Even though I don't play the server at this current time but from the time when he was an GM he was an good GM at the time. But I can def see him preform good within the staff team. also he MADE monkey business
Was an good SL/staff in the past.
I do think he will do great if he returns and he has alot of experience form way back to more recent times.
Goodluck dont get more noise complaints though please ...
As an ex tank RC (17th/1stal). I heavly disagree with this suggestion. I do get it yes its annoying to get one shotted but first off all you can also one shot the kwk with just an single tankshell. A big thing on being good in tanks is area awareness knowing where there KwK's on the...
Hello sir @Bobby1 Its an Honour to be your number eight best friend on the big Civil Networks Community. The only thing I find wierd in your List is where is the GOAT Horatio? Isn't that your Ex? But nonetheless I find it very sigma super skibidi toilet to be on the list.
Cya man was an pleasure meeting you and doing ruining SC when I was SGEN. I assume that I am "Michael". After all these years you cant even type my name haha ... ! Have a good one
Hello everyone today marks my last day as Super within MRP. I have been playing this community an month after MRP's launch. since my last gmod break over 2 years ago i have been playing consistently since and in that time i became an gamemaster again worked my way up to Senior Gamemaster and...
Hello Tac
Due to you being demoted when you were an trail moderator you would need to make an normal staff application instead off an demotion appeal.
You may make one here via this link https://civilnetworks.net/community/forums/militaryrp-moderator-applications.19/
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