Recent content by Ozz

  1. Ozz

    [UK] O5-2 "The Sadist"

    Massive +Support +Overqualified +Trusted member within the community +Nice person, and always takes the time to respond and help people +Chad RP enjoyer
  2. Ozz

    Ozz SCP-22415 app (UK)

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:217991052 Discord name: ozzishere For how long have you played on CN SCP: For like a year and 8+ months Playtime is around 1500 hours Age: 22 In what country are you located?: Syria Time zone: +3 GMT Character name(s): Foundation: "Echo-1" | "The Echo" CI: Ozz...
  3. Ozz

    Denied Combat Medic Spawn

    First, I might not have the best grammar but my response is clearly understandable (not everyone has English as their first language) Second, Idk why trying to insult me, to be honest you just showed everyone u are a dickhead and u know u lost the argument when u had to dig into my grammar to...
  4. Ozz

    Denied Combat Medic Spawn

    +Support -Its aids to keep fighting the same combat medic you killed 50 times just because he has the best spawn. -Constent NLR, running into CI raids and D-Block seconds after they die (and it's a big issue to D-Class too). -Unrealistic and game-breaking loop of PvP (even if u are the best...
  5. Ozz

    [UK] McFlurry's Site Director Application

    +Support all the reasons you need have been listed in the previous posts حبيبي والله
  6. Ozz

    Ciao for now

    o7 man dont forget to say hi to rooks mom for me
  7. Ozz

    Finally Leaving

    o7 goondra it was really fun to sit around and talk and fuck around man Stay sleepy
  8. Ozz

    Jack Raider's temporary goodbye

    Its sad to see you mate even if it's temporary Your are a great player A nice dclass team mate And a good friend o7 and im looking forward for ur return so we can terrorized the site once again
  9. Ozz

    [USA] Tyrone / "Skoobz" Site Advisor App

    +Support People already have listed the reasons i dont have to say the same thing ^
  10. Ozz

    Removal of Staff Ruling regarding Rule 4.03

    +Support As D5-1 i think this is a bad change, Reason? Cringe (Jokes aside) As a person why only played for a long time and i would say this is very very abusable I understand where this is coming from and why u want more RP with d class and new players but i can easily start getting refunds...
  11. Ozz

    [USA] Tyrone / "Skoobz" ECA app

    +Support I dont play US that much but everytime i met u ingame or in discord i only had positive interactions
  12. Ozz

    Ozz Overseer Assistant App [UK]

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:217991052 Discord name: ozzishere For how long have you played on CG SCP: around a year and 8 months (I did take a break for 2 months) Over 1400 hours for sure Age: 22 In what country are you located?: Syria Time zone: +3 GMT Character name(s): Ozz "Echo-1" Stanly -...
  13. Ozz

    "Skoobz" O-1 PAC3 request

    @Bill Nye The Guy @v1b3rant @Betriv @Gure Would you guys be specific so I can edit the pac But do keep in mind: The helmet has a just small amount of red The base model and the camo are O-1 Armor models are mostly from O-1 Enforcer and other types of O-1 models, Just made darker to match the...
  14. Ozz

    Denied D Class and getting sick

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: Make D-Class immune to sickness Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2): -No one wastes money or cares about d class to cure them anyways so it will just be way less annoying because u won't get flashing stuff on ur screen or get slow down...
  15. Ozz

    Denied Make TG/Type Green blood always be O-

    -Support not needed it + remove the fact that it's a special thing to have as a character