Recent content by Mango

  1. Mango

    MilitaryRP - Ban Appeal - Dmitri the Mango

    Your in-game name: Dmitri the Mango Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:567922611 Ban Reason: Ban Evasion (Alting) Date of ban: 26th May 2024 Who banned you: GOD (STEAM_0:0:106216517) Ban length: Permanent What will you do to stop this from happening again: I was not ban evading. My...
  2. Mango

    Dmitri's (Mango) Return?

    Hey all, it has been forever. Some may know me as Dmitri Adamsov, an MRP UK player and former dedicated staff member. It has been a decent break, and I wish to come back as a fresh soul ready for the world. Hope to meet new ones! But first, I need to get my server account unbanned since Drew...
  3. Mango

    Jeez where have I been?

    Jeez where have I been?
  4. Mango

    Dmitri's Staff Blacklist appeal.

    Name: Dmitri the Mango Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:567922611 Previous Rank (convert if required): Head Moderator Who demoted you?: Early resignation exit that Doofy did Date of demotion?: 27/06/2023 What is the case against you?: I had to take an early exit from the 7-day notice period, which...
  5. Mango

    Dmitri's Long-Term Farewell

    Update: I have received and confirmed an offer to do a Doctorate in Artificial Intelligence & Robotics within Computer Science. Thank you all once again for the amazing memories and I wish you all a great time! -Dmitri
  6. Mango

    Dmitri's Long-Term Farewell

    Well, the time has come, I returned for the purpose to help and to give forward my happiness and time for a great project that MRP is and always will be. New doors are opening in the life of my Master's degree and potential positions I can't discuss right now but will if they go to fruition. An...
  7. Mango

    Muggers Second Staff Application

    +Support +Active +Decent RP +Unproblematic Best of luck! -Dmitri
  8. Mango

    Aleem's Moderator application

    +Support +Decent Activity +Good Interactions in the Server +No problems at all Best of luck! -Dmitri
  9. Mango

    Redrrx's Moderator Application.

    +Support +Active +Good RP interactions +Decent Member of the community Best of luck! -Dmitri
  10. Mango

    Mate Blackwood's Goodbye

  11. Mango

    Mate Blackwood's Goodbye

    Not cool bro
  12. Mango

    Mate Blackwood's Goodbye

  13. Mango

    Hello people

  14. Mango

    Micky 'Hellcat' Moderator application

    -Support -Poor application -Concerning punishment history that is more extensive than claimed Regards, -Dmitri
  15. Mango

    Cristiano's mod app

    +/- Neutral Due to a lack of interactions, since you are a Nato main, I cannot render a fair verdict for you. Best of luck, regardless! -Dmitri