Recent content by Mc Flurry

  1. Mc Flurry

    Accepted Walter Piecebury returnee Application

    +support cmon man this guy gave me my first PT
  2. Mc Flurry

    Denied Withdrawn

    After thinking about it twice, i have decided to withdraw my app
  3. Mc Flurry

    Denied Withdrawn

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:20608093 Discord name: AltairBender For how long have you played on MRP: Around 3/4 years Are you a returning player?: Yes If yes to the above, when did you last play MRP actively?: Still now as LTCOL NATO name (regiment and rank): SAS CPL ''Sieger'' USSR name (regiment and...
  4. Mc Flurry

    MilitaryRP - Staff Application - Aki

    +support Give me... your rank... in A-1
  5. Mc Flurry

    Accepted /Panic

    What does this suggestion add: : Like SCP (again) its a simple bind /panic, it will send it in a red text and will play a sound Has this ever been suggested before: I dont think so. Possible Positives of the suggestion:More quality of life and it might be easier for newer players to get a...
  6. Mc Flurry

    Denied Adding colours to Regs

    What does this suggestion add: : Like SCP every MTF/REG has its own colour (Example: O-1 Purple, A-1 Red) Has this ever been suggested before: I dont think so. Possible Positives of the suggestion:More quality of life and it might be easier to know who types from witch reg. Possible Negatives...
  7. Mc Flurry

    Denied SHA model change
