Recent content by Mr Duckie

  1. Mr Duckie

    Accepted Karma adjust for D-Class

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: I would like to add a system for certain foundation staff to adjust the karma of D-Class in response for things such as psychological evaluations, behaviour, general helpfulness. It would only be open to more senior members of staff on each team to...
  2. Mr Duckie

    Spector's Ban Appeal

    Hey sweet, After looking into your ban and your appeal. This is a MRDM [X] ban meaning you have a lot of previous offences as well, At this time I don't find it sufficient that you be unbanned from MRP. In regards to TS I would advise making a separate appeal for TS which can be looked at...
  3. Mr Duckie

    Denied 2024 New Year, New Begining

    -support I would direct you to @Hydro for a reason about the lag on GMOD servers because the way they are programmed to detect players and allocate resources. It isn't a hardware issue CN already spends a lot of money on hardware, Guns have been balance multiple times but it is now mainly a...
  4. Mr Duckie

    Denied ER Changes

    -support All weapons on the server are balanced fairly in comparison to their counterparts, with ER they are bale to have higher fire rates because of the guns they have which i doubt will be changed. Changing the spawns will do nothing as they already have multiple spawn options as well as...
  5. Mr Duckie

    Denied MRP KWK rule change

    -support KWK use on helis was removed to help heli regiments stay healthy and not stagnate with new players who are learning how to fly helis, and gaining experience during war. Readding the ability to KWK helis could have detrimental affects on heli regiments and the player base in general...
  6. Mr Duckie

    Spector's ban appeal

    Morning sweet, Unfortunately you have admitted to some quite severe offence in your appeal, we understand you may have anger problems but MRDM and shouting racial slurs at other players. Your appeal has been denied. You may not appeal again for another 6 weeks at least. Kind regards Duckie
  7. Mr Duckie

    Bongo's Moderator Application

    Hi Bongo, Unfortunately your VTIME doesn't reflect your time on the server and has large gaps in the middle of it. I would recommend spending longer on the server and getting to know player and staff. Application denied. You may reapply in 4 weeks time. Duckie
  8. Mr Duckie

    Jaxiferr Ban Appeal

    Hi Jaxiferr, After looking through the replies on this appeal, although you didn't intentionally mean to kill multiple people you still did it. This was fall under RDM and misuse of equipment. Even though majority of the people involved didn't report you, somebody did so beef had to take...
  9. Mr Duckie

    Barbarian ban appeal

    Hi Barbarian, Than you for taking the time to make a ban appeal. I was the person who banned you as I had to speak to you a few times about getting into the gunner seat of a blackfoot and shooting it whilst it was on the ground. You killed me once by doing this, you then kept asking people if...
  10. Mr Duckie

    Brian Bell Resignation Appeal

    +support Great guy with a lot of experience just lacking a hairline.
  11. Mr Duckie

    Mc Flurry's Demotion Appeal

    Hi McFlurry, We do understand that the ban was a miscommunication between yourself and the server team. Unfortunately due to your history on the server and active infractions, the SL team has decided to deny this appeal. Kind Regards Duckie
  12. Mr Duckie

    Application For Moderation

    Hi Neverland, If you wish to join the staff team please use the correct format. Kind regards Duckie
  13. Mr Duckie

    Billy Demotion appleal

    Hi Billy, Unfortunately you are blacklisted from the GM team, If you wish to speak about this further please contact myself or another senior admin. Cheers Duckie
  14. Mr Duckie

    Harry’s SGM resignation appeal

    Hi Harry, Thank you for taking the time to make a resignation appeal. I have decided to accept your appeal and reinstate you back as the rank of GM. Please contact myself or @Michiel-MV when you are next online to receive your roles. Duckie
  15. Mr Duckie

    Tokyo's Gamemaster Application

    Good evening, Upon reviewing your application we have decided to accept you into the GM team. Please contact myself or @Michiel-MV when online to get roles. Regards Duckie