Recent content by Naffen

  1. Naffen

    Sean "fearless" Farewell for now

    o7 Sean
  2. Naffen

    Content Suggestion ADD BACK THE D BLOCK KITCHEN!

    This doesn't need a server suggestion, you'd need to approach Site Admin through RP to get this implemented
  3. Naffen

    [UK] O5-1 'The Consigliere'

    You have (1) new mail! [Accessing SCIPnet Terminal] ...
  4. Naffen

    Delayed Leaving Post

    big loss for the community, o7 Otters
  5. Naffen

    I don't enjoy ts (this shit) anymore

    Server won't ever be the same without you mate! Truly left a mark!
  6. Naffen


    Personally, I think it's diabolical that you're trying to play the victim here pretending to be the innocent one with no fault on yourself. We have all the screenshots, chat logs and evidence that we need to prove you entirely wrong. The fact that you're still actively lying in this ban appeal...
  7. Naffen

    Cheetah's hopefully leaving post

    o7 mate, you got good at this staff stuff. We all know you'll be back as soon as "school work" is finished
  8. Naffen

    William Collins Discord Ban Appeal

    He issued a generalised punishment and did state he was contacting Dennid (A platform supervisor who handles this specific stuff) for his opinion. What is this "harassment" claim you make though? That is concerning. If you arent comfortable talking about it here, feel free to dm me on discord
  9. Naffen

    The comedic parts of G-Job.. (rant)

    I had a giant thread open with UK GOC COs where we actively discussed these ideas and suggestions and we made some good ground on what is possible and what it balanced additions that could be added, and those ideas have been forwarded already which were in dev works already So I'm not entirely...
  10. Naffen

    Rule Suggestion Admin sits are not allowed to be used to collect evidence for punishment!

    I'm going to go ahead and deny this suggestion as this is something that is common sense and all staff should be abiding with. Read all staff responses in this thread for the reasons. Staff who fail to follow this will be punished and players who actively abuse and metagame the info from sits...
  11. Naffen

    Rule Suggestion Admin sits are not allowed to be used to collect evidence for punishment!

    I'm not entirely sure why this suggestion is a suggetion. This is and already should be the common practice for staff. A major issue is players seem to forget this is a ROLEPLAY server. You need to investigate through IN CHARACTER means to find out the answer you're suspecting or to conclude the...
  12. Naffen

    [UK] Fang 'Hakari' Staff Demotion Appeal

    Appeal Response Hello @Fang 'Hakari' Thank you for making a appeal and sorry for the long wait After reading through your appeal, and checking your card with dates, the manner and timing in which you left seemed odd and was not entirely satisfactory, especially with how long you were a...
  13. Naffen

    The comedic parts of G-Job.. (rant)

    Feel free to DM me your ideas and suggestions you think are beneficial to the RP GOC can have or provide to make it a more enjoyable faction, and i can discuss each idea you guys have, explaining what we (SSL) are capable of implementing and what is out of our hands to try clear the air or...
  14. Naffen

    A1 Have too much power with no accountability.

    Have you tried to report it to ISD? Report all violations of the FLC to ISD! But seriously, if you think it's absolute poor RP and gameplay, feel free to make a complaint on the forums regarding poor conduct But if it's all IC, you just have to follow Chain of command and raise your concerns...
  15. Naffen

    Denied Charater Based Clearnace Level Rework

    So O5-1 wants to play GSD Officer for a bit, he has access to his CL5 keycard, can't use it to go anywhere a normal player isn't allowed, but has all the info his O5-1 character would have, even though they aren't the same character?