Recent content by RedsnowWinter

  1. RedsnowWinter

    SCP-RP (UK) - Ban Appeal - Niko murk

    What server you were banned on: SCP-RP (UK) Your in-game name: Niko murk Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:164488785 Ban Reason: Breach of External Discord Guidelines Date of ban: 30-12-2024 Who banned you: Naffan Ban length: Perm What will you do to stop this from happening again...
  2. RedsnowWinter

    [UK] Jaqueline Claire Reacher Director of Research Application

    You know it's bad when people dm me to look at this Goodluck though
  3. RedsnowWinter

    Rion’s Exec Application (UK)

    Good Evening Rion, Thank you for taking an interest in the Site-65 Department of Research and applying for the position of Executive Researcher. I regret to inform you that your application has not been succesful and has been denied. If you would like elaboration on the reasons for this denial...
  4. RedsnowWinter

    [UK] J. Lloyd's Director of Internal Security Application

    +Support -Friendly -Professional -Experienced A bit slow at times.... EVEN BETTER!
  5. RedsnowWinter

    [UK] Jimmy Swan Director of Research application

    -Support Hey Jimmy Swan, I wanted to share my honest opinion and hope this won’t be taken personally While you’ve been around, you have been shown to not approve credits. While you’ve been around, you have been shown to not approve documents. You have been observed farming hours by AFKing and...
  6. RedsnowWinter

    [UK] 'Gamemaker' Director of Research Application.

    -Support Hello Jackie, I wanted to share my honest opinion and hope this won’t be taken personally You failed your interview for the executive position. The last time you held an executive position was quite a while ago. Your documents are not up to executive standards, and therefore, I don’t...
  7. RedsnowWinter

    [UK] Engallagher K. C. Ludenberg's Executive Researcher Application

    evening, Engallagher Thank you for taking the time to apply for a position as an Executive Researcher. After evaluating your application and discussing it with the Department of Research's Leadership team, we have decided to Elevate your application to the interview stage. Please reach out to...
  8. RedsnowWinter

    Brayan Murry OSA App <UK>

    +Support -Active -Professional
  9. RedsnowWinter

    [UK] Executive Researcher Application 'Gamemaker'

    Good Evening Jaqueline, Thank you for taking an interest in the Site-65 Department of Research and applying for the position of Executive Researcher. I regret to inform you that your application has not been succesful and has been denied. If you would like elaboration on the reasons for this...
  10. RedsnowWinter

    [UK] Executive researcher application - Jesse Soul

    Greatings, Jesse soul Thank you for taking the time to apply for a position as an Executive Researcher. After evaluating your application and discussing it with the Department of Research's Leadership team, we have decided to Elevate your application to the interview stage. Please reach out to...
  11. RedsnowWinter

    [UK] Alex 'Shrimple' DoM App #2

    Major support Experienced Great RP Professional
  12. RedsnowWinter

    SCP-RP (UK) - Staff Application - Cain_Morris14

    This clearly shows that Cain takes things too personally, and therefore, I don’t believe he can separate personal matters from non-personal ones in situations like sits. He has been repeatedly sending little dots and deleting them, causing me to receive constant notifications until he gets a...
  13. RedsnowWinter

    [UK] O5-1 "The Chimera"

    +Support -Professional -Experienced -Friendly -Patient