Recent content by McApple

  1. McApple

    [US] Sir Barry's Director of Internal Affairs Application

    From the Ethics Committee of Site-56 Hello, Sir Barry! First of all, thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Director Of Internal Affairs! Your time's very much appreciated. Upon review, your application has been Accepted! After Committee Vote. Congratulations!
  2. McApple

    USA director of internal affairs application

    From the Ethics Committee of Site-56 Hello, Josher "Owl"! First of all, thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Director Of Internal Affairs! Your time's very much appreciated and we do see your dedication within your regiment. We hope to see you apply again in the...
  3. McApple

    [USA] Carter"Happy"Sampson's Director of internal affairs Application

    From the Ethics Committee of Site-56 Hello, Carter "Happy" Sampson! First of all, thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Director Of Internal Affairs! Your time's very much appreciated and we do see your dedication within your regiment. We hope to see you apply again...
  4. McApple

    [USA] "Puggo's" Dpt. Director of Internal Affairs Application

    From the Ethics Committee of Site-56 Hello, "Puggo"! First of all, thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Director Of Internal Affairs! Your time's very much appreciated and we do see your dedication within your regiment. We hope to see you apply again in the future...
  5. McApple

    [USA] Coral Lycensoft Ethics Assistant application

    From the Ethics Committee of Site-56 Hello, Coral Lycensoft! First of all, thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Ethics Assistant! Your time's very much appreciated. Upon review, your application has been Accepted! After Committee Vote. Congratulations!
  6. McApple

    [USA] Sponge's Ethics Committee Assistant Application

    From the Ethics Committee of Site-56 Hello, Sponge! First of all, thank you for taking the time to apply for the position of Ethics Assistant! Your time's very much appreciated. Upon review, your application has been Accepted! After Committee Vote. Congratulations!
  7. McApple

    Sir Barry's IA Ambassador Application [US]

    Accepted Your application to the Internal Affairs Ambassador team has been accepted, contact an in-game admin for your role and then Myself or Rummer for training. Thank you for your continued work and dedication to Internal Affairs.
  8. McApple

    [US] "Apple"'s Ethics Member Application

    What Ethics Committee role are you applying for, and why: Member, I am applying for this position for various reasons. Currently the Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, and Legal Codex have been my main focus on the server since I joined. As time passed I learned more and more on the rulings and...
  9. McApple

    (USA) The Leviathan IA Ambassador Application

    +Support Ambassador in past Good person Only thing I'd have to say is I don't see you on IA much anymore but that could just be my time isn't lining up with yours.
  10. McApple

    [US] Internal Affairs Ambassador Application

    +Support Very Active Mature Good Documents Helps everyone when needed Is a very reliable agent
  11. McApple

    [USA] Charles "Caboose" LePaul - Site Advisor Application

    +MAJOR Support Super Active Very Mature Never has had an issue since being ambassador and only held down the rules the best he could Amazing Communication Skills Hard Worker
  12. McApple

    [US] McApple's Director Of Internal Affairs Application

    Why are you applying for Director of Internal Affairs? I am applying to express my strong interest in the Director of Internal Affairs position and to demonstrate why I believe I am an ideal candidate for this role. As an experienced Ambassador with a proven track record of success, I am...
  13. McApple

    Charles "Caboose" LePaul - [US] Director of Internal Affairs Application

    +Support -Although he has gained this role recently I also believe that he is more than capable and would improve IA as a whole. -Would be happy to work under as an Ambassador even though getting Ambassador not long ago. -IA is in a state that we need some good anchors. -He has some great ideas...
  14. McApple

    [US] Internal Affairs Ambassador Application

    +Support -Extremely active on IA (I think only plays IA) -Mature -Great work within IA, has proven time and time again to be trustworthy and reliable -Amazing tone and way of dealing with situations. Attitude is always kind and helpful -Has helped me many times with various different situations
  15. McApple

    [USA] "The Ogre" Director of Internal Affairs Application

    +/- Support Ogre, you are a great guy and have amazing intentions and I fully believe with time you would make an amazing leader within IA. I just really feel as if you should grow as an Ambassador a bit more before moving into DIA, with you recently coming back to IA and also your recent...