Recent content by Mrwhite

  1. Mrwhite

    bought euclid vip while i had thaumeil

    hello i haven't been in the server for almost a year now and for some reason first thing i did was to buy an vip and i forgot that i already had the better vip ill post a picture of the donation receipt may i get refund?
  2. Mrwhite

    Ace Discounti Staff application UK

    +Support Very good man and also a good GSD Love you baby. ( send me that 4070)
  3. Mrwhite

    So im a civil gamers expert

    yeah i think i do.. (second account btw.. i've been here since 2017)
  4. Mrwhite

    Me no MRP...

    Me no MRP...
  5. Mrwhite

    [MRP] buying 500 vpoint for 500k

    i know i sold it under the price but i didn't really care tbf...
  6. Mrwhite

    [MRP] buying 500 vpoint for 500k

    500 for 500k and its already sold... would you actually buy it for 5000 lol
  7. Mrwhite

    [MRP] buying 500 vpoint for 500k

    best deal discord: mrwhite1385
  8. Mrwhite

    when MRP was fun...

  9. Mrwhite

    DarkRP Community Suggestions

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: VIP system , better rules , the balance between different jobs (skullbreaker and suff), legendary guns change bouncy balls, do not remove them. the skill system should be remaded. Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): the balance...
  10. Mrwhite

    buying all of your cyanide pill

    this post is from 2021, why are you even replying to this.
  11. Mrwhite

    still waiting for CWRP

    is there an specific date now? last time they said 2023 .
  12. Mrwhite

    Rust servers question.

  13. Mrwhite

    Rust servers question.

    astolfo , i still have that legendry recorded voice of yours. hope you remember what im talking about XD
  14. Mrwhite

    Rust servers question.

    where are the servers are going to be hosted on? EU or US ? or both?
  15. Mrwhite

