- Jan 31, 2023
- 341
- 33
- 111
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:543788795
Discord name: John Doe | johndoe4520
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Over a year and a half
Age: 24
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: Eastern Standard
Character name(s): Johnathan Doe
Civilian name: Johnboy Doe
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Ethics Committee Assistant (5-6 months), GSD Captain (5-6 months), CI-B, MTF-E11 CPL
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- None
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
- I'm seeking to take the steps in the direction of helping guide the foundation. I have served my time as ECA | CPT and want to progress to something that can do more for the server. I want to be able to create more RP around me and be able to take on more of a job. The roleplay aspects of Site Advisor is where I want to be and intend on focusing this role above all else. I have been on Civil Networks for almost 2 years and have been working towards the goal of SA as it is my overall goal. I know and enjoy a lot of current Site Admin personnel and can work well along side them.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
- My overall activity as well as the time of my activity. I am on when a lot of Site Administration is not, as well as some main hours. I'm aware of server rules and expectations. I have never received disciplinaries for any CL4 spot I've held and always met my quotas. I do not minge and intend on doing my best to uphold the standards of the SA and can create RP within those bounds. I'm knowledgeable on the COE and COC as well. I believe my maturity and dedication to Civil Networks after almost 2 years as a dedicated member attempting to secure this spot should also be noted. My overall goal is this position. I know how to adapt to a role and improve, I can and will be the best SA given the chance. I know a lot of our Site Administration and believe I can work together with them well. I have spent a total of almost a year in CL4 positions and have the knowledge of how to behave and expectations Civil Networks and the SA+ team expect me to behave. Activity will not be a problem, quotas will not be a problem, behavior will not be a problem.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
Discord name: John Doe | johndoe4520
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Over a year and a half
Age: 24
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: Eastern Standard
Character name(s): Johnathan Doe
Civilian name: Johnboy Doe
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?:
- Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- Ethics Committee Assistant (5-6 months), GSD Captain (5-6 months), CI-B, MTF-E11 CPL
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- None
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?
- I'm seeking to take the steps in the direction of helping guide the foundation. I have served my time as ECA | CPT and want to progress to something that can do more for the server. I want to be able to create more RP around me and be able to take on more of a job. The roleplay aspects of Site Advisor is where I want to be and intend on focusing this role above all else. I have been on Civil Networks for almost 2 years and have been working towards the goal of SA as it is my overall goal. I know and enjoy a lot of current Site Admin personnel and can work well along side them.
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
- My overall activity as well as the time of my activity. I am on when a lot of Site Administration is not, as well as some main hours. I'm aware of server rules and expectations. I have never received disciplinaries for any CL4 spot I've held and always met my quotas. I do not minge and intend on doing my best to uphold the standards of the SA and can create RP within those bounds. I'm knowledgeable on the COE and COC as well. I believe my maturity and dedication to Civil Networks after almost 2 years as a dedicated member attempting to secure this spot should also be noted. My overall goal is this position. I know how to adapt to a role and improve, I can and will be the best SA given the chance. I know a lot of our Site Administration and believe I can work together with them well. I have spent a total of almost a year in CL4 positions and have the knowledge of how to behave and expectations Civil Networks and the SA+ team expect me to behave. Activity will not be a problem, quotas will not be a problem, behavior will not be a problem.
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
- Creating and maintaining RP on the Site.
- Being knowledgeable enough to be able to answer departmental questions.
- Knowing departmental protocol and guidelines.
- Authorizing sweeps of D-Block and assigning assistance if needed.
- Ensuring departments are conducting their duties as intended and within bounds of COC and COE.
- Conducting interview and department reviews with Site Leadership.
- Speaking with GOI involving relations.
- Discussing issues that arise in departments with leadership.
- Appointing Nu-7 and E-11 Commanders. Appointing Department Directors for Gensec/Research/Medical
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Site Advisor Johnathan Doe
Johnathan receives a call to the SA offices*, "Hello, Site administration how can we help? A voice on the other line murmurs, "D-Class everywhere.. need assistance please.." Johnathan reaches out over the radio to the security department " Status on D-Block", [No response]. Johnathan calls out to Nu-7 for an armed escort to D-Block to do a well-being check. Upon entering D-Block Johnathan is welcomed to explosions and chaos brewing with few security remaining. Johnathan calls out over comms "D-Block is being overran we need assistance. All MTF, DEA and Combative personnel please assist!" A swarm of foundation staff fills D-Block. Fighting commences between the prisoners and foundation with foundation clearing out any prisoners outside of their cells. No leadership of GSD is left alive.. Johnathan calls out " We need to sweep D-Block and strip all contraband, refrain from raising tensions, get D-Block back under foundation hands." All combative personnel line up for instructions from Johnathan and receive orders on execution on the sweep. *Sweep finishes and all contraband is seized* it is now time for Johnathan to investigate what led to the D-Class having the possibility to overrun D-Block.. "End"
Thank you for considering me for Site Admin, I hope I can show you the effort and time I am willing to put in to grow in this position.
Site Advisor Johnathan Doe
Johnathan receives a call to the SA offices*, "Hello, Site administration how can we help? A voice on the other line murmurs, "D-Class everywhere.. need assistance please.." Johnathan reaches out over the radio to the security department " Status on D-Block", [No response]. Johnathan calls out to Nu-7 for an armed escort to D-Block to do a well-being check. Upon entering D-Block Johnathan is welcomed to explosions and chaos brewing with few security remaining. Johnathan calls out over comms "D-Block is being overran we need assistance. All MTF, DEA and Combative personnel please assist!" A swarm of foundation staff fills D-Block. Fighting commences between the prisoners and foundation with foundation clearing out any prisoners outside of their cells. No leadership of GSD is left alive.. Johnathan calls out " We need to sweep D-Block and strip all contraband, refrain from raising tensions, get D-Block back under foundation hands." All combative personnel line up for instructions from Johnathan and receive orders on execution on the sweep. *Sweep finishes and all contraband is seized* it is now time for Johnathan to investigate what led to the D-Class having the possibility to overrun D-Block.. "End"
Thank you for considering me for Site Admin, I hope I can show you the effort and time I am willing to put in to grow in this position.
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