a bit late but to answer questions

Hi, I am Drako

some of you may know me already as I have been in this community since 18th August 2021, yep almost 3 years. That is also the reason why I only now felt to introduce myself. It is because I feel that so many good people and BAD people have come and go without telling their stories that I feel I have to do it. I am a believer in freedom of speech as long as it doesn't hurt anyone so you will see me use this as it is my human right protected by VN (UVRM from 1948)

Let's start with my career on the MRP server, The first time ever I played I joined AG and stayed in it slowly climbing the ranks to a comfortable Maj Position after 7 months of staying as a Maj grinding my weeks I got Ltcol, and after some situation Maj again. Till I left after the NWO update.

NWO update

I joined SWB to help support their need in good ground combat units, which I gladly trained and turned into a small squadron of 5 who were at that time the best ground people in SWB if I may so myself, for this I got the rank of MSGT.
After I voluntarily transferred to AOR as a 1sgt I moved my way up to Maj/LtCol were I stayed there for another 6 months ( 21/03/2023-30/07/2023)

After seeing so many good people leave and come I found my way up to the Col position (30/07/2023) which I am now still holding. Some people asked me why I never go to High command and the reason why is my personal beliefs and thoughts.

My GM carrier
Before my GM career, I always asked for lore and the documents that were used in Events so I could try to figure out what the story was back in the USSR/nato days. or how I may see it the old "Glory Days" (and a lot of MRP players will agree with me).

few people know this but I helped write lore before I was even GM, mainly helping Spiderslayers with his idea and I wrote them up. When I got into the GM position (around 2 years ago?), we needed a lot of lore and people helping which I did. My whole focus was helping on lore, helping with teasers, and trying to get some lore straightened up. Recently I stopped being GM for something I am not allowed to say.

Personal Carriere

As the title says this will go over my personal growth, blood, and tears that I have suffered and went through during my entire career as of today.

Let's just start with my age, I joined the community when I was 14 and this was in the prime of my teenage years, as I got older I realized how to react and how to lead certain situations. This helped me also understand life much more which I am grateful for. This community has taught me so much, it helped me study, make friends, and choose my career.

I have also seen a lot of things that I am ashamed of.

Let's now go to something way more important, My Health. As an Autistic, ADHD, DCD kid I had trouble trying to convey my words and my feelings. But this community has helped me so much with it, I still struggle but I can do it. My physical health has had ups and downs like having covid-19 and multiple broken bones. Even these things could not stop me from playing my favorite server (MRP<3).

My mental health has been going down a lot, if I may so myself. At the beginning of my career in this community, I had a psychiatrist for emotional struggles. I stopped going there but when I became a Maj for 6 months it felt as if everything I did was bad, worthless, or even just outright stupid. I felt as if everyone was yelling and hating me and this took me out sometimes. But I fought through and got happy again meeting new people who helped me.

During these last months, my mental health deteriorated again, this was due to the stress of my new academic life and of trying to resurrect and deal with situations outside and inside the KGB/AOR Regiment. At least I have started to notice it in the last months but I know that it was happening for a lot longer. This deterioration was mainly due to how people reacted and interacted with KGB/AOR. How everything I tried to do to keep the regiment alive (pinging people handing out rewards, squadrons, Announcing training with rewards, weekly meetings.) just felt hopeless. it was as if I was sisyphos rolling uphill trying to keep a dying and hated regiment alive. I have seen great CO+'s help me with this but also CO's and above trying to take it down. I know some people might have seen me slip and i am sorry because of this. At this current time, i have trouble sleeping, laughing, or straight up enjoying any type of game as i just feel the constant pressure to make my regiment alive and active. My finals and homework even went down as i had to deal with this constant pressure. There are days that i just lay down or sat afk ingame staring at my screen thinking and contemplating if everything i do is good or just worthless and a waste of time. Some people have made this weight that i have on my shoulders a lot easier to carry, sadly most people who i talk about are gone.

My career IRL

when i first joined this communtiy i hadn't even graduated now i am graduated and becoming a teacher (history and geography)

Why the title?

i forgot to place send so this message got writen by me around a month and a half ago after a situation were i felt betrayed and just pointless. i struggled with my finals (as it was in the middle of my finals) because of this and i had hard time falling asleep (everything is fine now as i have a friend from this community i speak to everyday.)

Right now i still struggle to sleep or actualy enjoy any time of rp game as my motivation got hurt so badly.

thanks for everything and perhaps i might return some day:

@Aleem Abdul
@Anakin Skywalker
@Steven connor
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