Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:92759292
Discord name: tree_man_ / Investigator Jakobim
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I probably started in the start/middle of january. Current playtime is 4d 08h.
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: The Netherlands
Time zone: GMT+1
Character name(s): Jakobim
Civilian name: Peter Walinski
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK.
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- CI Alpha.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-No kicks, bans, nor warnings.
Why are you applying for Internal Security Inspector?
-The primary reason for applying to be an internal Security Inspector is purely that I really like playing as ISD. I believe I have the skillset and attitude to have a positive impact on the department. I strive to be professional, watchful, and empathetic. I frequently get commended for my behaviour withing the department, and I try to project that attitude onto fellow ISD members. Combining all these factors makes inspector seem like a perfect fit for my ambitions. So that is what i am striving for.
What makes you suitable for Internal Security Inspector?:
-As said before, my attitude towards ISD plays a great role in why I would be suitable. I try to be empathetic but also strict and professional. Sometimes immediately arresting someone is not the answer, because you can instruct them on the right way to conduct themselves. I frequently get commended for the way I handle incidents and how I use RP to handle situations. Together with me striving to be professional and the passion to project my positive influence on others within ISD, makes me, in my opinion, a great fit for inspector.
What do you think describes an ideal Internal Security Inspector?:
-An ideal Internal Security Inspector should be inspiring, diligent and a role model for the department. As the first 'layer' of CL4 hierarchy within ISD, inspectors should be well educated on the policies and rules within ISD, as well as other departments, to answer any questions from new ISD members. They should strive to be the best of their department and to inspire CL3 members.
How many major, roleplay-serving documents have you written? What makes a document of this nature good in terms of quality?:
-I have not made any major roleplay-serving documents. So far I have only made arrest reports and research document. In the beginning my arrest reports were average at best, but I have managed to acquire some excellent rated arrest reports. For the research department I have also made a couple excellent rated documents. A good document has a well defined structure, has no unnecessary information, and tries to be concise and information dense. It should include pictures wherever needed to support the text. A good document needs well defined sections and usually, an index/table of contents. Word usage, proper spelling and adequate care for formatting also play a large role in a document's quality, using lines and different text sizes make it so a document can look good and be easy to read.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Security Inspector in RP?:
The responsibilities of an Internal Security Inspector in RP is to serve as a beacon to lower clearance ISD members. Using their knowledge to teach them, and train agents upon first joining the department. They are also tasked to deal with incidents concerning higher clearance individuals may those situations arise. An inspector is also tasked with ordering and supervising CL3 members during their duties, giving them instructions on what to do and making sure everyone is assigned to something. They are also tasked with reviewing documents and making sure arrests are done properly and advice lower clearance ISD members whenever needed during those arrests.
Please elaborate on why you think you'd be a good leadership position holder for Internal Security:
-I am an active member of the department and I strive to see myself and others improve. I am well versed in the policies of ISD and other departments. I also believe that is is alright to mess up. Everybody makes mistakes, and they are there to learn from. An agent can make an arrest that is... questionable at best. There is no reason to go screaming at anyone. I believe the best approach is to calmly explain and give feedback, and keep an eye on them for the next time. And possible explain this to the person that was 'questionably' arrested. Of course this is also really dependent on the case, but for minor infractions this would be my go-to. So to summarize; Good activity and knowledge of policies, together with handling lower clearance personnel, and showing a professional and diligent attitude makes my, in my opinion, a good candidate for a leadership position within ISD.
Please give some lore about your Internal Security Inspector character and what storylines they would be involved in:
-Jakobims fascination with upholding the law began at a young age. When he turned 5 years old, his father became a lieutenant in the local police department. Causing a great increase in wealth and social class for his family. In his later years, his father raised him to be the best version of himself, and to strive to make the world a better place. After finishing college, he joined the same police force his father worked at, excelling at his work, he quickly collected promotions and rose in the ranks of the police department. On a calm day, he and his father went out for patrol. When driving through leagues of desolated Canadian farmland, they stumbled upon something weird, something neither of them could explain. His father approached the anomaly, and disappeared in an instant. Shook by the incident, Jakobim ran back to the patrol car, and drove away. Later stumbling across members of the SCP foundation who were rushing towards the anomaly. A recruiter from the foundation took notice of Jakobim's skillset and work ethic before the incident, and this sounded like the perfect reason to offer him a job in the internal security department. After being briefed on what happened to his father, Jakobim swore to help the foundation protect other people from anomalies, and accepted the job as an internal security agent. Avoiding the need to be amnesticated.
Further in his career in the internal security department, Jakobim was tasked with an investigation. Rumours were going around that an undisclosed anomaly was secretly being used among foundation personnel for personal gain. He was tasked with gaining evidence, and identify the anomaly being used, and who is using the anomaly. Using the assistance from fellow, disguised ISD members. Secret cameras were placed around the facility, and multiple usages of the anomaly were recorded. Leading to an investigation into entire research department. This investigation led to multiple arrests being made, and the leadership team of the research department being convicted in a large tribunal. Due to his efforts of setting up the investigation and gathering evidence, Jakobim recieved a promotion to Internal Security Inspector.
(I'm new to writing Lore, so any feedback would be appreciated. Preferably in DM's so the thread doesn't get cluttered.)
Discord name: tree_man_ / Investigator Jakobim
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I probably started in the start/middle of january. Current playtime is 4d 08h.
Age: 20
In what country are you located?: The Netherlands
Time zone: GMT+1
Character name(s): Jakobim
Civilian name: Peter Walinski
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK.
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- CI Alpha.
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
-No kicks, bans, nor warnings.
Why are you applying for Internal Security Inspector?
-The primary reason for applying to be an internal Security Inspector is purely that I really like playing as ISD. I believe I have the skillset and attitude to have a positive impact on the department. I strive to be professional, watchful, and empathetic. I frequently get commended for my behaviour withing the department, and I try to project that attitude onto fellow ISD members. Combining all these factors makes inspector seem like a perfect fit for my ambitions. So that is what i am striving for.
What makes you suitable for Internal Security Inspector?:
-As said before, my attitude towards ISD plays a great role in why I would be suitable. I try to be empathetic but also strict and professional. Sometimes immediately arresting someone is not the answer, because you can instruct them on the right way to conduct themselves. I frequently get commended for the way I handle incidents and how I use RP to handle situations. Together with me striving to be professional and the passion to project my positive influence on others within ISD, makes me, in my opinion, a great fit for inspector.
What do you think describes an ideal Internal Security Inspector?:
-An ideal Internal Security Inspector should be inspiring, diligent and a role model for the department. As the first 'layer' of CL4 hierarchy within ISD, inspectors should be well educated on the policies and rules within ISD, as well as other departments, to answer any questions from new ISD members. They should strive to be the best of their department and to inspire CL3 members.
How many major, roleplay-serving documents have you written? What makes a document of this nature good in terms of quality?:
-I have not made any major roleplay-serving documents. So far I have only made arrest reports and research document. In the beginning my arrest reports were average at best, but I have managed to acquire some excellent rated arrest reports. For the research department I have also made a couple excellent rated documents. A good document has a well defined structure, has no unnecessary information, and tries to be concise and information dense. It should include pictures wherever needed to support the text. A good document needs well defined sections and usually, an index/table of contents. Word usage, proper spelling and adequate care for formatting also play a large role in a document's quality, using lines and different text sizes make it so a document can look good and be easy to read.
What are the responsibilities of the Internal Security Inspector in RP?:
The responsibilities of an Internal Security Inspector in RP is to serve as a beacon to lower clearance ISD members. Using their knowledge to teach them, and train agents upon first joining the department. They are also tasked to deal with incidents concerning higher clearance individuals may those situations arise. An inspector is also tasked with ordering and supervising CL3 members during their duties, giving them instructions on what to do and making sure everyone is assigned to something. They are also tasked with reviewing documents and making sure arrests are done properly and advice lower clearance ISD members whenever needed during those arrests.
Please elaborate on why you think you'd be a good leadership position holder for Internal Security:
-I am an active member of the department and I strive to see myself and others improve. I am well versed in the policies of ISD and other departments. I also believe that is is alright to mess up. Everybody makes mistakes, and they are there to learn from. An agent can make an arrest that is... questionable at best. There is no reason to go screaming at anyone. I believe the best approach is to calmly explain and give feedback, and keep an eye on them for the next time. And possible explain this to the person that was 'questionably' arrested. Of course this is also really dependent on the case, but for minor infractions this would be my go-to. So to summarize; Good activity and knowledge of policies, together with handling lower clearance personnel, and showing a professional and diligent attitude makes my, in my opinion, a good candidate for a leadership position within ISD.
Please give some lore about your Internal Security Inspector character and what storylines they would be involved in:
-Jakobims fascination with upholding the law began at a young age. When he turned 5 years old, his father became a lieutenant in the local police department. Causing a great increase in wealth and social class for his family. In his later years, his father raised him to be the best version of himself, and to strive to make the world a better place. After finishing college, he joined the same police force his father worked at, excelling at his work, he quickly collected promotions and rose in the ranks of the police department. On a calm day, he and his father went out for patrol. When driving through leagues of desolated Canadian farmland, they stumbled upon something weird, something neither of them could explain. His father approached the anomaly, and disappeared in an instant. Shook by the incident, Jakobim ran back to the patrol car, and drove away. Later stumbling across members of the SCP foundation who were rushing towards the anomaly. A recruiter from the foundation took notice of Jakobim's skillset and work ethic before the incident, and this sounded like the perfect reason to offer him a job in the internal security department. After being briefed on what happened to his father, Jakobim swore to help the foundation protect other people from anomalies, and accepted the job as an internal security agent. Avoiding the need to be amnesticated.
Further in his career in the internal security department, Jakobim was tasked with an investigation. Rumours were going around that an undisclosed anomaly was secretly being used among foundation personnel for personal gain. He was tasked with gaining evidence, and identify the anomaly being used, and who is using the anomaly. Using the assistance from fellow, disguised ISD members. Secret cameras were placed around the facility, and multiple usages of the anomaly were recorded. Leading to an investigation into entire research department. This investigation led to multiple arrests being made, and the leadership team of the research department being convicted in a large tribunal. Due to his efforts of setting up the investigation and gathering evidence, Jakobim recieved a promotion to Internal Security Inspector.
(I'm new to writing Lore, so any feedback would be appreciated. Preferably in DM's so the thread doesn't get cluttered.)