Recent content by Mr Apple

  1. Mr Apple

    [UK] Aqua's GSD Application (2nd) - Withdrawn

    I'm withdrawing the application as I don't believe I have enough time to dedicate to the server at the moment
  2. Mr Apple

    [UK] Aqua's GSD Application (2nd) - Withdrawn

    I will when im next ingame
  3. Mr Apple

    [UK] Aqua's GSD Application (2nd) - Withdrawn

    I believe its currently around 8 hours as I have only started playing again very recently
  4. Mr Apple

    [UK] Aqua's GSD Application (2nd) - Withdrawn

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:559434985 Discord name: mrapple04 For how long have you played on CG SCP: I assume around 4 Million of this is on SCP Age: 13 In what country are you located?: England Time zone: GMT Character name(s): Aqua (F) Aqua (GOC) Jimmy Apples (CI) Civilian name: Apples What...
  5. Mr Apple

    Aces Chief Application [UK]

    +Support Good application and only had positive experiences with you when I was captain
  6. Mr Apple

    Wolf Varem Leaving

    noooo, cannon on BF is just better than hellfires
  7. Mr Apple

    Denied FOBs placement

    -Support,I think signs have been placed already
  8. Mr Apple

    Aleems top 10 opps

    Im a better pilot than you can be :)
  9. Mr Apple

    Accepted Peacetime, High Command and Wars

  10. Mr Apple

    Accepted Fearrp with certain jobs

    =SUPPRT (+Support I can't spell)
  11. Mr Apple

    Dr Apple's CSB Application

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:559434985 Discord name: mrapple04 For how long have you played on CN MRP: Started playing January 2023, Stopped June 2023, Restarted playing yesterday Age: 13 In what country are you located?: England Time zone: GMT+1 Character name(s): Dr Apple ( USSR ) , Timmy Apple (...
  12. Mr Apple

    Security Captain Application SCP-RP (UK)

    - Support - Small rushed application - Basically no lore - Lied about sergeant (?) - VTime not provided
  13. Mr Apple

    [UK] Toaste 'Puppy' W.'s Second DoR Application

    -Support Can be mingey at times and I have seen some unusual behavior from you when you are on exec although that may of been a one time mistake.