Recent content by Michael Dzhetnikov

  1. Michael Dzhetnikov

    SCU Requirement Change

    What does this suggestion change: Changes the requirement for the Security Containment Unit Job. As of now, its requirements are as follows: Total Level 50, SRU L, HWL This suggestion alters the requirements to be: Total Level 50, Level 15 SCP, Level 15 Support, Level 20 Combat, HWL This is a...
  2. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Rule Suggestion Disallowing Specialized Panic Buttons

    [COMMS C.L.3.] Agent Goober Gooberson: <!> *PANIC BUTTON* <!> 4 ARMED D-CLASS AND A CI DC ARE AT 966'S CC KOS HOSTILE <!> moment
  3. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Nerf Reality Benders

    maybe reduce the range and add a 3s use time and if they are out of view it doesnt work, so you basically have time to react
  4. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied 173 blinking system

    173 cracked rn, give him more abilitys to allow him to be stealthy and pick off people
  5. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Pending Review IA senior agent

    now that we are getting ANOTHER office rework its about time we got one
  6. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied Remove Sniper jobs

    keep (job), there are only 8 of them that are always covering a limited and open area with their one shot weapon!!! goc could finally get an update if they were removed.
  7. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied add a chemical that mutates people into scps if they survive long enough

    or add a $150 chemical to the dealer which guaranteed to transform you into a max hp 682
  8. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Rule Suggestion Make Naming Conventions more lenient

    you guys know there are probably heaps of characters with "The" in their code/nickname, also there is no canon and lore isnt a reason to not allow codenames like these, i think maybe someone with a codename like this along with at least a first name to reduce confusion.
  9. Michael Dzhetnikov

    Denied time machine idea

    me waiting 4 hours in a dark room (Im travelling further in time)
  10. Michael Dzhetnikov

    BloodShed's Character Bio/Lore [US]

    that is just healing abilities, they are the same thing
  11. Michael Dzhetnikov

    BloodShed's Character Bio/Lore [US]

    is e11 raiding a building with reality anchors for someone with healing abilites?!