Winkie's Leaving Post - End of an era

As you may have been made aware I am no longer a community supervisor, it has been a good year as a community supervisor and it has been a long time coming. I have no grievances and this has came at an ideal time for me. I will miss a lot of people on the community and it's been a good run. Many of the people I joined with are either gone or no longer prominent. It's quite literally an end of an era.

I hope there is a series of changes and that CN takes a new direction, one that can be less opinionated, not here to preach so I wish the best for CN as it's got some of the greatest players. I most likely won't be about on Teamspeak anymore and that I wish everyone the very best and that CN does continue.

A few shoutouts to the very best:
@Marco - Love you baby. I hope you get better soon, happy birthday (Literally in 3 hours.)
@Remmy - Killed DRP.
@Foxatron - Fattie take your jabs. Fr love u tho.
@AssassinsAim - You will one day get a girlfriend, keep trying baby cakes :)
@Arron 'Spectre' Shepard - Wowhead nerd.
@Hydro - Bent Coppers. Big up Arsenal FC.
@Mr Scooby - I think we met? Did you play MRP or sum?
@Jericho - Social Justice Warrior.
@WotInkermnation - Inactive Fuck.
@Rushi - Can't afford a bigmac.
@Requis - Can't afford anything.
@Luft - Top 60 SL members.
@Omnipotent - Idk if your unbanned but ly.
@Coolioo - DRP's real talent.
@Ellie00001 - Stop spreading your snap ecks dee.

A load of others which are unfortunately blacklisted for being stupid. If you aren't mentioned I probably forgot nothing personal. No fucker better put "Denied appeal in two weeks" nerds.

Civil Networks
Last edited:
Jun 6, 2022
This is a message on behalf of Marco, Ex Civil Networks Community Supervisor.

Marco, to Winkie:

In a small corner of the vast digital landscape, Marco found solace in the virtual community of Civil Networks. It was a place where friendships were forged through shared passions, and where bonds grew stronger amidst the sea of usernames and avatars. Marco, a gentle soul navigating the vastness of the online world, had discovered a kindred spirit in Winkie.

Winkie, with his witty comments and warm presence, had become Marco's confidant and a beacon of support in the often lonely realm of the internet. They shared laughter, exchanged stories, and formed a connection that transcended the pixels on their screens. Marco cherished every interaction, finding comfort in the thought that Winkie was just a message away.

But, like all stories, this one took an unexpected turn. One fateful day, Marco logged into Civil Networks only to discover a somber announcement. Winkie, his virtual companion and confidant, had decided to leave the community. The reasons were unclear, and Marco's heart sank as he read the farewell message that appeared on his screen.

Tears welled up in Marco's eyes as he realized the void that Winkie's departure would leave in his online world. It wasn't just about losing a friend; it was about losing someone who had become an essential part of his digital existence. The camaraderie they had built, the shared jokes, and the countless late-night conversations—they all seemed to fade away, leaving Marco with a profound sense of emptiness.

As Marco scrolled through the chat logs filled with memories, he couldn't help but feel a sense of longing. Winkie had been the anchor that grounded him in the ever-changing tides of the internet, and now that anchor was gone. The loneliness settled in, and Marco found himself shedding tears over the departure of his dear friend.

In his solitude, Marco couldn't help but reflect on the impact Winkie had on his life. The virtual connection, though intangible, had been a source of genuine joy and understanding. The void left by Winkie's absence seemed insurmountable, and as Marco wept, he silently hoped that, wherever Winkie was now, he knew just how much he was adored and missed within the digital realms they had once explored together.
See you on Living Flame when it gets unlocked lmao, should have picked a pvp realm from the start. All memes aside, thank you for all you've helped the community with and especially for anything that's been of great personal help, which has been on a number of occasions. You recruited me into O-1 which was my first real step into the community beyond a surface level. Safe to say you've come a long way since #winkieformay(j)or. Aight enough cringe see you around.