Recent content by Mr Scooby

  1. Mr Scooby

    Winkie's Leaving Post - End of an era

    Goodbye sir!!
  2. Mr Scooby

    Connor leaving CN

    Guys what is going on
  3. Mr Scooby

    Connor leaving CN

    Goodbye unlucky tbh smh smhh
  4. Mr Scooby


    Good luck Pen!!
  5. Mr Scooby

    Kyzent's Farewell

    Goodbye my friend!!
  6. Mr Scooby

    Kyzent's Farewell

    My buddy is now gone. I wish you the best man and I hope everything goes well for you!!
  7. Mr Scooby

    Kyzent's Developer - Addons Application II

    +Support Good coder from what I seen. I have tested some of his code and it looked pretty good. I think he was what it takes to become a dev.
  8. Mr Scooby

    [UK] Remmy "Brightside" Marshall's Ambassador Application

    +Support Will do great things in the position. I highly recommend.