Recent content by LuxPT

  1. LuxPT

    [UK] The Gregory Steven's Site Advisor Application

    Why are you applying for Site Advisor? I'm applying for Site Advisor because at this stage of my journey within the community, I feel like it might just be the perfect place to levrage my current skills and to enhance my roleplay opportunities. Having already acquired a substancial ammount of...
  2. LuxPT

    [UK] Sceptre's ECM Application

    +Support Great interactions, good roleplayer!
  3. LuxPT

    [UK] Big Mike's Internal Security Department Inspector Application

    +Support I sincerely believe that Big Mike is a promising choice, has been doing beyond what's expected. Active, professional and overall a great asset for ISD.
  4. LuxPT

    [UK] Jakobim's Inspector Application

    +Support Participates actively in all of the Operations, overall an amazing Investigator on his other duties and goes beyond what's expected. (Edit: Seen Jakobim doing well overall)
  5. LuxPT

    Brayan's OSA Application <UK>

    Having played quite a lot Brayan, I'm sure he's more than capable of going beyond what's expected as OSA, his work as a Commissioner within ISD should serve as proof in this regard. +Support
  6. LuxPT

    [UK] J. Lloyd's Director of Internal Security Application

    Lloyd is an awesome player, more than worthy to be given a chance at becoming a Director alongside Alex Bones. Nothing short of an amazing person - worthy of being a good roleplay creator, but also a good department leader. +Support
  7. LuxPT

    [UK] O5-1 "The Humanitarian" Ascendance

    I believe you're suited for the role you're applying to! My interactions with you were honestly very good, and you are certainly fit for this. I'm sure you'll get it! Best of luck. +Support
  8. LuxPT

    Jax's site advisor application [UK]

    Hello Jax, hope this feedback is taken into consideration. I believe some more effort should be put into your application, though you seem quite involved and excited in your current projects, I have not seen anything of significance in-order to justify this application as of yet. I fully trust...
  9. LuxPT

    [UK] O5-4 'The Guardian'

    Greetings Niox! At the time I had spoken with Dpt. Director Kayla, and during the meeting it was decided to include the following consultants: Consultant Corz Niflhel, Consultant 'Fluff'; Consultant Corz was then advised by me to include lower ranking personnel to encourage more roleplay, namely...
  10. LuxPT

    [UK] O5-4 'The Guardian'

    Greetings Valentine, Thank you beforehand, for reading through my applications, I'll try to address your concerns and be as clear as possible. 1) I have been an Executive Researcher since December last year (though it is not currently my main role), as for OSA, I've been one since the beggining...
  11. LuxPT

    [UK] O5-4 'The Guardian'

    Hello Niox, Thank you for taking the time reading through my application. I appreciate the concerns raised in regards to my Senior CL4 experience (or lack of), and as stated to Broda, I firmly believe in my roleplay creation capabilities and can hopefully change your point of view. To me, at...
  12. LuxPT

    [UK] O5-4 'The Guardian'

    Greetings Broda, First of all, thank you for taking your time to read carefully through my application. I appreciate the concerns raised in regards to my Senior CL4 experience - particularly the absence of any Senior CL4 roles in my experience path. I do understand that the conventional path...
  13. LuxPT

    [UK] Engallagher K. C. Ludenberg's Site Advisor Application

    All of my interactions with you were nothing short of great, wouldn't see anyone more fit for this role! Best of luck! +Support
  14. LuxPT

    Juliet / Ignis / Griffith's Leaving post

    Hopefully we can keep in touch and play! Can only hope all goes well for now Juliet! Take care!
  15. LuxPT

    [UK] O5-4 'The Guardian'

    What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number): I am currently applying for the position of O5-4. As for the reasoning, I firmly believe that this would be the next right step for me, in terms of roleplay creation, I've always loved and still do playing as an Overseer...