volume slider. You can lower stuff down there.
  7. Hydro

    please perma me here thanks

  8. Hydro

    Denied Server / host change

    First off - the CPU's you're referring to that cost 10k are Intel Xeon's or AMD EPYC's. Those are great chips, but they are specifically designed to have high core counts and lots of memory bandwidth. The vast majority of users using those chips are probably just running either virtual machines...
  9. Hydro

    Denied Server / host change

    CivilNetworks already rents the best possible hardware for hosting GMod. Obviously every year or so there's new stuff that comes out, but typically you won't really see any significant differences when switching between single generations of hardware when hosting GMod servers. The reason base...
  10. Hydro

    Denied Make snipers worth it again

    -support At-least with helicopters there's meaningful counterplay, same goes with tanks. Snipers just feel shit to play against.
  11. Hydro

    Connor leaving CN

    yo, @ me
  12. Hydro

    Alias Addon Dev ops

    I have some issues with what you've shown - pretty much all the code files you've shown is either client-side or shared code, I've not seen anything here that couldn't just have been ripped from other people's servers in the portfolio. Also, the only GitHub repository that you've got public has...
  13. Hydro

    How the actual hell does tryouts work?

    I think I legitimately just learned a life lesson from your signature...
  14. Hydro

    why do people hate me

    You didn't invite me to the pool party on our old slashers server
  15. Hydro

    unable to connect to MRP server