Recent content by Pen Pozniak

  1. Pen Pozniak

    Goodbye Civil networks

    (as a good way. PS. mods this isn't toxicity but normal responds by me thx)
  2. Pen Pozniak

    Goodbye Civil networks

    goodbye fake pen hope you have a nice day and you could kys (kiss yourself goodbye)
  3. Pen Pozniak

    [UK] Pucci's Staff Application

    +support W guy, helped me when i was banned for "hacking" and its an G hope he gets staff he's a W for staff Fr
  4. Pen Pozniak

    Pen Pozniak Ban Appeal [UK]

    Thank you for answering the sit Auburn, i have no videos or clips to show as i removed medal as i through it would be fine but it isn't. I dont really know how to provide that i am innocent as i dont have anything to provide as proof. However i dont know if this would work but i use to be a...
  5. Pen Pozniak

    Partially Accepted Make dblock maintenance tunnel connect to the other train tunnels

    i mean if ur ass then ur ass as a D class
  6. Pen Pozniak

    Rule Suggestion Change the Interrogation Rules

    Bro it's 10min of rp or 30min being alone lol, also +support more rp fr fr
  7. Pen Pozniak

    Partially Accepted Make dblock maintenance tunnel connect to the other train tunnels

    -/+ netruel Good idea but I think it will be op and allow d class to be everywhere in foundation which a lot of MTF needing to leave their POI and GSC would need to get out of d block to find the d classes out of d block. However it could be good for riots and people having a TEU-5 hacking...
  8. Pen Pozniak

    Pen Pozniak Ban Appeal [UK]

    Nah its fine but its weird as i havent moved as i TAB'ed out and TAB'ed back in to the game and second to know that am in a staff sit for scripting.
  9. Pen Pozniak

    Pen Pozniak Ban Appeal [UK]

    Your in-game name: Pen Pozniak Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:448518499 Your steam community link: Date of ban: 24/02/2024 What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): scripting - Who banned you: Sean "Fearless" Ban length?: 16 weeks What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or...
  10. Pen Pozniak

    [UK] Kurt Gunsche SCR-RP ban appeal

    Hello and Yes i issued a Ban towards you for XP Farming as to what i have seen, you were brought into a sit against Someone in which you were spinning AFK in which this would lead into a Ban for XP-Farming. As for the rules in which you broken as you were spinning this will make you unable to...
  11. Pen Pozniak

    [SCPRP-UK] Neptune's Staff Application

    +/- Neutral - Reason - + Mature in the servers that i see him -/+ Activites could be bit better + Interactions are good i can trust him - Application Could be better as it looks like a mess (no offense) GOODLUCK
  12. Pen Pozniak

    ScpRed / Pen Pozniak Mod Applications [UK]

    Thank you for responding on this application.
  13. Pen Pozniak

    ScpRed / Pen Pozniak Mod Applications [UK]

    Thank you for responding on this application.