I'm sure as everyone as seen at the moment there is a lot of hype and chatter about Dark-RP returning. Personally I am absolutely onboard with the idea of Dark-RP returning but, realistically the server will need a lot of improvement. Eventually new editions to retain what we can only imagine to be a huge surge of players. Whether it be a 2 week blast or whether it is able to sustain a high population over a long period such as SCP-RP has.
That is why I have created this post. To bring a complied list of suggestions and ideas which the community thinks would improve on what old Dark-RP was. So whether you played the original Dark-RP or not if you have a idea which you think would make a good Dark-RP server or would improve on the old server post it here. So therefore if Cloak and Ventz decide to begin work on releasing the server this will make a good start on future development, hopefully meaning we can have a enjoyable server which is sustainable.
If you wish to make a suggestion please use the format below:
To prevent spamming the post only react to suggestions with
. Unless your contribution adds to the suggestion.
This post in no way is a confirmation that Dark-RP will return just a complied list of early community suggestions if it were to return, intended to help server developers and network leadership see what the community wants before fully committing to the project.
If you'd like to sign the petition do so here.
That is why I have created this post. To bring a complied list of suggestions and ideas which the community thinks would improve on what old Dark-RP was. So whether you played the original Dark-RP or not if you have a idea which you think would make a good Dark-RP server or would improve on the old server post it here. So therefore if Cloak and Ventz decide to begin work on releasing the server this will make a good start on future development, hopefully meaning we can have a enjoyable server which is sustainable.
If you wish to make a suggestion please use the format below:
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
[Response here]
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[Response here]
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[Response here]
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[Response here]
[Response here]
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
[Response here]
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
[Response here]
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[Response here]
This post in no way is a confirmation that Dark-RP will return just a complied list of early community suggestions if it were to return, intended to help server developers and network leadership see what the community wants before fully committing to the project.
If you'd like to sign the petition do so here.
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