Recent content by Orrical

  1. Orrical

    Dr. Nick Medical Consultant Application (SCP RP-UK)

    The following message is composed via consensus of the Medical Leadership Team. Hello, @Doctor Nick Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This...
  2. Orrical

    [UK] Sceptre's ECA Application

    Big +Support
  3. Orrical

    [UK] ECA Application

    -Support - I don't think I've seen you around site before. If I have it is rare (Please post a screenie of vtime) - The App is very lackluster, whilst I do appreciate formatting, there is not a lot of info on here, which could be improved - For your question of what makes you a better candidate...
  4. Orrical

    (UK)Simon’s Security Chief Application

    -Support - App is incredibly lackluster - I've not really seen you (I might be blind idk) - Lore could be improved
  5. Orrical

    Orrical's ECA Application [UK]

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:62218455 Discord name: orrical For how long have you played on CG SCP: 1,283,340 Seconds Age: 24 In what country are you located?: UK Time zone: BST/UK Character name(s): Scott 'Orrical' Mitchell and Callum 'Orrical' Mitchell Civilian name: Jones 'Orrical' Foley What...
  6. Orrical

    [UK] Casper Kowalski's Consultant Application

    The following message is composed via consensus of the Medical Leadership Team. Hello, @Musician/Kac Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request...
  7. Orrical

    [UK] Amelia Hughes Medical Consultant application.

    The following message is composed via consensus of the Medical Leadership Team. Hello, @.teddy . Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation. After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel reassignment request. This request...
  8. Orrical

    Jordie 'Violet' Winters. Pac3 Request

    I see no issue with supporting this, we have many different pacs with female head models that look less realistic than this!
  9. Orrical

    Scott 'Orrical' Mitchell Pac Request (Medical Director)

    I've used the addons for a while (Badges, sunglasses, medkit and lanyard) but I wanted to give my DIrector of Medical more of a, you know, director look with a suit rather than what looks like a short sleeve top/polo and tie. No textures are imported, all base pack stuff just colour changed and...
  10. Orrical

    Lily 'Zephyr' pac3 request

    +Support Literally do not see a reason why this should be denied
  11. Orrical

    [UK] Puzzle's DoEA Application

    +Major Support
  12. Orrical

    [UK] DoM Application Alex 'Shrimple'

    +Support +Active, Competent and Professional + Friendly with all he interacts with + Amazing guy, I'm glad he joined as a Consultant (It got lonely without him to bounce off :D) +Plus he's magic too look at him levitate
  13. Orrical

    Scott 'Orrical' Mitchell's DoM App [UK]

    If you are referring to other departments being involved then no, Medical as a whole, the most recent noteable RP I technically created was when I had a Trainee and Doctor assist me with an Operation on a CL4 member of staff, I had them gather tools and medical supplies for me and got them to do...