Recent content by Rancher

  1. Rancher

    [USA] Alexander Montgomery's Site Director Application

    -Support No experience in a cl4 job never been site admin and smells funny
  2. Rancher

    [USA] Thomas "Goldblood" Aurelius Ethics Committee Member Application.

    +Support man got experience in a LTCOM position "And" it was is O-1
  3. Rancher

    SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - 'Rancher'

    And no I didn't say the N word
  4. Rancher

    SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - 'Rancher'

    Ah okay I understand the N word but the F wasn't so sure, again sorry wont happen again
  5. Rancher

    SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - 'Rancher'

    I was taking a look toward the rules and I found this 1.10 Disrespectful Conduct - Derogatory Language designed to target players in a disrespectful manner is prohibited; this includes racism, homophobia, and other derogatory slurs; jokingly being racist is not an exception to this rule. I...
  6. Rancher

    SCP-RP (USA) - Ban Appeal - 'Rancher'

    What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (USA) Your in-game name: 'Rancher' Your SteamID: 76561199083445992 Ban Reason: Severe Toxicity Date of ban: 9/15/2024 Who banned you: Blue Ban length: 1 week What will you do to stop this from happening again: I just won't say it, it may sound short...
  7. Rancher

    [US] "O5-4 The Hierophant"

    +Support Mans got mad experience even though he is a little bald
  8. Rancher


  9. Rancher

    Overseer Assistant [USA]

    - List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Holding: Nu-7 SGT Holding: CI Alpha Holding: 096 Whitelist Held: Nu-7 MAJ Held: E-11 LCPL Held: Overseer Assistant - Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Yes all over nearly 2 years ago. Severe toxicity and...
  10. Rancher

    Denied 2 ERT Spawn ins for 008 Breaches

    What does this suggestion change/add/remove: This suggestion will instead of having 9 ERT spawn for 008 it will allow 18 ERT Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?: I think once but the difference is it was a average 80 pop so not many 008 breaches...
  11. Rancher

    [USA] Maurice Alton's Site Advisor's Application

    +Support -Great LTCOM -Mans been studying SA like its his bible -Great Guy -Best fit for SA
  12. Rancher

    [USA] Johnathan Does SA Application

    -Support Never heard of you SA app is lacking details or effort
  13. Rancher

    [USA] O5-4 "The Spectrum"

    Im not going to clip my experiences with you just to give out proof, im just stating my interactions with you. The whole reason for replys is so they can get the best feedback on the person as best they can. This is just what i see from you every time i see you
  14. Rancher

    [USA] O5-4 "The Spectrum"

    -Support From my experience he is just mingy all the time